xxvii Symbols volume generic vector visibility of interference,generic vectorial space visibility of interference operator k-thprobability weight Iwn) element of a discrete basis vector W(a.c*)三 Wigner function ∫dae-o*+axw.n first Cartesian axis,coordinate 1x) eigenket of one-dimensional position operator time derivative of =2(t+) quadrature ,=方-创 quadrature set second Cartesian axis,coordinate Yim(.) spherical harmonics third Cartesian axis,coordinate atomic number Z(B)=T(e-BA) partition function parameter space field of integer numbers Greek letters a angle,(complex)number 1o=ey∑会m coherent state B variable =(kBT) ) coherent state 21 damping constant Euler gamma function phase space i reservoir operator Kronecker 4=2=品+票+ Laplacian △b uncertainty in the state) small quantity Levi-Civita tensor coupling consta nt o=())del vacuum Rabi frequencyxxvii Symbols V volume V generic vector V visibility of interference, generic vectorial space Vˆ visibility of interference operator wk k-th probability weight |wn element of a discrete basis vector W(α, α∗) = 1 π2  d2αe−ηα∗+η∗αχW (η, η∗) Wigner function x first Cartesian axis, coordinate | x eigenket of xˆ xˆ one-dimensional position operator ˆ x˙ time derivative of xˆ Xˆ 1 = √ 1 2 aˆ † + ˆa  quadrature Xˆ 2 = √ı 2 aˆ † − ˆa  quadrature X set y second Cartesian axis, coordinate Ylm(θ, φ) spherical harmonics z third Cartesian axis, coordinate Z atomic number Z(β) = Tr e−β Hˆ  partition function Z parameter space ZZ field of integer numbers Greek letters α angle, (complex) number |α = e− |α| 2 2 ∞ n=0 αn √n! |n coherent state β angle, (complex) number, thermodynamic variable = (kBT ) −1 |β coherent state γ damping constant  Euler gamma function  phase space ˆ k reservoir operator δ jk Kronecker symbol δ(x) Dirac delta function  = ∇2 = ∂2 ∂x2 + ∂2 ∂y2 + ∂2 ∂z2 Laplacian ψ uncertainty in the state |ψ  small quantity  jkn Levi–Civita tensor ε coupling constant ε0 = ω 20h¯l 3 1 2 |d · e| vacuum Rabi frequency
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