TABLE 4-1Battery of Tests Required by EPA for New Pesticide Chemieals Tests Food Nonfood Uses Uses Acute tests Acute oral toxicity-rat R Acute dermal toxicity R R Acute inhalation toxicity-rat Primary eye iritation-rabbit R Primary dermal irritation R Dermal sensitization R Delayed neurotoxicity-hen Subehronic testing 90-day feeding studies rodent and nonrodent R C 21-day dermal toxicity 90-day dermal toxicity c C 90-day inhalation-ra 90-day neurotoxicity-hen or mammal Chronic tests Chronie feeding of two species-rodent and nonrodent R C Oncogenicity study of two species-rat and mouse prefered Teratogenicity in two species R C Reproduction-two-generation Mutagenicity tests Gene mutation R R Struetural chromosomal aberration R 00 Other genotoxic effects R R Special tests General metabolism Dermal penetration Domestic animal safety C C NAS Toxicity Testing for Note:R=required data:C=conditionally required data on the basis of special Assessment of OSU pesticide characteristics,potential use and exposure patterns,or results of routinely required studies Environmental Agents: Source:Adapted from 40 CFR 158.340. Interim Report(2006) regonNAS Toxicity Testing for Assessment of Environmental Agents: Interim Report (2006)
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