PIM CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LARGE DEPLOYABLE REFLECTOR ANTENNA MESH V.Lubrano R.Mizzoni F.Silvestrucci)D.Raboso (1)ALENIA SPAZIO S.p.-A.Via Saccomuro 24.00131 Rome,ltaby mil-hbrnme AG Noordwijk.The Netherlands Email-David.Raboso@esa.int ABSTRACT In the frame of Large Deployable Antenna(LDA)contract with ESA/ESTEC,ALENIA SPAZIO made a full Passive bad (d1)and e eo powe s.mesh ten sion,mic perature).Radiated asw mesh versus oee INTRODUCTION Digital audi int a nd/o erferometers etc. tht the re odel of 12. enna togethe vith russian Georgian EGS LTD (responsible of the refector)ndr sforthe reflector m In Fi 1.thentn gometr Depending principally upn the acceptable(PIM),the antena subs yste m can b Tx/Rx antenna filters to the radiating elements. A state of the art product asks for a reflector contribution signific tly lower than the feed-array itself,with PIM powe that typically a fifth to seven order is applicable at L/S band while at higher frequencies the third order may also apply d at NIA pla Ku band and Aohe n obe o nta Several PIM orders and power densities were applied at different mesh tensions and mesh finishin Also vibrations and space
PIM CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LARGE DEPLOYABLE REFLECTOR ANTENNA MESH V. Lubrano(1), R. Mizzoni(1), F. Silvestrucci(1), D. Raboso(2) (1) ALENIA SPAZIO S.p.A., Via Saccomuro 24, 00131 Rome, Italy Email:v.lubrano@roma.alespazio.it Email:r.mizzoni@roma.alespazio.it Email:f.silvestrucci@roma.alespazio.it (2) ESA/ESTEC, P.O. Box 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands Email:David.Raboso@esa.int ABSTRACT In the frame of Large Deployable Antenna (LDA) contract with ESA/ESTEC, ALENIA SPAZIO made a full Passive Inter-Modulation (PIM) product characterisation of the reflector mesh under development by S.P.A. EGS. The tests were made at three different frequency bands (Ku, C and L) and the results collected as function of several variables (PIM-order, power of carriers, mesh tension, micro-vibrations and temperature). Radiated as well as conducted (by means of contact-less PIM free flanges) test methods were adopted. The tests have demonstrated the adequacy of the mesh versus the PIM requirement provided that the mesh tension is at least 5 grams/cm and the quality of the coating is good. The PIM test campaign on the mesh samples is considered propedeutic to the tests at reflector level that will take place in the near future. INTRODUCTION Array-fed unfurlable reflectors are key constituents for L/S band satellite based communication systems. Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) and/or Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems (S-UMTS) with point-to-point and/or broadcasting services from HEO or GEO constellations require contiguous cellular coverages consistent with a 12-m radiating aperture. Other missions are also possible at lower or higher frequencies (e.g. Radar, remote sensing, interferometers etc.), provided that the reflector surface accuracy is consistent with the operating frequency. Within an on going ESA/ESTEC program [1, 2], ALENIA SPAZIO is currently developing an EQM model of 12-m projected aperture unfurlable antenna together with Russian–Georgian EGS LTD (responsible of the reflector) and three European comp anies for the reflector arm. In Fig 1, the antenna geometry is illustrated. Depending principally upon the acceptable Passive Inter-Modulation interference (PIM), the antenna subsystem can be based on two separated Tx and Rx antennas or both functions can be combined within a single antenna unit. The critical components for a PIM free design are the unfurlable reflector mesh and the high power feed-array section beyond the Tx/Rx antenna filters to the radiating elements. A state of the art product asks for a reflector contribution significantly lower than the feed-array itself, with PIM power level as low as –140-dBm when illuminated by two carriers of 200-W via 16.5-dBi gain horn placed at the focal point. The two carriers frequencies are set to provide the highest PIM tone in the receive band consistent with the mission, so that typically a fifth to seven order is applicable at L/S band while at higher frequencies