resistance of more than 300C or above,resin-based composite 压力≥320MPa超离压复合胶、大型客 material(including high-end sports products and light-weight high- 肌航空轮胎 strength parts of vehicle),special-function composite materials and 14.精密高件能陶瓷原料生产:碳化 their products(including composite material products used in deep 徒(SiC)超细粉体(纯度>99%,平 water or for diving and composite materials products for medical 均粒径<1um)、氨化催(Si3N4)超绷 treatment and recuperation),carbon or carbon composite materials. 粉体(纯度>99%,平均粒径< high-performance ceramic-based composite materials and their 1μm)、高纯超细氧化铝微粉(纯度> products,metal orglass-based composite materials and their products. 99.9%,平均粒径<0.5μm)、低温烧纳 metal-layered composite materials and their products,ultra high 氧化锴(ZO2)粉体(烧温度< pressure composile rubber hoses (pressure2320MPa),and large 1350℃)、高纯氮化铝(A1N)粉体(纯 passenger aircraft tires 度>99%,平均粒径<1μm)、金红石 14.Production of raw materials for precision and high-performance 型TO2粉体(纯度>98.5%)、白炭黑 ceramics:ultra-fine silicon carbide (SiC)powder (purity >99%,average (粒径<100nm)、钛酸钡(纯度> particle size <1um),ultra-fine silicon nitride powder(Si3N4)(purity> 99%,粒径<1μm) 99%,average paricle size<1um),high-purity ultra-fine alumina 15.高品质人工晶体及晶体薄膜捌品 powder (purity >99%,average particle size<0.5um),low-temperature 开发生产:高品质人工合成水品(压电 sintered zirconia(ZrO2)powder(sintering temperature <1350C). 晶体及透紫外光品体)、超硬晶体(立 high-purity aluminium nitride(AIN)powder(purity >99%,average 方氯化硼晶体),耐高温离绝缘人工合 particle size<1um),rutile titanium dioxide (TiO2)powder(purity> 成绝缘晶体(人工合成云母)、新型电 98.5%),white carbon black (particle size 100nm),and barium titanate 光晶体、大功率微光品体及大规格闪烁 (purity >99%,average particle size<1um) 晶体、金刚石膜工具、厚度0.3mm及以 15.Development and production of high-quality artificial crystals and 下超薄人造金刚石锯片 thin-film transistor products:artificially synthesized crystal(piezoelectric 16.非金属精细期工(超绷粉碎、 crystal and ultravidet ray transmitting crystal);super-hard crystal(cubic 高纯、帮制、改性) boron nitride crystal);high-temperature resistant and highly-insulated 17.超岛功率石则电极生产 artificially synthesized crystal(artificially synthesized mica);new 18.珠光云母生产(粒径3-150um) electro-optic crystal;high-power laser crystal and large-scale 19.多维多向整体编制织物及仿形织 scintillation crystal;diamond-film tool;ultrathin synthetic diamond saw 物生产 blade with a thickness of not more than 0.3mm 20.利用新型干法水泥密无害化处贸 16.Fine processing of nonmetallic minerals(ultra-fine grinding,high 固体废弃物 purifying,refining,and modified performance) 21.建筑垃圾再生利用 17.Production of ultra-high-power graphite electrodes 22.工业别产石膏综合利用 18.Production of pearl mica(particle size of 3-150um) 23.非金属矿山尾矿综合利用的新技 19.Production of multi-dimensional and muiti-directional integral 术开发和应用及矿山生态恢复 fabrics and shape fabrics (十五)有色金属治炼及压延加工 20.Safe disposal of solid wastes using new dry process cement kilns 业 21.Recycling of building waste 1.直径200mm以上硅单品及抛光片 22.Comprehensive utilization of industrial by-product gypsum 生产 23.Development and application of new technologies for the 2.高新技术有色金属材料生产:化 comprehensive utilzation of nonmetal mine tailings;ecological 合物半导体材料(砷化镓、磷化镓、磷 restoration of mines 化锢、氯化傢),高温超导材料,记忆 (XV)Nonferrous Metal Smelting and Rolling Industries 合金材料(钛镍、铜基及铁基记忆合金 1.Production of silicon single crystals and polished wafers with a 材料),超细(纳米)碳化钙及超细 diameter of 200mm or more (纳米)晶硬质合金,超硬复合材料, 2.Production of high-tech nonferrous materials:compound 贵金属复合材料,散热器用铝箔,中高 semiconductor materials (gallium arsenide,gallium phosphide,indium 压阴极电容铝箱,特种大型铝合金型 phosphide,and gallium nitride);high-temperature superconducting 材,铝合金精密模锻件,'电气化铁路架 materials;memory alloy materials(titanium nickel and copper-and 空:导线,超薄铜带,耐蚀热交换器铜合 iron-based memory alloy materials);ultra-fine(nano)calcium carbide 金材,高性能铜镍、铜铁合金带,皱铜 and ultra-fine(nano)crystal hard alloy;ultra-hard composite materials; 带、线、管:及棒加工材,耐高温抗衰鸨 precious metal composite materials;aluminum foils for radiators; 丝,镁合金铸件,无铅焊料,镁合金及
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