City University of Hong Kong,School of Law 2011-2012 Postgraduate Certificate in Laws(PCLL) Foundations in Mainland Related Legal Transactions [Statute Title Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment(2011 Revision)[ 行有效] 【法规标题】外商投资产业指导目录(2011年修订)[Effective] Promulgation date: 12-24-2011 发布日期: 2011-12-24 Effective date: 01-30-2012 生效日期: 2012-01-30 Ministry of Commerce,State Development and Reform 商务部,时家发服和改革委员 Department: Commission (incl.Former State Development 发布部门: 会(含原国家发展计划委贞 Planning Commission,former 会、原国家计划委贞会) Subject: Foreign Economy and Trade 类别: 对外经贸 Order of the National Development and Reform Commission and the 国家发展和改苹委员会、商分部令 Ministry of Commerce (第12号) (No.12) The Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment(2011 Amendment)as approved by the State Council is hereby issued and 《外商投资产业指导日录(2011年 shall come into force on January 30.2012;simultaneously,the 修订)》已经国务院批淮,现予以发 Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment(2007 ,白2012年1月3011起施行。2007华 Amendment)issued by the National Development and Reform 10打311闲家发展和改革委员会、商务 Commission and the Ministry of Commerce on October 31,2007 shall 部发布的《外商投资产业指学旦录 be repealed. (2007年修订)》同时废止, Zhang Ping,Director of the National Development and Reform 困家发展和改单委员会主任:张心 Commission 商务部部长:陈德铭 Chen Deming,Minister of Commerce 0……年:小月叫1 December 24,2011 Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment(2011 Revision) 外商投资产业指守目录(2011年袋i订) Catalogue of Encouraged Industries for Foreign Investment 鼓鳞外商投资产业山求 1.Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery 一、农、林、牧、渔业 1.Planting,development and production of woody plants that contain 1.木术食用油料、湖料和工业原料 edible oils or are used as seasonings or industrial raw materials 的种植及开发、生产 2.Development of planting technologies for green food vegetables or 2.绿色、有机蔬菜(含食用菌、西 organic vegetables (including edible fungi and melons),dried and fresh 瓜)、干鲜果品、茶叶栽培技术开发 fruit,and tea,and relevant production 及产品生产 3.Development of new planting technologies for crops,such as sugar 3.糖料、果树、牧草等农作物栽培 crops,fruit trees and pasture,and relevant production 新技术开发及产品生产 4.Production of flowers and construction and operation of nurseries 4.花卉生产与苗基地的建设、织 5.Planting of rubber trees,oil palm,sisal and coffee 营 6.Planting or breeding of Chinese medicinal materials(limited to 5.橡胶、汕棕、剑麻、啡种梳 Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) 6.中药材种植、养殖(限于合资、 7.Returning crop straw to farmland and the comprehensive utilization 合作) of crop straw;development and production of organic fertilizer 7.农作物秸秆还及综合利用、有 resources 机肥斜资源的开发生产 8.Planting of trees(bamboos)and cultivation of improved varieties; 8.林木(竹)营造及良种培育、多 cultivation of new varieties of polyploid trees 倍体树木新品种培育 9.Breeding of aquatic fingerlings (excluding China's rare and endemic 9.水产苗种繁育(不金我国特有的 species) 珍贵优良品种) 10.Construction and operation of environment protection projects, 10,防治荒漠化及水士流失的机树种 -1-
such as the planting of trees and grass to combat desertification and 草等生态环境保护工程建设、絲皆 soil erosion 11.水产品养殖、深水网箱养殖、工 11.Aqua farming,open sea-cage aquaculture,industrial aquaculture. 丿化水产养殖、生态型海洋增养殖 and ecological mariculture 1I.Mining Industry 、采业 1.Exploration and exploitation of coal-bed gas and utilization of mine 1.煤层气期探、开发和矿井瓦斯利 gas (limited to Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) 用(限于合资、合作) 2.Risk exploration and exploitation of oil and natural gas (limited to 2.石油、天然气的风险拗探、开发 Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) (限于合资、合作) 3.Exploitation of low permeability oil or gas reservoirs(fields)(limited 3.低渗透油气藏(川)的开发(限 to Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) 于合资、合作) 4.Development and application of enhanced oil recovery and relevant 4.提高原油采收率及湘关新技术的 new technologies (limited to Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint 开发应用(限于合资、合作) ventures) 5.物探、钻井、测井、录井、井下 5.Development and application of new technologies for oil exploration 作业等石油勘探开发新技术的开发与应 and exploitation in areas such as geophysical prospecting,drilling.well 用(限于合资、合作) logging,mud logging,and down-hole operation(limited to Chinese- 6.油页岩、油砂、重汕、超重油等 foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) 非常规石油资源勘探、开发(限于合 6.Exploration and exploitation of unconventional oil resources,such as 资、合作) oil shale,oil sand,heavy crude oil,and extra-heavy crude oil (limited to 7.