ies,2008:139 [25][371[381[39][43]Gould S.J.Ontogeny and phylogeny.Cambridge,MA,USA:Harvard University Press, 1977:375,375,375,390,375 [30]Gould,S.J.The mismeasure of man(Rev.ed.).New York:W.W.Norton Company,1996:333 [32]Gilbert,S.F.Childhood as a New Portion of the Human Life Cycle.http://8e.devbio.com/article.php? id=8&search=lichtman,2009-9-15 [33][34](英)利基.人类的起源.吴汝康等译.上海:上海科学技术出版社,199535.36 [36]杨宁.儿童是人类之父一从进化心理学看人类个体童年期本质.华南师范大学学报,2003」 (5) [41]Gould S.J.Ontogeny and phylogeny.Cambridge,MA,USA:Harvard University Press,1977: 402 [42][52]Bogin,B.Evolutionary hypotheses for human childhood.Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 1997,104:63-89 [45](法)莫兰.迷失的范式:人性研究陈一壮译.北京:北京大学出版社,1999:77 [48]转引自(美)齐科第二次达尔文革命:用进化论解释人类学习的过程赖春,赵勇译.上海:华东 师范大学出版社,2007:6 [51]Leigh,S.R.&Park,P.B.Evolution of human growth prolongation.American Journal of Physical An- thropology,1998,107(3):331-350 [531(美)威尔逊.论人性.方展画,周丹译.杭州:浙江教育出版社,2001:77 [54]转引自(美)卡尔文.大脑如何思维一智力演化的今昔杨雄里,梁培基译.上海:上海科学技术 出版社.1995:196 Rethink of Evolution,Development and Early Childhood Education Yang Ning (Education College,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631) Abstract:The relationship between early childhood education and evolution (phylogeny),development (ontogeny)is the basic theoretical issues in children's education that can't be avoided.Through the analysis of evolutionary theory and its impact,law of recapitulation and the concept of heterochrony(especially neoteny),this article made a more comprehensive study on the delay development of human individual or the extension of childhood. Key words:Evolution,development,law of recapitulation,heterochrony,neoteny -10 1994-2011 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved.http://www.cnki.net ies,2008: 139 [25][37][38][39][43]Gould S.J. Ontogeny and phylogeny. Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press, 1977:375,375,375,390,375 [30]Gould, S. J. The mismeasure of man (Rev. ed.). New York: W. W. Norton & Company,1996:333 [32]Gilbert, S. F. Childhood as a New Portion of the Human Life Cycle.http://8e.devbio.com/ article.php? id=8&search=lichtman,2009-9-15 [33][34](英)利基.人类的起源.吴汝康等译.上海:上海科学技术出版社,1995:35,36 [36]杨宁.儿童是人类之父——从进化心理学看人类个体童年期本质.华南师范大学学报,2003, (5) [41]转引自 Gould S.J. Ontogeny and phylogeny. Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press,1977: 402 [42] [52]Bogin, B.Evolutionary hypotheses for human childhood. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 1997,104: 63-89 [45](法)莫兰.迷失的范式:人性研究.陈一壮译.北京:北京大学出版社,1999:77 [48]转引自(美)齐科.第二次达尔文革命:用进化论解释人类学习的过程.赖春,赵勇译.上海:华东 师范大学出版社,2007:6 [51]Leigh, S.R.& Park, P. B. Evolution of human growth prolongation.American Journal of Physical An- thropology,1998,107(3):331—350 [53](美)威尔逊.论人性.方展画,周丹译.杭州:浙江教育出版社,2001:77 [54]转引自(美)卡尔文.大脑如何思维——智力演化的今昔.杨雄里,梁培基译.上海:上海科学技术 出版社,1995:196 Rethink of Evolution, Development and Early Childhood Education Yang Ning (Education College, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631) Abstract: The relationship between early childhood education and evolution (phylogeny), development (ontogeny) is the basic theoretical issues in children’s education that can’t be avoided. Through the analysis of evolutionary theory and its impact, law of recapitulation and the concept of heterochrony (especially neoteny), this article made a more comprehensive study on the delay development of human individual or the extension of childhood. Key words: Evolution, development, law of recapitulation, heterochrony, neoteny 10
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