the third order may also apply. PIM tests on several reflector mesh samples, representative of the flight technology of the unfurlable antenna, were performed at ALENIA plant with proprietary set-up at C and Ku band and ESA/ESTEC bench facility at L band. Radiated as well as conducted (by means of contact-less PIM free flanges specifically designed and manufactured by ALENIA SPAZIO, to achieve a higher sensitivity set-up noise floor at L-band) test methods were adopted. Several PIM orders and power densities were applied at different mesh tensions and mesh finishing. Also vibrations and limited temperature excursions over the samples were performed in order to assess PIM susceptibility of the mesh versus the plating process, the mesh tension and the impact of micro-vibrations that may be induced under spacecraft manoeuvres
Fig I-LDA antenn An imporant step is the correlation betwe n the measured PIM values on the samples and the PIM expected on the real antenna To this contrnibutionscanbcphase-lncorclatedWver ay p or.adversely. identical PIM d-array focal int by provided that the nte hasadequatecrance.nae Conversely.the uncorrelated case appears to be a worst condition.In this case.power adding of all infinitesimal PIM level a according to the PIM orde Assuming the feed aperture in the farfield,the received PIM power is: PMef=∑(apwI4R2*Gn(9,o,)*δPref9,p,)*a(6Pren,PIMorder)四 where gi-PetG /0i density at point Ri is the feed distance to the point mesh,Peis the carriers power and Gis the feed gain at the gain, er)is a scala y re-iradlate Nor=total number of mesh nodes-rede where reis the curved reflector area and ode is thenumber of nodes per unit area. up and the feed used for the tests are known
Fig. 1-LDA antenna geometry An important step is the correlation between the measured PIM values on the samples and the PIM expected on the real antenna. To this end, any contact point of the mesh may be considered as a potential PIM source that provide either a phase-correlated PIM field density over the antenna feed-array plane or, adversely, all the infinitesimal PIM contributions can be phase-uncorrelated. The first situation is consistent with the assumption that any contact point of the mesh has identical PIM susceptibility since the tension and the finishing of the mesh is uniform. On any given point over the feed-array focal plane, the PIM field density will be the coherent sum of all the mesh nodes contributions. Each node of the mesh provide a field level according to the primary field intensity impressed at the reflector mesh at that point by the illuminating feed with a relative phase dependent by the reflector geometry and the primary feed phase pattern. Under these conditions, since the reflector has focusing properties, a very low level of the PIM field at any point of the feed-array plane can be expected, provided that the antenna has adequate clearance, as in this case. Conversely, the uncorrelated case appears to be a worst condition. In this case, power adding of all infinitesimal PIM contributions due to the mesh nodes, at any point of the feed-array plane is performed. Being the PIM sources assumed independent and phase uncorrelated, the PIM power level at any point of the reflector focal plane depends upon the impinging primary field intensity over the surface and the PIM roll-off versus power according to the PIM order. Assuming the feed aperture in the far-field, the received PIM power is: ( ) ( / 4 ) * ( , )* Pr ( , )* ( Pr , ) 1 2 PIM refl R G efl efl PIMorder i i Ntot i å lPIM p i R Ji ji d J j s d = = (1) where: GR(qi,ji) is the feed gain at (qi,ji) at the PIM frequency; dPrefl(qi,ji)=Pc*GT(qi,ji)/(4pRi2 ) is the carrier power density at point mesh (qi,ji) where Ri is the feed distance to the point mesh, Pc is the carriers power and GT(qi,ji) is the feed gain at the carrier frequencies gain; s(dPrefl,PIMorder) is a scalar factor which accounts for the isotropically re-irradiated PIM power level by the junction, which depends by the carrier power density dPrefl(qi,ji) incident on the junction, the PIM order and the mesh quality; Ntot = total number of mesh nodes = Arefl*dnodes where Arefl is the curved reflector area and dnodes is the number of nodes per unit area. For a plane sample with area Asample, placed in the far-field of the illuminating feed, the same equation holds, allowing to correlate the PIM level measured on the sample with that expected at the antenna level, once the geometry of the setup and the feed used for the tests are known
