260 Chapter7 Training and Development test following a class or a training session.Thus,learning often results in better perfor- mance,both in training and back on the job.However,this desirable situation is not neces- sarily the case,particularly if the work environment is not supportive of employees demonstrating newly learned knowledge and skills.Although all learning does not result in improved performance,careful attention to training design,principles of learning.and work environment characteristics can greatly increase its likelihood of doing so.The point is that training increases the probability of learning,and learning increases the probability of better job performance(Landy,1989).By understanding the factors that affect learning. training researchers and practitioners can enhance the performance of individuals,teams. and organizations. Organizations offer many types of training programs,including-among many others- new employee orientation,team training,sexual harassment awareness,and the devel- opment of cross-cultural,management,and leadership skills.Although the specific requirements of these training programs vary greatly,training researchers and practitioners benefit from using a consistent framework or model when designing.implementing,and evaluating all training programs.In this chapter we follow Goldstein and Ford's(2002) training model.This model begins with a training needs analysis,which is critical in under- standing training needs and subsequently setting training objectives.Once objectives are set,then training can be designed and delivered.Following the implementation of training programs,the next step is to carefully develop training criteria and evaluate the training program with the use of training evaluation models.We will discuss each of these steps in the next few modules.Following that,we consider special issues in training and develop- ment,incuding leadership and management development,sexual harassment awareness training,and cross-cultural training. Training Needs Analysis Before training design issues are considered,a careful needs analysis is required to develop a systematic understanding of where training is needed,what needs to be taught or trained Training needs analysis and who will be trained (Goldstein Ford,2002).Training needs analysis (Table 7.1)typi- A three-step process af cally involves a three-step process that includes organizational,task,and person analysis oganizational task and (Dierdorff Surface,2008). person analyqured to develop a stematic Organizational analysis examines organizational goals,available resources,and the underst由nding of where organizational environment to determine where training should be directed.This analysis training is neede4确at identifies the training needs of different departments or subunits.Organizational analysis ne达to be taug前a also involves systematically assessing manager,peer,and technological support for the trained and who will be transfer of training,a topic that is discussed in more detail later in the chapter.Similarly, trained organizational analysis takes into account the climate of the organization and its subunits. Organizational analysis For example,if a climate for safety is emphasized throughout the organization or in Component of training nee an4外s that eamines organizationalgoa Wa编onnd gan2 ationalirm减 TABLE 7.1 Training Needs Analysis helps to determine where training should be directed A.Organizational analysis Examines company-wide goals and problems to detemmine where training is needed B.Task analysis Examines tasks performed and KSAOs required to determine what employees must do to perform successfully C.Person analys贴 Examines knowledge,skills,and current performance to determine who needs training Scanned by CamScannerScanned by CamScanner
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