Lesson 1- Your College Years Part Three Text Appreciation W BTL E ENTER →
W B T L E Lesson 1 – Your College Years Part Three ENTER
Lesson 1- Your College Years lext Appreciation Contents I。 Text Analysis 1. Theme 2. Structure 3 Further discussion II Writing Devices 1. Antithesis 2. Developing paragraphs by examples III Sentence Paraphrase W BTL E
W B T L E Text Appreciation I. Text Analysis 1. Theme 2. Structure 3. Further discussion II.Writing Devices 1. Antithesis 2. Developing paragraphs by examples III.Sentence Paraphrase Lesson 1 – Your College Years
I. Text Analysi Theme of the text College is designed to be a time of changes for students. Threatening the changes may be, they contribute to young adults'growth and maturity. College students are experiencing a lot. Not only are they being introduced to new people and new knowledge, but they are also acquiring new ways of assembling and processing information. They are also proudly growing in their understanding of themselves, others and the world W BTL E The end of theme
W B T L E I. Text Analysis College is designed to be a time of changes for students. Threatening the changes may be, they contribute to young adults’ growth and maturity. College students are experiencing a lot. Not only are they being introduced to new people and new knowledge, but they are also acquiring new ways of assembling and processing information. They are also proudly growing in their understanding of themselves, others and the world. Theme of the text The end of Theme. Lesson 1 – Your College Years
Lesson 1- Your College Years I. Text Analysis Structure of the text students during their college year o Part 1(para. 1): Many key changes happen to colleg The key changes involve the Part 2(paras. 2-9): following: identity crisis, the independence/dependence struggle, establishment of sexual identity, affection giving and receiving, internalization of religious faith values and morals, development of new ways to organize and use knowledge, a new understanding of the world and himself/ herself. Part 3(para. 10): Conclusion W BTL E The end of structure
W B T L E Part 1 (para. 1): Part 2 (paras. ): Part 3 (para. ): I. Text Analysis Structure of the text 2-9 10 Many key changes happen to college students during their college years. The key changes involve the following: identity crisis, the independence/dependence struggle, establishment of sexual identity, affection giving and receiving, internalization of religious faith, values and morals, development of new ways to organize and use knowledge, a new understanding of the world and himself/herself. Conclusion. The end of Structure. Lesson 1 – Your College Years
Lesson 1- Your College Years I. Text Analysis O Question: How do college students go Mentioned through an identity crisis at college? What in Para 2 factors may influence identity? Students endeavor to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are. They want to know how other people perceive themselves as well Identity may be influenced by genes, environment and opportunities W BTL E To be continued on the next page
W B T L E I. Text Analysis Mentioned in Para. 2 To be continued on the next page. Question: How do college students go through an identity crisis at college? What factors may influence identity? Students endeavor to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are. They want to know how other people perceive themselves as well. Identity may be influenced by genes, environment and opportunities. Lesson 1 – Your College Years
Lesson 1- Your College Years I. Text Analysis In Para 3 In fact, it may be heightened by their choice to pursue a college education For Reference Question: What does""refer to here? W BTL E To be continued on the next page
W B T L E In fact, it may be heightened by their choice to pursue a college education. I. Text Analysis To be continued on the next page. Question: What does “it” refer to here? In Para. 3 For Reference Lesson 1 – Your College Years
Lesson 1- Your College Years I. Text Analysis For reference: it refers to the independence/dependence struggle. Into the later adolescence stage, young adults tend to become less dependent on, even independent from their parents. For those who choose to enter the work world they may become financially independent from their parents, while for others entering into college, the struggle seems stronger for they still need their parents' support, say for money W BTL E To be continued on the next page
W B T L E I. Text Analysis To be continued on the next page. For reference: “it” refers to the independence/dependence struggle. Into the later adolescence stage, young adults tend to become less dependent on, even independent from their parents. For those who choose to enter the work world, they may become financially independent from their parents, while for others entering into college, the struggle seems stronger for they still need their parents’ support, say for money. Lesson 1 – Your College Years
Lesson 1- Your College Years I. Text Analysis B Question: According to Jeffery A. Hoffman's In Para. 4 observation there are four distinct aspects to psychological separation from ones parents. What are they? How do you understand them? 1. Functional independence 2. Attitudinal independence 3. Emotional independence 4. Freedom from excessive guilt, anxiety mistrust, responsibility, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father. W BTL E To be continued on the next page
W B T L E I. Text Analysis Question: According to Jeffery A. Hoffman’s observation, there are four distinct aspects to psychological separation from one’s parents. What are they? How do you understand them? 1. Functional independence. 2. Attitudinal independence. 3. Emotional independence. 4. Freedom from “excessive guilt, anxiety, mistrust, responsibility, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father.” To be continued on the next page. In Para. 4 Lesson 1 – Your College Years
Lesson 1- Your College Years I. Text Analysis 4 Question: What may be one of the most In Para 5 stressful matters college students experience according to the author? How do you understand it? Establishing their sexual identity. It includes relating to the opposite sex and projecting their future roles as men or women W BTL E To be continued on the next page
W B T L E I. Text Analysis Question: What may be one of the most stressful matters college students experience according to the author? How do you understand it? Establishing their sexual identity. It includes relating to the opposite sex and projecting their future roles as men or women. To be continued on the next page. In Para. 5 Lesson 1 – Your College Years
Lesson 1- Your College Years I. Text Analysis In Para. 6 6 I was relating to my father in a different way Question: What are the differences between the ways I" related to my" father in the past and at present? What type of change does the example reflect? In the past "I" was encouraged by my"father now I"was encouraging him The example reflects the change that college students are learning how to give and receive affection in the adult world W BTL E To be continued on the next page
W B T L E Question: What are the differences between the ways “I” related to “my” father in the past and at present? What type of change does the example reflect? I. Text Analysis In the past “I” was encouraged by “my” father; now “I” was encouraging him. The example reflects the change that college students are learning how to give and receive affection in the adult world. To be continued on the next page. I was relating to my father in a different way. In Para. 6 Lesson 1 – Your College Years