A disadv the pench is lower because the mesh itsefersthe carers The incident power density law distribution of the carriers on the sample can be easily evaluated on the basis of the TE10 funda sample wr.t the refector mesh. amers power correlation of the pim level of the 益中 vith that sources distance w.r.tthe PIM detector. MESH DESCRIPTION na (LdA)reflector is made nab as a ement of the mesh ires,the variety Fig.2-Mesh sample expanded view
A disadvantage of the radiated test set-up is the limited sensitivity of the bench. Typically the sample must be illuminated at very high power densities not representative of the real carrier power densities as seen by the reflector antenna. In the conducted measurements case, based on a contactless waveguide set-up, this problem can be highly reduced because the attenuation factor due to the relative feed-sample distance does not apply. Additionally, the noise floor of the bench is lower because the mesh itself filters the carriers. The incident power density law distribution of the carriers on the sample can be easily evaluated on the basis of the TE10 fundamental propagating mode. Assuming a symmetrical scattering of the PIM (valid if the mesh thickness can be neglected), the received PIM power, scattered by the sample, is only a function of the carriers power density on the sample w.r.t. the reflector mesh. Therefore, the correlation of the PIM level of the sample with that on the feed placed in the reflector focal plane is proportional to the two areas ratio, properly weighted by a scalar factor which accounts for the impinging field intensity distribution over the two surfaces, the PIM roll-off Vs power and the set-up test type/geometry that correlate the PIM sources distance w.r.t the PIM detector. MESH DESCRIPTION The mesh of the Large Deployable Antenna (LDA) reflector is made of three wires of tungsten (twisted together) with the individual core diameter of 15-microns. Overcoat covering each micro-wire is made of gold (thickness 0.25- microns) lay over an intermediate layer of nickel (thickness 0.1/0.2-microns). The mesh installed on the reflector will have a nominal tension of 5/6 grams per cm along the piece and 7/8 grams per cm across the piece. A specially constructed mesh tension frame enabled measurements to be taken, as a function of tension, ranging from 1.0 to 60 grams per cm. The complex mesh structure suggested a number of potential mechanisms for PIM product generation: relative movement of the mesh wires, the variety and uncertainty of electrical contact points and their oxidation were potential PIM sources. So measurements were made under simulated environmental conditions including low-frequency vibrations, temperature variation and various tensions. Fig. 2 gives an expanded view of the mesh sample. Fig. 2-Mesh sample expanded view
EQUIPMENT SET-UP broadband horn to transmit the two crier signals onto the mesh verify the PIM require ment on the sample. are floor.Table 1 summarises the PIM test parameters. WWWW △△M△△ Fig3-Radiated PIM test set-up a7 0-区图早 E0-阁 Fig4-Conducted PIM test set-up
EQUIPMENT SET-UP The PIM test in radiated mode (Ku and C band) was configured, as shown schematically in Fig. 3, to enable a single broadband horn to transmit the two carrier signals onto the mesh sample under test. The reflected radiation will be analysed by means of a Spectrum Analyser in order to capture the intensity of the generated PIM harmonic. The sensitivity of test set-up to the environment was verified using an assumed ideal PIM free generator (pure aluminium screen). Residual bench noise floor applying two 50-dBm power carriers were measured less than -140-dBm at Kuband (3rd order) and less than -135-dBm at C-band (5th order). This noise floor was adequate (about 30-dB lower) to verify the PIM require ment on the sample. The PIM test in conducted mode (L-band, 5th order, see Fig. 4) was configured using waveguide