Learning from web-based instructional systems 417 the appropriate level of segmentation of information was provided by the web system However.the effect of an overview map had no effe although individuals po 1 slightly le ss ene tively when provided with such an overview.The immediate implications of the find ings from this study suggest that it may be appropriate to design web-based learning environments.which match the cognitive style of the learner.Analytics require infor- mation to be provided in a less segmented format.whereas imagers perform best in a more segmented web-based environment.The effectiveness of an overview of the web for facilitating learning requires further investigation in terms of the extent to which users engage with such a provision. References DndrkinH(1995)eaingomtfctsofrctivv COmrecaphceaiompchoio.gg"g0oemtestieandposionodprosepasgg Ford N and 281 and learning:An Gygi K (1990)Ro con the symptoms of hypertext and what to do about it.in Laurel B (d)The a-( rjace Desig dision ding.279 navigation aro edings of The Thir nference of the British Con odHman-Computerrtion D)niv Rou London. McDonald $and Stevenson)Spatia slearning took in byper- mces34,5,881-891 1991)Cognitive Styles Analysis User Manual Learning and Training Technology. of prsanaban S(1998)mhe clieucture on on the recall of concrete and abstract prose passages by eleven year old children British Journal 993)The effect of node of presentation on learn- ing p 1993)Th ct ot ive style ar e of presentation on learning performance Riding R Land Dver VA0980)The relationship betwe n extrav yea hildren Personality and Individua m1.279-278ram rsion and verbal im or EM(1976) formance and p rehension in seven year old child trnkyandn c British Educational Communications and Technology Agency 2003. the appropriate level of segmentation of information was provided by the web system. However, the effect of an overview map had no effect on learning performance although individuals possessing an analytic cognitive style learned slightly less effec￾tively when provided with such an overview. The immediate implications of the find￾ings from this study suggest that it may be appropriate to design web-based learning environments, which match the cognitive style of the learner. Analytics require infor￾mation to be provided in a less segmented format, whereas imagers perform best in a more segmented web-based environment. The effectiveness of an overview of the web for facilitating learning requires further investigation in terms of the extent to which users engage with such a provision. References Dee-Lucas D and Larkin J H (1995) Learning from electronic texts: effects of interactive overviews for information access Cognition and instruction 13, 431–468. Douglas G and Riding R J (1993) The effect of pupil cognitive style and position of prose passage title on recall Educational Psychology 13, 385–393. Ford N and Chen S (2000) Individual differences, hypermedia navigation, and learning: An empirical study Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 9, 4, 281–311. 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Riding R J (1991) Cognitive Styles Analysis User Manual Learning and Training Technology, Birmingham. Riding R J and Al-Sanabani S (1998) The effect of cognitive style, age, gender and structure on recall of prose passages International Journal of Educational Research 29, 173–185. Riding R J and Calvey I (1981) The assessment of verbal-imagery learning styles and their effect on the recall of concrete and abstract prose passages by eleven year old children British Journal of Psychology 72, 59–64. Riding R J and Douglas G (1993) The effect of cognitive style and mode of presentation on learn￾ing performance British Journal of Educational Psychology 63, 297–307. —— (1993) The effect of cognitive style and mode of presentation on learning performance British Journal of Educational Psychology 63, 297–307. Riding R J and Dyer V A (1980) The relationship between extraversion and verbal imagery learn￾ing styles and 12 year old children Personality and Individual Differences 1, 273–279. Riding R J and Grimley M (1999) Cognitive style, gender and learning from Riding R J and Taylor E M (1976) Imagery performance and prose comprehension in seven year old children Educational Studies 2, 21–27. Sweller J (1988) Cognitive load during problem solving: Effects on learning Cognitive Science 12, 157–285. —— (1994) Cognitive load theory, learning difficulty and instructional design Learning and Instruction 4, 295–312. Learning from web-based instructional systems 417 © British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, 2003
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