Lesson 1- Your College Years I. Text Analysis Structure of the text students during their college year o Part 1(para. 1): Many key changes happen to colleg The key changes involve the Part 2(paras. 2-9): following: identity crisis, the independence/dependence struggle, establishment of sexual identity, affection giving and receiving, internalization of religious faith values and morals, development of new ways to organize and use knowledge, a new understanding of the world and himself/ herself. Part 3(para. 10): Conclusion W BTL E The end of structureW B T L E Part 1 (para. 1): Part 2 (paras. ): Part 3 (para. ): I. Text Analysis Structure of the text 2-9 10 Many key changes happen to college students during their college years. The key changes involve the following: identity crisis, the independence/dependence struggle, establishment of sexual identity, affection giving and receiving, internalization of religious faith, values and morals, development of new ways to organize and use knowledge, a new understanding of the world and himself/herself. Conclusion. The end of Structure. Lesson 1 – Your College Years
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