choked flanges properly designed and manufactured for such investigation (see Fig. 5). The test mesh was placed between the two waveguide chokes detached of about 7-mm. The set-up sensitivity was found -150-dBm for a 37-dBm power carriers. In this set-up the two carriers are filtered by the mesh (the attenuation was measured around 40-dB) and thus no further PIM was generated in the detection path than the actual PIM coming from the mesh. This explain the low level noise floor. Table 1 summarises the PIM test parameters. Tx1 Tx2 Power meter M U L T I P L E X E R SPECTRUM ANALYZER TWTA-200 W max TWTA-200 W max Rx Tx Test Sample Separation PASS-BAND FILTER TX/RX Feed Power meter Fig. 3-Radiated PIM test set-up Fig. 4-Conducted PIM test set-up
Fig 5-Choked flanges used for PIM test at L-band Table 1-PIM test parameter ample dime WR650 025x025 025x025 for carrier(dBm】 120 109 107 equency carrier 1(GHz) quency carrier 2(GHz) PIM frequency (GHz) 162 3.97 142 xfeed-sample distance (m) T6Rx65 Tx 18S.Bx 196 Noise floor (dBm) -150 -135 -140 Test mode Conducted Radiated Radiated KU-BAND TEST RESULTS PIM as function of power of carriers be3-dB per dB PIM as function of mesh tension -dBm.Th agegwcem5a8emiemNwnei6eem比E from 25 to60 grams/cm.The minimum PIM power level (-132-dBm)wa cted for a arou PIM as function of micro-vibrations f the satellite local deforma tion of the mes Ise every 5
Fig. 5-Choked flanges used for PIM test at L-band Table 1-PIM test parameters Frequency band L C Ku Sample dimensions (m) WR650 0.25 x 0.25 0.25 x 0.25 Power level for carrier (dBm) 37 50 50 Equiv. PIM requirement on samp le (dBm) -130 -105 -102 Frequency carrier 1 (GHz) 1.53 3.49 10.95 Frequency carrier 2 (GHz) 1.56 3.65 12.60 PIM order 5 5 3 PIM frequency (GHz) 1.62 3.97 14.25 Tx/Rx feed-sample distance (m) - 0.25 0.70 Horn Gain (dBi) - Tx: 6-Rx: 6.5 Tx: 18.5-Rx: 19.6 Noise floor (dBm) -150 -135 -140 Test mode Conducted Radiated Radiated KU-BAND TEST RESULTS PIM as function of power of carriers Fig. 6 gives the results for the change in PIM power level received for a change in the input power of the carriers. The tension on the mesh was settled at 5 grams/cm and the test distance was 0.7-m. The PIM roll-off (3rd order) was found to be 3-dB per dB. PIM as function of mesh tension Fig. 7 gives the PIM power level as function of the mesh tension. The power of the carriers was fixed at 50-dBm. The measured PIM power level was below the required specification value (-102-dBm) for mesh tension values ranging from 2.5 to 60 grams/cm. The minimum PIM power level (-132-dBm) was detected for a mesh tension of 40 grams/cm. In the antenna operative range of tensions (between 5 and 8 grams/cm) the PIM power level can be assumed constant around -122-dBm. PIM as function of micro-vibrations Micro-vibrations can be indicative of attitude manoeuvres of the satellite. Local deformation of the mesh was generated by a pulsating stream of clean air (1 pulse every 5 second) directed to the centre of the sample. The out of plane deformation was 3-mm in the centre of the mesh. When the micro-vibrations effects are taken into account, the PIM power levels experienced are above the required specification value (max-detected value was -82-dBm)
PIM power as function of Input Power-d-0.7-m Fig 6-Ku-band PIM power level versus power of carriers PIM power as function of tension and vibration 70.0 10.0 50.0 60.0 Mesh tension igr/cm Fig 7-Ku-band PIM power level versus mesh tension and micro-vibrations C-BAND TEST RESULTS PIM as function of mesh tension Fig.8 gives the PIM power level as function of the mesh tension.The power of the carriers was 50-dBm and the test distance was 0.25-m.The m PIM power l was belo ue ( tension of 30grams/cm.In the antena operative range of tensions(between5 andgrams/cm)the PIM power level can be assumed constant around-117-dBm. PIM power as function of tension and vibration-R=0.25m 988 13.8 0.0 0.0 50.0 esh ten on [gr/cm] Fig 8-C-band PIM power level versus mesh tension and micro-vibrations
