xxwiⅷ Symbols En =E0Vn+I Rabi frequency ESA coupling between object system and apparatus ESM coupling between object system and meter arbitrary variable,arbitrary (wave)function 5S.5A number of possible configurations of bosons and fermions,respectively arbitrary variable,arbitrary (wave)function arbitrary(continuous)observable 1 eigenkets of n 0 angle,spherical coordinate )9 generic amplitude i(m)=(m0,k amplitude operator connecting a premeasurement ()).a unitary evolution(). and a measurement ( Θm(0) theta component of the spherical harmonics ⊙(8) part of the spherical harmonics depending on the polar coordinate o arbitrary transformation(superoperator) constant,parameter internal state of a system parameter wavelength 入c=h/mc Compton wavelength of the electron 入T=√2mB7 thermal wavelength A=Hg Bext constant used in the Paschen-Bach effect A Lindblad operator classically magnetic dipole momentum 庄=1 orbital magnetic momentum of a massive particle 立,=0端s spin magnetic momentum uB=编 Bohr magneton magnetic permeability frequency random variable,variable (r)=R(r)r change of variable for the radial part of the wave function arbitrary(continuous)observable 15) eigenkets of E(x) Heaviside step function i parity operator ()probability density density matrix (pure state) time-evolved density matrix xxviii Symbols εn = ε0 √n + 1 Rabi frequency εSA coupling between object system and apparatus εSM coupling between object system and meter ζ arbitrary variable, arbitrary (wave) function ζS, ζA number of possible configurations of bosons and fermions, respectively η arbitrary variable, arbitrary (wave) function ηˆ arbitrary (continuous) observable |η eigenkets of ηˆ θ angle, spherical coordinate ϑ generic amplitude ϑˆk (m) =  m    Uˆt    k  amplitude operator connecting a premeasurement (| k), a unitary evolution (Uˆt), and a measurement (|m) lm(θ) theta component of the spherical harmonics (θ) part of the spherical harmonics depending on the polar coordinate θ ˆ , ˆ ˆ arbitrary transformation (superoperator) ι constant, parameter |ι internal state of a system κ parameter λ wavelength λc = h/mc Compton wavelength of the electron λT = √ h¯ 2mkBT thermal wavelength  = μB Bext constant used in the Paschen–Bach effect ˆ j Lindblad operator μ classically magnetic dipole momentum μˆl = eh¯ 2m ˆl orbital magnetic momentum of a massive particle μˆ s = Q eh¯ 2m sˆ spin magnetic momentum μB = eh¯ 2m Bohr magneton μ0 magnetic permeability ν frequency ξ random variable, variable ξ (r) = R(r)r change of variable for the radial part of the wave function ξˆ arbitrary (continuous) observable | ξ eigenkets of ξˆ (x) Heaviside step function ˆ parity operator ρ (classical) probability density ρˆ density matrix (pure state) ˆ˙ ρˆ time-evolved density matrix
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