铁矿、镭矿勘标、开采及选矿广 Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) 8.提高矿山尾矿利用率的新技术开 7.Exploration,exploitation and ore dressing of iron and manganese 发和应用及矿山生态恢复技术的综金应 minerals 各 8.Development and application of new technologies for enhancing 9.页岩气、海底天然气水合物等非 utilization rate of mine tailings and the comprehensive application of 常规天然气资源勘探、开发(限于合 ecological restoration technology in mining areas 资、合作) 9.Exploration and exploitation of unconventional natural gas resources,such as shale gas and marine gas hydrate(limited to Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) III.Manufacturing Industries 三、制造业 (I)Agricultural and Sideline Food Processing (一)农剧食品加工业 1.Development and production of bio-feedstuff,stalk feed and aquatic 1.生物饲料、秸秆饲料、水产饲料 feed 的开发、生产 2.Aquatic product processing,shellfish purification and processing, 2.水产品加工、贝类净化及加工、 and development of algal health food 海藻保健食品开发 3.Processing of vegetables,dried and fresh fruit,and livestock and 3.蔬菜、干鲜果品、腐窗产品加工 poultry products (二)食品制造业 (II)Food Manufacturing 1.婴儿、老年食品及保健食品的开 1.Development and production of baby food,food for the elderly,and 发、生产 health food 2.森林食品的开发、生产 2.Development and production of forest foods 3.天然食品添加剂、食品配料生产 3.Production of natural food additives and food ingredients (三)饮料制造业 (II)Beverage Manufacturing 1.果蔬饮料、蛋白饮料、茶饮料、 1.Development and production of fruit and vegetable drinks,protein 咖啡饮料、植物饮料的开发、生产 drinks,tea drinks,coffee drinks,and botanical drinks (四)烟草制品业 (IV)Tobacco Industry 1.二醋酸纤维素及丝柬相工(限于 1.Processing of cellulose diacetate and tow(limited to Chinese-foreign 合资、合作) equity or contractual joint ventures) (五)纺织业 (V)Textile Industry 1.采用非织造、机织、针织及其复 1.Production of multifunctional industrial textiles that are lightweight, 合工艺技术的轻质、高强、耐高/低温、 2
high/low-temperature resistant and chemical-resistant,with high- 耐化学物质、时光等多功能化的产业川 performance and good light fastness,using non-woven,weaving, 纺织品生产 knitting or their composite techniques 2.采用先进节能减擦技术和装备的 2.Weaving,dyeing,finishing and processing of high-end textiles,using 高档织物而料的织染及后整理工 advanced energy conservation and emission reduction technologies 3.符合生态、资源综合剂用与环保 and equipment 要求的特种天然纤维(包括山羊绒等特 3.Processing of special natural fibers (including but not limited to 种动物纤维、麻纤维、蚕丝、彩色都花 cashmere and other special animal fibers,bast and leaf fibers,silk,and 等)产品加工 colored cotton)that satisfy the ecological,comprehensive resource 4.采用计算机集成制造系统的服毅 utilization and environmental protection requirements 生产 4.Clothing production,using the computer integrated manufacturing 5.功能性、绿色环保及特种服装生 system 产 5.Production of functional,ecological,or special-purpose clothing 6.高档地毯、刺绣、抽纱产品生产 6.Production of high-end carpets,embroidery and drawnwork products (六)皮革、皮老、羽毛(絨)及 (VI)Leathers,Furs,Feathers(Down)and Related Products 其制品业 1.Cleaning and processing of hides and furs 1,皮革和毛皮滑洁化技术工 2.Finishing of leather with new techniques 2.皮苑后整饰渐技术加工 3.Processing of high-grade leather 3.高档皮革加工 4.Multipurpose use of leather wastes 4.皮革废弃物综合利用 (VIl)Wood Processing and Wood,Bamboo,Rattan,Palm fiber and (七)木材相工及木、竹、藤、 Straw Products 棕、草制品业 1.Development of new technologies for the comprehensive utilization 1.林业三剩物,“次、小、新"材和竹 of three forest residues (logging residue,bucking residual and 材的综合利用新技术、新产品开发与生 processing residual),"inferior quality lumbers,small-sized lumbers and firewood,"and bamboo,and the development and production of (八)造纸及纸捌品业 relevant new products 1.主要利用境外木材资源的单条生 (VIll)Papermakingand Paper Products. 产线产30万吨及以上规模化学木浆和 1.Single production line for chemical wood pulp with an annual 单条生产线年产10万吨及以上规模化学 production capacity of 300,000 tons or more or single production line 机械木浆以及同步建设的高档纸及纸板 for chemi-mechanical wood pulp with an annual production capacity of 生产(限于合资、合作) 100,000 tons or more,mainly using overseas timber resources,and the (九)石油1工、炼焦及核燃料加 production lines for high-grade paper or paperboard built 工业 simultaneously (limited to Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint 1.针状焦、煤焦油深加工 ventures) (十)化学原料及化学制品制造业 (IX)Petroleum Processing,Coking and Nuclear Fuel Processing 1.钠法源粉精、聚氯乙烯和有机随 1.Deep processing of needle coke and coal tar 新型下游产品开发与生产 (X)Manufacturing of Chemical Raw Materials and Chemical Products 2,合成材料的配套原料:过氧化氢 1.Development and production of new downstream products of 氧化丙烯法环氧丙烷、甘油法环氧氯丙 calcium hypochlorile(sodium process),polyvinyl chloride(PVC)and 烷、萘二甲酸二甲(NDC)、1,4-环 organosificon 乙烷二甲醇霜(CHDM)生产 2.Auxiliary raw malerials for the production of synthetic materials: 3.