溢 制卧陵份贸易大号 营销学原理 2.New technology is typically a force for creative destruction,which may mean that the new technology hurts the old technology. 3.The buyer decision process began long before the purchase is made and ends when the purchase is actually made. 4.Once a product has begun its life cycle,typically a firm can do little to extend it. 5.Dell's success is mainly due to its excellent supply chain management and logistics system. 6.Profit is usually negative during the product introduction stage of the product life cycle. 7.Line extension involves higher investment and risk compared to brand extension. 8.A buyer would probably travel a considerable distance to purchase a convenience good. 9.People tend to interpret incoming information in a way that will support what they already believe. 10.Concentrated marketing means that one company target only one market segment. 11.Intensive distribution means a big number of middlemen are used. 12.Franchises are corporations that combine several different retailing forms under central ownership and share some distribution and management functions with the franchisees. 13.of the methods used in setting the promotion budget, only the objective-and-task method makes logical sense. 14.A market segment consists of consumers who respond in a similar way to a given set of marketing stimuli. 第8页共13页营销学原理 _____ 2. New technology is typically a force for creative destruction, which may mean that the new technology hurts the old technology. _____ 3. The buyer decision process began long before the purchase is made and ends when the purchase is actually made. _____ 4. Once a product has begun its life cycle, typically a firm can do little to extend it. _____ 5. Dell’s success is mainly due to its excellent supply chain management and logistics system. _____ 6. Profit is usually negative during the product introduction stage of the product life cycle. _____ 7. Line extension involves higher investment and risk compared to brand extension. _____ 8. A buyer would probably travel a considerable distance to purchase a convenience good. _____ 9. People tend to interpret incoming information in a way that will support what they already believe. _____10. Concentrated marketing means that one company target only one market segment. _____ 11. Intensive distribution means a big number of middlemen are used. _____ 12. Franchises are corporations that combine several different retailing forms under central ownership and share some distribution and management functions with the franchisees. _____13. Of the methods used in setting the promotion budget, only the objective-and-task method makes logical sense. _____ 14. A market segment consists of consumers who respond in a similar way to a given set of marketing stimuli. 第8页 共13页
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