Baseball is a sport that is so popular in the United States that it is often called the national pastime.Every spring and summer,millions of people throughout the country excitingbat and ball game. Millions also watch ba follow the progress of their fvorite teamsand games and There are organized baseball teams for every age group from 6-year-olds to adults.The teams that attract the most interest are those of the two major leagues:the American League and the National League.These teams are made up of men who orld's best playe Every year,about 50 millior people flock to major Many games on television,listen to them on radio,read about them in newspapers,and discuss them with their friends (2)Los Angeles Dodgers The Los Angeles Dodgers is a major league baseball team in Los Angeles. They are in the Western Division of the National L ague The team originated in Brooklyn,New York,where it was known as the Brooklyn Dodgers before moving to Los Angeles for the 1958 season. (③)Cerebral Palsy It isa disability caused by brain dam age before or during birth or in the first few sog6sod5p303d地wos的1p9ne58 loss of voluntary muscular control and (e.g.rubella.genital herpes simplex).very low infant birth weight (less than 3.3 lb [1.5 kg)),and injury or physical abuse,etc.Maternal smoking,alcohol consumption, and ingestion of certain drugs can also contribute to the disease.Most cases are associated with n pren atal proble and about 10%of the uring the bi are th oxygen deficiency d irth proce ess.The severity of the affliction is depend on the extent of the brain damage.Those with mild cases may have only a few affected muscles,while severe cases can result in total loss of coordination or paralysis 3.Introductory Remarks ha apped”"is a term w euse to refer to people who have physical disabilities.These disabilities can be caused by defects at birth,by crippling disease by age.by accident or by injurv.Most of us will experience physical disabilities as we get older.Many of us are already physically disabled because we need to wear glasses Without this aid we would find life difficult and even dangerous. In the past the handic ed were dise inated against as if the were inferiors Today there is a growing belief that physically or even mentally handicapped people have much to offer to the community and could live happily in the community as long as help is provided.The story told in this text is evidence in this regard. Step Two global reading Give the students 10 )minutes to read the ext as quickly as they can,and ask them to think about these questions in the process of readng 1.Structure Partl Para.1-4 The author was impressed by an e-mail from a Dodgers fan. Baseball is a sport that is so popular in the United States that it is often called the national pastime. Every spring and summer, millions of people throughout the country play this exciting “bat and ball game.” Millions also watch baseball games and closely follow the progress of their favorite teams and players. There are organized baseball teams for every age group from 6-year-olds to adults. The teams that attract the most interest are those of the two major leagues: the American League and the National League. These teams are made up of men who rank as the world’s best players. Every year, about 50 million people flock to ballparks to watch major league baseball games. Many more millions watch games on television, listen to them on radio, read about them in newspapers, and discuss them with their friends. (2) Los Angeles Dodgers The Los Angeles Dodgers is a major league baseball team in Los Angeles, California. They are in the Western Division of the National League. The team originated in Brooklyn, New York, where it was known as the Brooklyn Dodgers before moving to Los Angeles for the 1958 season. (3) Cerebral Palsy It is a disability caused by brain damage before or during birth or in the first few years after birth, resulting in a loss of voluntary muscular control and coordination. Although the exact cause is unknown, apparent predisposing factors include diseases (e.g. rubella, genital herpes simplex), very low infant birth weight (less than 3.3 lb [1.5 kg]), and injury or physical abuse, etc. Maternal smoking, alcohol consumption, and ingestion of certain drugs can also contribute to the disease. Most cases are associated with prenatal problems and about 10% of the cases are thought to be due to oxygen deficiency during the birth process. The severity of the affliction is dependent on the extent of the brain damage. Those with mild cases may have only a few affected muscles, while severe cases can result in total loss of coordination or paralysis 3. Introductory Remarks The word “handicapped” is a term we use to refer to people who have physical disabilities. These disabilities can be caused by defects at birth, by crippling disease, by age, by accident or by injury. Most of us will experience physical disabilities as we get older. Many of us are already physically disabled because we need to wear glasses. Without this aid we would find life difficult and even dangerous. In the past the handicapped were discriminated against, as if they were inferiors. Today there is a growing belief that physically or even mentally handicapped people have much to offer to the community and could live happily in the community as long as help is provided. The story told in this text is evidence in this regard. Step Two Global reading Give the students 10 minutes to read the text as quickly as they can, and ask them to think about these questions in the process of reading. 1. Structure Part1 Para. 1-4 The author was impressed by an e-mail from a Dodgers fan
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