合成纤维原料:己内酰胺、尼龙 production of hydrogen peroxide-based propylene oxide,epoxy 66盐、熔纺氮纶树脂、1,3-丙二醇生产 chloropropane using glycerol method,naphthalene dicarboxylate 4.合成橡胶:溶液丁苯橡胶(不包 (NDC),1,4-Cyclohexanedimethanol (CHDM) 括热塑性丁苯橡胶)、离顺式丁二烯橡 3.Raw materials for the production of synthetic fibers:production of 胶、丁基橡胶、异我橡胶、聚氨脂橡 caprolactam,nylon66 salt,melt-spinning spandex resins,and 1,3- 胶、丙矫酸酯橡胶、氯醇橡胶、乙丙橡 propylene glycol 胶,以及氛橡胶、硅橡胶等特种橡胶生 4.Synthetic rubber production of solution styrene-butadiene rubber (excluding thermoplastic styrene-butadiene rubber),high cis butadiene 5.了程塑料及塑料合金:6万吨/年 rubber,butyl rubber,isoamyl rubber,polyurethane rubber,acrylate 及以上菲光气法聚碳酸溺(PC)、聚甲 rubber,epichlorohydrin rubber,ethylene propylene rubber(EPR), 醛(POM)、聚醉胺(尼龙6、尼龙 -3
fluorine rubber,silicon rubber,and other special rubbers 66、尼龙11和尼龙12)、聚乙烯醋酸乙 5.Engineering plastics and plastic alloys:production of non-phosgene 烯酯(EVA)、聚硫隧、聚酷醚酮、 polycarbonate(PC),polyoxymethylene(POM),polyamides (nyton 6, 聚亚胺、聚砜、聚飘、聚芳酯 nylon 66,nylon 11 and nylon 12),polyethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) (PAR)、液晶聚合物等产品生产 polyphenyl thioether,poly(ether-ether-ketone)(PEEK),polyimide, 6.精化工:催化剂新产品、新技 polysulfone,polyether sulfone,polyarylate(PAR).liquid crystal polymer 术,染(颜)料商品化加工技术,电子 (LCP),etc.with an annual production capacity of 60,000 tons or more 化学品和造纸化学品,食品添加剂、饲 6.Fine chemicals:new catalyst products and technologies,processing 料添加剂,皮革化学品(N-N二甲基甲職 technologies for the commercialization of dyes(pigments),electronic 胺除外),油田助剂,表面活性剂,水 chemicals and papermaking chemicals,food and feed additives. 处理剂,胶粘剂,无机纤维、无机纳米 leather chemicals (excluding N,N-Dimethylformamide),oilfield 材料生产,颜料包膜处理深加工 chemicals,surfactants,water treatment chemicals,adhesives 7.环保型印刷油墨、环保型芳烃油 production of inorganic fibers and nanomaterials,and deep processing 生产 of pigment encapsulation 8.天然香料、合成香料、单离香料 7.Production of environment-friendly printing inks and aromatic oils 生产 8.Production of natural spices,synthetic spices and single ion spices 9.高性能涂料、水排汽车涂斜及配 9.Production of high-performance coatings,water-based automotive 套水性树脂生产 coatings,and auxiliary water-based resins 10.氟氯烃替代物生产 10.Production of substitutes for chlorofluorocarbons 11.高性能瓴树脂、氟膜材料,医用 11.Production of high-performance fluororesin and fluorine coating 含氟中间体,环境友好型制冷剂和清洁 materials,medical intermediates containing fluorine,and environment- 剂生产 friendly refrigerant and detergent 12.从磷化工、铝治炼中回收氟资源 12.Recovery of fluoride resources from the phosphorus chemical 生产 industry and aluminum smelters 13.林业化学产品新技术、新产品开 13.Development of new technologies for forestry chemical products 发与生产 and development and production of relevant new products 14.环保用无机、有机和生物膜开发 14.Development and production of inorganic,organic and biological 与生产 membranes for environmental protection purposes 15.新型肥料开发与生产:生物那 15.Development and production of new types of fertilizers:bio- 料、高浓度钾肥、复合肥料、缓释可控 fertilizers,high potassium fertilizers,compound fertilizers, 把料、复合型微生物接种剂、复合薇生 slow/controlled release fertilizers,compound microbial inoculants, 物肥料、秸杆及垃圾腐熟剂、特殊功能 compound microbial fertilizers,decomposition agents for straws and 微生物制剂 refuse,and other microbial formulations with special functions 16.高效、安全、环境友好的农药新 16.Development and production of new varieties,new formulations, 品种、新剂型、专用中闻体、助剂的开 special-purpose intermediates,or auxiliary agents of highly efficient, 发与生产,以及相关清洁生产工艺的开 safe and environment-friendly agricultural chemicals and development 发和应用(甲叉法乙草胺、胺氰法百草 and application of relevant clean production process(process of 枯、水相法凝死蜱工艺、草甘膦回收氯 ethylene-based acetochlor,paraquat(ammoniacal-cyanide process)or 甲烷工艺、定向合成法手性和立体结构 aqueous phase chlorpyrifos,process of recovery of methyl chloride 农药生产、乙基氯化物合成技术) with glyphosate,production of chiral and stereospecific pesticides by 17.生物农药及生物防治产品开发与 oriented synthesis,and synthetic technique of diethyl thiophosphoryl 生产:微生物杀虫剂、微生物杀葫剂、 chloride) 农用抗生素、昆虫信息素、天澉昆虫、 17.Development and production of biological agricultural chemicals 微生物除草剂 and biological control products:microbial pesticides,microbial 18.废气、废液、废渣综合利用和处 fungicides,agricultural antibiotics,insect pheromones,natural 理、处管 enemies,and microbial herbicides 19.有机高分子材料生产:飞机蒙皮 18.Comprehensive utilization,treatment and disposal of waste gas, 涂料、稀土疏化铺红色染料、无铅化电 liquid waste,and waste residue 子封装材料、彩色等离子体显示屏专用 19.Production of organic polymer materials:aircraft skin coating,rare 系列光刻浆料、小直径大比表面积超细 earth cerium sulphide red dyes,lead-free electronic packaging 纤维、高精度燃油滤纸、锂离子电池隔 materials,lithographic slurry specifically for color plasma screens. 膜 -4✉
