Intervention report of the action.It was then stormed,captured and handed over to the Imperial authorities on the same evening,their forces having taken virtually no part in the battle In the following months the British naval forces in the area helped to clear a thirty-mile radius around Ningpo as had been attempted at Shanghai,but foreign assistance to the Manchus in this area became mainly a French affair.The actual recapture of the city was,however,carried out with considerable aid from British naval forces which,strictly speaking,had never received instructions from the Admiralty going beyond those ordering the defence of the treaty ports not in rebel hands.The action at Ningpo hardly came within the scope of those orders,but it was nevertheless in harmony with the trend in official British policy towards the rebellion by this time.On June 6,Bruce expressed his approval of it to Russell,arguing that a collision at Ningpo was bound to come sooner or later,and on July 22, a fortnight after writing that the recapture of Ningpo ought to be left to the Imperialists,the Foreign Secretary was approving its recapture by Her Majesty's forces.3 These two campaigns,at and around Shanghai and Ningpo, were all in which regular British forces were engaged against the rebels.But in addition to this direct intervention,assistance was given to the Manchu cause in a number of other important ways.The training of Chinese troops by British officers was begun at Tientsin early in 1862 and extended to Shanghai after the failure of the first thirty-mile-radius campaign.The co- operation of the Imperial authorities in this project was not altogether wholehearted,from their fear that the troops trained in this way would become difficult for Chinese officers to handle, and Staveley complained at the number and quality of the troops provided for training at Shanghai.Bruce was fearful lest British action of this sort provoke the jealousy of other powers, and would have preferred to see military officers from a smaller treaty power,such as Prussia,carry it out,but it was actually done by British and French officers during 1862 and 1863.40 Again in March 1862,in order to assist in the defence of the treaty port and its perimeter,a large body of troops from Tseng Kuo-fan's forces were transported down the Yangtze through rebel territory to Shanghai in British trading vessels chartered for the purpose by the Chinese authorities.This 123r拗 莎erv召rr莎 jo刀 report of the aGtion。 It wasthen stoFmed,captured and handed over to the I狃 peria1 authorⅡ es on the same evening, their forces having taken virtuaⅡ y no part in the battle. In the foltoⅥ 砬ng months the Briush naval forces in the area he1pcd to c1ear a thirty-1nⅡ e radius around1、 Tingpo as had been attemptcd at Shan£ 典缸,but fo∞ign assistance to the Manchus in this area became Fnain1y a French afair.The actua1recapture ofthe o⒒ y was,however,c盯 ried out、Ⅴith considerable aid from British naval forces whji〔 冫h,strictly speakhg,had never receir、 厂ed hstructons from伍e Admkalty go血g beyond伍 ose orderhg the defence of the treaty ports not itl rebel hands。 The action at 卜Ⅱngpo hardIy came within the scope of those orders,but it was nevertheless in harmony、 Ⅳith the trend in o丘 cia1Br⒒ ish po1icy towards the rebc1Ⅱ o且 by this tLne。 On June6, Bruce eXpressed his approva1ofit to RusseⅡ,arguing that a co1lision at l心 ingpo、吖as bound to come sooner or1ater,and on Ju1y22, a fortnight after writing that the recapture of Ningpo ought to be left to the ImperiaⅡ sts,the Foreign secre忱 ry、氵、`as approvhg its recapture by Her M旬 esty、 forces。 ⒛ These two campaigms,at and around Shangbai and Nhgpo, Were a11in、〃hich reguIar British forces were engaged aga血st the rebe1s。 Buti11addition to dⅡ s direct I11terVention,assistance was g】ven to the 卜ⅠanGhu cause in a number of other important ways。 The training of Chinese troops by British o1【 〕(ilcers was begun at Tientsin ear1y in1862and extellded to shanghai after the &砬 lure of the Iirst thirtyˉ rnⅡeˉradius campaign。 The co￾operaton Of the ImpeⅡ al authoⅡt始s in ths pr苟ect was not a1together who1ehearted,from their fear that the troops trained in this way wOu1d becOme dimou⒒ f。 r chi迎ese o丘cersto handk、 and Stave1ey comp1ained at the numbcr and quality of the troops pro说 ded for traming at shanghai。 Bruce was fearful lest Br⒒ish acuon。fthis sort provoke thejea1ousy of other powers, and、vou1d have preferred to see1nⅡitary o猛cers fron1a smaI1er treaty power,such as Prussia,carry it out,but it was actuaⅡ y done by British and French o扭 cers durhg1862and1863。 近o Again in March I862,in order to assist in the defence of the treaty port and its perhneter, a large body of troops from Tseng Kuo亻hⅡ’s forces 、Vere transported down the Yangtze through rebe1territory to Sha⒒ghai in British tradhg vessels chartered for the purpose by the Chinese author⒒ ies. This 123
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