PIM as function of micro-vibrations Ke5do ncrement was aroun L-BAND TEST RESULTS dBm. PIM as function of power of carriers ror achange in the nput o of the cahe PIM as function of micro-vibrations of5nd5 the ffecd of theM PIM as function of temperature 昌10 .120 1 160 31.0 34.0 37.040.0 43.0 Input power carriers(dBm Fig.9-Lband PIM power level versus input power and micro-vibrations PIM as function of micro-vibrations The micro-vibrations increased the PIM power level of 10-15 dB (however the level was below the required specification) except for the mesh tension value of 2.5 grams/cm where the increment was around 26-dB with the detected PIM power level of -86-dBm. L-BAND TEST RESULTS Three different sample meshes were used in this PIM test campaign. The samples were d ifferent in terms of dimensions, tension and coating quality. The PIM requirement on the mesh was evaluated in -130-dBm with two carriers of 37- dBm. PIM as function of power of carriers Fig. 9 gives the results for the change in PIM power level received for a change in the input power of the carriers. The PIM roll-off (5rd order) was found to be close to 6-dB per dB. PIM as function of micro-vibrations The micro-vibrations increased the PIM power level of the mesh sample n° 1 of about 30-dB. This behaviour, also observed at C-band, was mostly related to the low-level tension applied to the mesh (2.5 grams/cm). In fact, on mesh sample n° 2 and n° 3 with tensions of 7.5 and 5 grams/cm respectively the effect of the micro-vibrations on the PIM power level was negligible. PIM as function of temperature Limited temperature variations up to 42 °C did not show significant effect on the PIM power level generated by the meshes. L-Band PIM - Transmit mode -160 -150 -140 -130 -120 -110 -100 -90 -80 31.0 34.0 37.0 40.0 43.0 Input power carriers (dBm) PIM level (dBm) Metal plate Sample-1 Sample-1 vibrations Sample-2 Sample-2 vibrations Sample-3 Sample-3 vibrations Fig. 9-L-band PIM power level versus input power and micro-vibrations
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