microfibers with a small diameter and a large specific surface area, (十一)医药制通业 high-precision fuel filter paper,and lithium-ion battery diaphragms 1.新塑化合物药物或活牲成份药物 (XI)Pharmaceutical Industry 的生产(包括原料药和制剂) 1.Production of new compound drugs or drugs with active ingredients 2.氨括酸类:发酵法生产色氨胶、 (including drug substance and formulations) 组氨酸、饲料用蛋氨酸等生产 2.Amino acids:production of tryptophan,histidine,methionine used in 3.新型抗密药物、新型心脑血管药 feed,etc.using the zymotechnics process 及新型神经系统用药生产 3.Production of new types of anticarcinogenic drugs,cardiovascular 4.采月生物工程按术的新型药物生 and cerebrovascular drugs,and nervous system drugs 产 4.Production of new types of drugs employing bioengineering and 5.艾滋病疫苗、丙肝疫苗、避孕疫 biotechnology 苗及宫颈搞、疟疾、手足口痴等渐型疫 5.Production of HIV/AIDS vaccines,Hepatitis C vaccines, 苗生产 contraceptive vaccines,and new types of vaccines for cervical 6.生物疫苗生产 carcinoma,malaria,"hand,foot and mouth"disease.etc. 7.海洋药物开发与生产 6.Production of biovaccines 8.药品制剂:采用缓释、控释、靶 7.Development and production of marine drugs 向、透皮吸收等新技术的新剂型、新产 8.Pharmaceutical formulations:production of new formulations and 品生产 new products employing new technologies,such as slow release, 9.新型药用铺料的开发及生 controlled release,fargeting.and percutaneous absorption 10.动物专用抗茵原料药生产(包括 9.Development and production of new excipients 抗生紫、化学合成类) 10.Production of special antibacterial drug substance for animals 11.兽用抗菌药、驱虫药、杀虫药、 (including antibiotics and chemical synthesis APl) 抗球虫药新产品及新剂型生产 11.Production of new products and new formulations of antibacterial 12.新型诊断试剂的生产 drugs,anthelmintics,insecticides and anti-coccidiosis drugs for (十二)化学纤维制造业 veterinary use 1,差别化化学纤维及芳纶、碳纤 12.Production of new types of diagnostic reagents 维、高强高模聚乙稀、聚苯硫醚 (XIl)Chemical Fiber Manufacturing (PPS)等腐新技术化纤(粘胶纤维除 1.Production of high-tech chemical fibers(excluding viscose fibers). 外)生产 including but not limited to differential chemical fibers,aramid fibers, 2.纤维及非纤维用新型聚橢生产: carbon fibers,high-performance/high modulus polyethylene fibers,and 聚对苯二甲酸丙二醇醋(PTT)、聚葵二 polyphenylene sulfide(PPS)fibers 酸乙二醇酯(PEN)、聚对苯甲脸环 2.Production of new types of polyester for fiber or non-fiber use: 己烷二甲醇醋(PCT)、二元萨改性聚 polytrimethylene terephthalate(PPT),polyethylene naphthalate(PEN), 对米二甲酸乙二醇(PETG) polycyclohexylene dimethylene terephthalate(PCT),and glycol- 3.利用新型可再生资源和绿色环保 modified polyethylene terephthalate (PETG) 工艺生产生物质纤维,包括新溶剂法纤 3.Production of biomass fibers by utilizing new types of renewable 维紫纤维(Lyocell)、以竹、陈等为原 resources and environment-friendly process,including but not limited to 料的再生纤维紫纤维、聚乳酸纤维 new solvent spun cellulose fibers (Lyocell),regenerated cellulose fibers (PLA)、甲壳素纤维、聚羟基脂肪酸酯 using bamboo,hemp,etc.,poly lactic acid(PLA)fibers,chitin fiber, 纤维(PHA)、动植物蛋白纤维等 polyhydroxyalkanoates(PHA)fibers,and animal and plant protein 4,单线生产能力日产150吨及以上聚 fibers. 酰胺生产 4.Production of polyamide with a single-line daily production capacity 5:子年胎用芳纶纤维及帘线生产 of 150 tons or more (十三)塑料制品业 5.Production of aramid fibers and cords for radial tires 1.新型光生态多功能宽幅农用薄膜 (XIll)Plastic Products 开发与生产 1.Development and production of new photoecological,multifunctional 2.废旧塑料的消解和再利用 and wide-width agricultural films 3.塑料软包装新技术、新产品(高 2.Decomposition and reutilization of plastic waste 阻隔、多功能膜及原料)开发与生产 3.Development of new soft plastic packaging technologies and (十四)非金属矿物制品业 development and production of new varieties of soft plastic packaging 1.节能、环保、利废、轻质高强、 products(including high-barrier and muitifunctional films and relevant 高性能、多功能建筑材料开发生产 -5-