PIM power as function of Input Power - d=0.7-m -150 -145 -140 -135 -130 -125 -120 -115 -110 42.00 44.00 46.00 48.00 50.00 52.00 Input Power [dBm] PIM power [dBm] Fig. 6-Ku-band PIM power level versus power of carriers PIM power as function of tension and vibration -140.0 -130.0 -120.0 -110.0 -100.0 -90.0 -80.0 -70.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 Mesh tension [gr/cm] PIM power [dBm] No vibration With vibration Requirement Fig. 7-Ku-band PIM power level versus mesh tension and micro -vibrations C-BAND TEST RESULTS PIM as function of mesh tension Fig. 8 gives the PIM power level as function of the mesh tension. The power of the carriers was 50-dBm and the test distance was 0.25-m. The measured PIM power level was below the required specification value (-105-dBm) for mesh tension values ranging from 2.5 to 60 grams/cm. The minimum PIM power level (-129-dBm) was detected for a mesh tension of 30 grams/cm. In the antenna operative range of tensions (between 5 and 8 grams/cm) the PIM power level can be assumed constant around -117-dBm. PIM power as function of tension and vibration - R=0.25 m -140.0 -130.0 -120.0 -110.0 -100.0 -90.0 -80.0 -70.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 Mesh tension [gr/cm] PIM power [dBm] No vibration With vibration Requirement Fig. 8-C-band PIM power level versus mesh tension and micro-vibrations
PIM as function of micro-vibrations Ke5do ncrement was aroun L-BAND TEST RESULTS dBm. PIM as function of power of carriers ror achange in the nput o of the cahe PIM as function of micro-vibrations of5nd5 the ffecd of theM PIM as function of temperature 昌10 .120 1 160 31.0 34.0 37.040.0 43.0 Input power carriers(dBm Fig.9-Lband PIM power level versus input power and micro-vibrations
PIM as function of micro-vibrations The micro-vibrations increased the PIM power level of 10-15 dB (however the level was below the required specification) except for the mesh tension value of 2.5 grams/cm where the increment was around 26-dB with the detected PIM power level of -86-dBm. L-BAND TEST RESULTS Three different sample meshes were used in this PIM test campaign. The samples were d ifferent in terms of dimensions, tension and coating quality. The PIM requirement on the mesh was evaluated in -130-dBm with two carriers of 37- dBm. PIM as function of power of carriers Fig. 9 gives the results for the change in PIM power level received for a change in the input power of the carriers. The PIM roll-off (5rd order) was found to be close to 6-dB per dB. PIM as function of micro-vibrations The micro-vibrations increased the PIM power level of the mesh sample n° 1 of about 30-dB. This behaviour, also observed at C-band, was mostly related to the low-level tension applied to the mesh (2.5 grams/cm). In fact, on mesh sample n° 2 and n° 3 with tensions of 7.5 and 5 grams/cm respectively the effect of the micro-vibrations on the PIM power level was negligible. PIM as function of temperature Limited temperature variations up to 42 °C did not show significant effect on the PIM power level generated by the meshes. L-Band PIM - Transmit mode -160 -150 -140 -130 -120 -110 -100 -90 -80 31.0 34.0 37.0 40.0 43.0 Input power carriers (dBm) PIM level (dBm) Metal plate Sample-1 Sample-1 vibrations Sample-2 Sample-2 vibrations Sample-3 Sample-3 vibrations Fig. 9-L-band PIM power level versus input power and micro-vibrations
CONCLUSIONS The behaviour of the mesh versus the PIM product is considered adequate to secure ther quired performance a ting is go uniform (holes and poor ctingmust be avoided). REFERENCES [1]P.Angeletti et al.,"The Large Deployable Reflector Program at S:P.A.EGS and ALENIA SPAZIO",25th ESA
CONCLUSIONS The behaviour of the mesh versus the PIM product is considered adequate to secure the required performance at reflector level (at L-band) provided that the tension is at least 5 grams/cm (otherwise the PIM power level increase considerably in presence of vibrations associated to the satellite manoeuvres) and the quality of the coating is good and uniform (holes and poor coating must be avoided). REFERENCES [1] P. Angeletti et al., "The Large Deployable Reflector Program at S:P.A. EGS and ALENIA SPAZIO", 25th ESA Antenna Workshop on Satellite Antenna Technology", pp 207-214, 18-20 September 2002. [2] A.Cherniavsky et al., "Large Deployable Space Antenna", 25th ESA Antenna Workshop on Satellite Antenna Technology", pp 215-222, 18-20 September 2002