●●●●● ToomagobMaktmane ●●●● ●●0 ●●● ●●●● Taking exams must be one of the most frightening experiences that anyone must go through. It is not so much the actual taking of the exams themselves which is so awful although of course they play a great part in the general feeling of fear, no the-most awful time comes at the-beginning and at the enqurn to p: 139, and listen to the text Revision is a terrible time both if you revise and if you don't. Firstly, if you revise, concentrating on a pile of A4 pages covered in your untidy handwriting, you suddenly wish not only that you had written everything down a bit more clearly, but also that you had started revision a lit earlier However, once resigned to the fact that you can't put the cock back, you prepare to give yourself up to full and thorough revision, putting aside all else in lifeTurn to p. 139, and listen to the text. Teenager’s Nightmare Taking exams must be one of the most frightening experiences that anyone must go through. It is not so much the actual taking of the exams themselves which is so awful, although of course they play a great part in the general feeling of fear; no, the most awful time comes at the beginning and at the end. The beginning is the time when you are meant to revise. Revision is a terrible time both if you revise and if you don’t. Firstly, if you revise, concentrating on a pile of A4 pages covered in your untidy handwriting, you suddenly wish not only that you had written everything down a bit more clearly, but also that you had started revision a lit earlier. However, once resigned to the fact that you can’t put the cock back, you prepare to give yourself up to full and thorough revision, putting aside all else in life
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