raw materials) 2.以塑代倒、以塑代木、节能高效 (XIV)Nonmetallic Mineral Products 的化学建材品生产 1.Development and production of building materials featuring energy 3.年产1000万平方米及以上弹性 conservation.environmental protection,waste recycling,light-weight, 体、塑性体改性沥沓防水卷材,宽潮(2 high-strength,high performance,and multiple functions 米以上)三元乙肉橡胶防水卷材及配套 2.Production of energy-saving and high-efficiency chemical building 材料,究幅(2米以上)聚氯乙烯防水卷 materials using plastic to replace steel or wood 材,热塑性聚烯烃(TP0)防冰卷材生 3.Production of SBS/APP modified bitumen waterproof rolls with an 产 annual output of 10 million square meters or more;wide (two meters or 4.新技术功能玻璃开发生产:屏藏 more)ethylene propylene diene monomer(EPDM)rubber waterproof 电磁波玻璃、微电子用玻璃基板、透红 rolls and relevant auxiliary materials;wide(two meters or.more) 外线无铅玻璃、电子级大规格石英玻璃 polyvinyl chloride(PVC)waterproof rolls;and thermoplastic polyolefin 制品(管、板、坩埚、仪器器皿等)、 (TPO)waterproof rolls 光学性能优异多功能风挡玻璃、信息技 4.Development and production of functional glass using new 术用极端材料及制品(包括波导级高精 technologies:electromagnetic wave shielding glass;glass substrate for 密光纤预制棒石行英玻璃套管和陶瓷恭 microelectronic use;infrared transmitting lead-free glass;electronic- 板)、高纯(≥99.998%)超纯 grade large-scale quartz glass products (such as pipe,plate,copple, (299.999%)水晶原料提纯加.工 instruments,and ulensils);multiple-functional windshield glass with 5.尊膜电池导电玻璃、太阳能集光 excellent optical performance;extreme materials and products for use 镜玻璃生产 in information technologies (including quartz glass bushing and 6.玻璃纤维制品及特种玻璃纤维生 ceramic wafer for waveguide-grade,high-precise optical fiber preform 严:低介电玻璃纤维、石英玻璃纤维、 rod);purification processing of raw materials for high pure(299.998%) 高硅氧玻璃纤维、离强高弹玻璃纤维、 or ultrapure (299.999%)crystal 胸瓷纤维等及其制品 5.Production of conductive glass for thin film batteries and glass for 7,光学纤维及制品生产:传像束及 solar illuminator 激光医疗光纤、超二代和三代做通道 6.Production of glass fiber products and special glass fibers:low 板、光学纤维面板、倒像器及玻璃光锥 dielectric glass fibers,quartz glass fibers,high silica glass fibers,high 8.陶瓷原料的标准化精制、陶瓷用 strength and high elastic glass fibers,ceramic fiber,etc.and their 高档装饰材料生产 products 9.水泥、电子玻璃、陶瓷、微孔炭 7.Production of oplical fibers and their products:optical fiber bundles 砖等窑护用环保〈无铬化)耐火材料生 for image transmission and laser optical fibers for medical treatment; super second-generation and third-generation microchannel plates; ·10.氮化铝(AIN)陶瓷基片、多孔 optical fiber panels;image inverters;and glass fiber cones 陶瓷生产 8.Standardized refnement of ceramics raw materials and production 11.无机非金属新材料及制品生产: of high-grade decorative materials used in ceramics 复合材料、特种陶瓷、特种密封材料 9.Production of environment-friendly (non-chromizing)refractory (含高速油封材料)、特种摩擦材料 materials used in furnaces,including but not limited to cement, (含商速摩擦制动制品)、特种胶凝材 electronic glass,ceramics,and microporous carbon bricks 料、特种乳胶材料、水声橡胶制品、纳 10.Production of aluminum nitride(AIN)ceramic substrates and 米材料 porous ceramics 12.有机-无机复合泡沫保福材料生 11.Production of new inorganic and nonmetallic materials and 产 products:composite materials,special ceramics;special sealing 3.高技术复合材料生产:连续纤维 materials (including high-speed oil-seal materials),special friction 增强热塑性复合材料和预浸料、耐温> materials(including high-speed friction brake products),special binding 300℃树脂基复合材料成型用工艺辅助材 materials,special latex materials,underwater acoustic rubber products, 料、树脂基复合材料(包括高档体育用 and nanophase materials 品、轻质高强交通工具部件)、特种功 12.Production of organic-inorganic composite cellular insulation 能复合材料及制品(包括深水及潜水复 materials 合材料制品、医用及康复用复合材料制 13.Production of high-tech composite materials:continuous fiber 品)、碳碳复合材料、高性能陶瓷基复 reinforced thermoplastic composite materials and prepregs,auxiliary 合材料及制品、金属基和玻璃基复合材 materials for molding of resin-based composite materials with thermal 料及制品、金属层状复合材料及制品、 -6-
resistance of more than 300C or above,resin-based composite 压力≥320MPa超离压复合胶、大型客 material(including high-end sports products and light-weight high- 肌航空轮胎 strength parts of vehicle),special-function composite materials and 14.精密高件能陶瓷原料生产:碳化 their products(including composite material products used in deep 徒(SiC)超细粉体(纯度>99%,平 water or for diving and composite materials products for medical 均粒径99%,平均粒径 products,metal orglass-based composite materials and their products. 99.9%,平均粒径99%,平均粒径98.5%)、白炭黑 ceramics:ultra-fine silicon carbide (SiC)powder (purity >99%,average (粒径 particle size 99%,粒径99%,average particle size99%,average 方氯化硼晶体),耐高温离绝缘人工合 particle size 成绝缘晶体(人工合成云母)、新型电 98.5%),white carbon black (particle size 100nm),and barium titanate 光晶体、大功率微光品体及大规格闪烁 (purity >99%,average particle size<1um) 晶体、金刚石膜工具、厚度0.3mm及以 15.Development and production of high-quality artificial crystals and 下超薄人造金刚石锯片 thin-film transistor products:artificially synthesized crystal(piezoelectric 16.非金属精细期工(超绷粉碎、 crystal and ultravidet ray transmitting crystal);super-hard crystal(cubic 高纯、帮制、改性) boron nitride crystal);high-temperature resistant and highly-insulated 17.超岛功率石则电极生产 artificially synthesized crystal(artificially synthesized mica);new 18.珠光云母生产(粒径3-150um) electro-optic crystal;high-power laser crystal and large-scale 19.多维多向整体编制织物及仿形织 scintillation crystal;diamond-film tool;ultrathin synthetic diamond saw 物生产 blade with a thickness of not more than 0.3mm 20.利用新型干法水泥密无害化处贸 16.Fine processing of nonmetallic minerals(ultra-fine grinding,high 固体废弃物 purifying,refining,and modified performance) 21.建筑垃圾再生利用 17.Production of ultra-high-power graphite electrodes 22.工业别产石膏综合利用 18.Production of pearl mica(particle size of 3-150um) 23.非金属矿山尾矿综合利用的新技 19.Production of multi-dimensional and muiti-directional integral 术开发和应用及矿山生态恢复 fabrics and shape fabrics (十五)有色金属治炼及压延加工 20.Safe disposal of solid wastes using new dry process cement kilns 业 21.Recycling of building waste 1.直径200mm以上硅单品及抛光片 22.Comprehensive utilization of industrial by-product gypsum 生产 23.Development and application of new technologies for the 2.高新技术有色金属材料生产:化 comprehensive utilzation of nonmetal mine tailings;ecological 合物半导体材料(砷化镓、磷化镓、磷 restoration of mines 化锢、氯化傢),高温超导材料,记忆 (XV)Nonferrous Metal Smelting and Rolling Industries 合金材料(钛镍、铜基及铁基记忆合金 1.Production of silicon single crystals and polished wafers with a 材料),超细(纳米)碳化钙及超细 diameter of 200mm or more (纳米)晶硬质合金,超硬复合材料, 2.Production of high-tech nonferrous materials:compound 贵金属复合材料,散热器用铝箔,中高 semiconductor materials (gallium arsenide,gallium phosphide,indium 压阴极电容铝箱,特种大型铝合金型 phosphide,and gallium nitride);high-temperature superconducting 材,铝合金精密模锻件,'电气化铁路架 materials;memory alloy materials(titanium nickel and copper-and 空:导线,超薄铜带,耐蚀热交换器铜合 iron-based memory alloy materials);ultra-fine(nano)calcium carbide 金材,高性能铜镍、铜铁合金带,皱铜 and ultra-fine(nano)crystal hard alloy;ultra-hard composite materials; 带、线、管:及棒加工材,耐高温抗衰鸨 precious metal composite materials;aluminum foils for radiators; 丝,镁合金铸件,无铅焊料,镁合金及
medium-and high-voltage cathode capacitor aluminum foils;special 其应用产品,泡浓铝,钛合金带材收钛 large aluminum alloy sections;aluminum alloy precision forging dies; 焊接管,原子能级海绵继,鹤及制深 overhead conductors for electrified railway lines;ultra-thin copper 工产品 strips;copper alloy materials for corrosion-resistant heat exchangers; (六)金属制品业 high-performance copper-nickel and copper-iron alloy strips;materials 1.航空、航天、汽车、際托车轻量 for processing beryllium copper strips,lines,pipes and rods;high- 化及环保型新材料研发与制造(专用铝 temperature resistant and anti-senescence tungsten filaments: 板、铝债合金材料、摩托车铝合金车架 magnesium alloy castings;lead-free solder;magnesium alloys and 等) their products;foamed aluminum;titanium alloy strips and titanium 2.建筑五金件、水暖器材及其五金 welded pipes;sponge zirconium at atomic energy level;and deeply 件开发、生产 processed tungsten and molybdenum products 3.用于包装各类粮汕食品、果蔬、 (XVI)Metal Products 饮料、日化产品等内容物的金属包装制 1.Research,development and manufacturing of new types of light- 品(厚度0.3惩米以下)的制造及加工 weight and environment-friendly materials for aviation,aerospace, (包括捌品的内外壁印涂加工) automobiles and motorcycles (including but not limited to special- 4.节镍不锈钢制品的制造 purpose aluminum sheets,aluminum-magnesium alloy materials,and (十七)通用设备制造业 aluminum alloy motorcycle frames) 1.高档数控机床及关键零部件博造: 2.Development and production of construction hardware and hot-water 五轴联动数控机床、数控坐标镗统加工: heating equipment and hardware 中心、数控坐标磨床、五轴联动数控系 3.Manufacturing and processing (including painting and processing 统及伺服装置、精密数控加工用高速超 inner and outer surface of products)of metal packing products 硬刀具 (thickness 0.3mm)used for packing various kinds of grain,oil,food, 2.1000吨及以.上多工位獭镀成壁机 vegetables,fruits,beverages,and household chemicals 制造 4.Manufacturing of nickel-saving stainless steel products 3.报废汽车拆解、破碎及后处理分 (XVII)General Equipment Manufacturing 选设备制造 1.Manufacturing of high-end computerized numerical controlled(CNC) 4.FTL柔性生产线制造 machine tools and key spare parts:five-axis alignment CNC machine 5.垂直多关节工业机器人、焊接机 tools,CNC coordinate boring and milling processing center,CNC 器人及其焊接鏨置设备制造 coordinate grinding machines,five-axis alignment CNC system and 6.特种加工机械制造:激光切器和 servomechanism installations,and high-speed ultra-hard cutting tools 拼焊成套设备、激光精密加工设备、数 used for precision CNC processing 控低速走丝电火花线捌脚机、亚微米级 2.Manufacturing of multi-station forging forming machines of 1,000 超细粉碎机 tons or above 7.400吨及以上轮式、履带式起蕉机 3.Manufacturing of equipment for dismantling,crushing,and post- 械制造(限于合资、合作) processing and sorting of retired automobiles 8.工作压力235MPa高压柱塞泵及马 4.Manufacturing of flexible transfer lines(FTL) 达、工作压力≥35MPa低速大扭矩马达的 5.Manufacturing of vertical multi-joint industrial robots and welding 设计与制造 robots and relevant welding devices and equipment 9.工作压力225MPa的整休式液压多 6.Manufacturing of special processing machines:complete sets of 路阀,电液比例同服元件制造 equipment for laser cutting and welding,laser precision processing 10.阀岛、功率0.35W以下气动电磁 equipment,CNC low-speed wire-cut electrical discharge machines(LS- 阀、200Hz以上高频电控气阀设计与制造 WEDMs),and sub-micron and ultra-fine grinders 11.静液压驱动装置设计与制造 7.Manufacturing of wheeled or crawler cranes of 400 tons or above 12.压力10MPa以上非接触式气膜密 (limited to Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) 封、压力10MPa以上干气密封(包括实 8.Design and manufacturing of high-pressure plunger pumps and 验装置)·的开发与搁造 engines with working pressure 35MPa and low-speed large-torque 13.汽车用高分子材料(膝擦片、改 engines with working pressure 2 35MPa 型酚醛活塞、非金属液压总分泵等)设 9.Manufacturing of integrated hydraulic-pressure multiple unit valve 备开发与制婚 with working pressure 225MPa and electro-hydraulic proportional 14.第三、四代轿车轮發轴承(轴承 servo elements 内、外圈带法兰盘和传感器的轮皱轴承 10.Design and manufacturing of valve terminal,pneumatic solenoid 功能部件),高中档数控机床和加工中 8
valve of less than0.35W,and high-frequency electrically-controlled gas 心轴承(抓工中心具有三轴以:联动功 valves of 200Hz or more 能、定位重复精度为3-4μm),高速线 11.Design and manufacturing of hydrostatic drive devices 材、板材轧机辅承(单途线材轧机轧速 12.Development and manufacturing of non-contact gas film seals with 120ms及以上、湾板轧机加1工板厚度 pressure >10MPa and dry gas seals with pressure 10MPa(including 2mm及以上的支承和工作辊轴永),高 experimental devices) 速铁路轴承(行驶速度大于200kmh), 13.Development and manufacturing of equipment for automobile 振动值Z4以下低躁音轴承(Z4、Z4P、 polymer materials(friction plates,remodeled phenolic pistons, V4、V4P噪音级),各类轴承的P4、P2 nonmetallic hydraulic master/sub-pumps,etc.) 缀轴承,风力发电机组轴承(2兆瓦以上 14.Manufacturing of the third-and fourth-generation car wheel hub 风力发电机组主轴轴承、增速器轴承、 bearings(functional components of wheel hub bearings with flanges 发电机轴承等),航空轴承(航空发动 and sensors inside or outside):bearings for high-or medium-grade 机主轴轴承、起落架轴承、传动系统轴 CNC machine tools or processing centers (provided that the 承、操纵系统辅承等)制造 processing centers have more than three axis alignment function and 5.高密度、高精度、形状复杂的粉 3-4um repeated positioning precision);high-speed wire rod or plate 末冶金零件及汽车、工程机械等用链条· rolling mill bearings(support bearings and work roll bearings for single- 的制造 line wire rod mills with a speed of 120m/s or more or for thin-plate 16.风电、高速列车用齿轮变速器, rolling mill processing plates with a thickness of 2mm or more);high- 船用可变浆齿轮传动系统,大型、重载 speed railway bearings(with a speed of more than 200km/h);low-noise 齿轮箱的制造 bearings with vibration below Z4 (noise level:Z4,Z4P,V4,or V4P);P4 17.耐高温绝缘材料(绝缘等级为 or P2 level bearings of various bearings;bearings of wind turbine F、H级)及绝缘成型件制造 generator set(mainshaft bearing,speed increaser bearing,dynamo 18.蓄能器胶藏、液压气动用橡塑游 bearing,etc.of a wind turbine generator set of 2 megawatts or more): 封件开发与制造 aircraft bearings(mainshaft bearing of aircraft engine,landing chassis 19.高精度、高强度(12.9级以 bearing,transmission agent bearing.control loop bearing,etc.) 上)、异形、组合类紧同件捌造 15.Manufacturing of high-density,high-precision and complex-shaped ,20微型褙密传动联结件(离合器) powder metallugical parts and chains used for automobile,engineering 制造 machinery,etc. 21.大型轧机连接轴制造 16.Manufacturing of gear transmission used for wind power or high 22.机床、工程机械、铁路机车装备 speed rail,gear transmission agent with adjustable blades used for 等机城设备再制造及汽车零部件再制渣 vessels,and large-sized and heavy-load gear boxes (十八)专用设备制造业 17.Manufacturing of high-temperature resistant insulation materials(F 1,矿山无轨采、装、运设备制避: and H insulation classes)and moulded insulation products 200吨及以上机械传动矿用自卸车,移动 18.Development and manufacturing of accumulator bladders and 式破碎机,5000立方米/小时及以上斗 rubber and plastic seals for hydropneumatic use 轮挖掘机,8立方米及以上矿用装载机, 19.Manufacturing of high-precision,high-strength(level 12.9 or 2500千瓦以上电牵引采煤机设备等 above),special-shaped and assembly fasteners 2.物探、测井设备制造:MEME地 20.Manufacturing of miniature precision transmission junction pieces 震检波器,数字遥测地篾仪,数字成 (clutches) 像、数控测井系统,水平井、定向井、 21.Manufacturing of coupling shaft for heavy rolling mills 钻机装蠶及器具,MWD随钻测并仪 22.Remanufacturing of machinery such as machine tools,engineering 3.石油勘探、钻井、集输设备铜 machinery and railroad engine equipment and remanufacturing of 造:工作水深大于1500米的浮式钻井系 automobile parts and components 统和浮式生产系统及配套海底采油、.集 (XVIIl)Special-Purpose Equipment Manufacturing 输设备 1.Manufacturing of trackless equipment for excavation,loading and 4.口径2米以上深度30米以上大口径 transport in mines,including but not limited to:mechanically-driven 旋挖钻机、·直径1.2米以上顶管机、回拖 tippers for mining with a capacity of 200 tons or more;mobile crushers; 力300盹以上大型非开挖铺设地下管线成 bucket wheel excavators with a capacity of 5,000 cubic meters or more 套设备、地下连续墙施工钻机制造 per hour;loaders for mining with a capacity of 8 cubic meters or more; 5.520马力及以上大型推土机设计与 and electrically-dragged coal mining machines of 2,500 kilowatt or 制造 more 6.100立方米小时及以上规格的清 -9-
2.Manufacturing of equipment for geophysical exploration and well 淤机、1000肫及以」:挖泥船的挖泥装置 logging:MEME seismometers;digital telemetric seismographs;digital 设计与制造 imaging systems and digitally controlled well logging systems;devices 7.防汛堤坝用混凝士防渗惜施工装 and apparatus for horizontal wells,directional wells and drilling rigs; 备改计与制造 and measurement-while-drilling(MWD)tools 8.水下上石方施工机被制造:水深9 3.Manufacturing of equipment for oil exploration,drilling,collection and 米以下推士机、装羧机、挖掘机等 transportation:floating drilling systems and floating production systems 9.公路桥梁养护、自动检测设备制 with an operating water depth of more than 1,500 meters and the 造 supporting subsea oil extraction,collection and transportation 10.公路隧道营运监控、通风、防灾 equipment 和微助系统设备制造 4.Manufacturing of large-caliber rotary drilling rigs with a caliber of 2 11.铁路大型施工、铁路线路、桥 meters or more and depth of 30 meters or more,push benches with a 梁、隧道维修养护机械和检查、监测没 diameter of 1.2 meters or more,complete sets of large equipment with 备及其关键零部件的设计与制避 a pull-back force of 300 tons or more for laying underground pipes and 12.(沥背)汕陆瓦设备、镀锌钢板 lines without digging,and underground diaphragm wall construction 等金风量顶生产设备制造 drilling rigs 13.环保节能型现场喷涂聚氨聯断水 5.Design and manufacturing of large bulldozers of 520 horsepower or 保温系统设备、聚氯酯密封聋配技术 more 与设备、改性硅翻密封實配制技术和生 6.Design and manufacturing of silt removers with a capacity of 100 产设备制造 cubic meters or more per hour and dredging devices for dredgers with 14.高精度带材轧机(厚度精度0微 a capacity of 1,000 tons or more 米)设计与调造 7.Design and manufacturing of equipment for the construction of 15.多元素、细颗粒、难选治金属到 concrete cut-off walls used for flood prevention dikes 产的选装置制造 8.Manufacturing of underwater earthwork construction machinery: 16.100万肫/年及以上乙烯成套设备 bulldozers,loaders,excavators,etc.operating nine meters underwater 中的关键设备制造:年处理能力40万吨 or deeper 以上混合造粒机,直径1000毫米及以.上 9.Manufacturing of equipment for maintenance and automatic testing 螺旋卸料离心机,小流觉高扬程离心泵 of highways and bridges 17.大型煤化T成套设备制适(限于 10.Manufacturing of equipment for operational monitoring,ventilation, 合资、合作) disaster prevention and rescue systems of highway tunnels 18.金属制品模具(铜、铝、钛、偕 11.Design and manufacturing of maintenance machinery and 的管、棒、材挤压榄具)设计、制造 inspection and monitoring equipment for large-scale railway 19.汽车车身外毁盖件冲压模具,汽 construction,railway tracks,bridges and tunnels and their key parts 车仪表板、保险杠等大型注塑模具,汽 and components 车及摩托车夹具、检具设计与制造 12.Manufacturing of equipment for(asphaltic)linoleum tiles and 20.汽车动力电池专用生产设备的设 equipment for producing galvanized steel sheets and other metal roofs 计与制造 13.Manufacturing of equipment for environment-friendly and energy- 21.精密模具(冲压模具精度高于 saving on-site polyurethane spraying waterproof and thermal insulation 0.02毫米、型腔模具智度高于0.05毫米) systems;technology of preparing polyurethane sealants and 设计与制造 manufacturing of relevant equipment;and technology of preparing 22.非金属删品模具设计与制造 improved silicone sealants and manufacturing of relevant production 23.6万瓶/小时及以上啤酒灌装没 equipment 备、5万瓶/小时及以上饮料中温及热装 14.Design and manufacturing of high-precision strip mills(thickness 设备、3.6万瓶/小时及以上无菌灌装设备 precision of 10 micons) 制造 15.Manufacturing of ore dressing equipment for multi-element,fine- 24.氨基酸、酶制剂、食品添加剂等 particle and refractory metal minerals 生产技术及关键设备制造 16.Manufacturing of the key equipment of complete sets of ethylene 25.10吨/小时及以上的饲料加工成 equipment with an annual capacity of 1 million tons or more:mixing 套设备及关键部件制造 granulators with an annual processing capacity of 400,000 tons or 26.楞高0.75遮米及以下的轻型瓦楞 more,helical-conveyer centrifuges with a diameter of 1,000 mm or 纸板及纸箱设备制造 more,and low-flow high-head centrifugal pump 27.单张纸多色胶印机(幅宽2750遮 -10-