第3期 吴小艺,等:结构化加权稀疏低秩恢复算法在人脸识别中的应用 ·463· [24]BAO Bingkun,LIU Guangcan,XU Changsheng,et al.In- spaces for face recognition under variable lighting[J]. ductive robust principal component analysis[J].IEEE IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelli- transactions on image processing,2012,21(8): gence,2005,27(5):684-698 3794-3800. [31]SIM T.BAKER S,BSAT M.The CMU pose,illumina- [25]CORTES C,VAPNIK V.Support-vector networks[J]. tion,and expression database[J].IEEE transactions on Machine learning,1995,20(3):273-297. pattern analysis and machine intelligence,2003,25(12): [26]HEISELE B.HO P.POGGIO T.Face recognition with 1615-1618. support vector machine:global versus component-based 作者简介: approach[C]//Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Con- 吴小艺,女,1994年生,硕士研究 ference on Computer Vision.Vancouver,BC,Canada, 生,主要研究方向为人脸识别、稀疏低 2001:688-694 秩表示、字典学习。 [27]CHANG C C,LIN C J.Libsvm:a library for support vec- tor machines[J].ACM transactions on intelligent systems and technology,2011,2(3):1-27. [28]MARTINEZ A,BENAVENTE R.The AR face database[R].CVC Technical Report No.24.Barcelona: 吴小俊,男,1967年生,教授,博 Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.1998 士生导师,主要研究方向为人工智能 [29]GEORGHIADES A S.BELHUMEUR P N.KRIEG- 模式识别、计算机视觉。研究成果获 得省部级以上奖励5项。完成包括国 MAN D J.From few to many:illumination cone models 防973子课题、EEE智慧城市国际合 for face recognition under variable lighting and pose[J]. 作项目、国家自然科学基金项目和教 IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelli- 育部重大科研课题研究项目。发表学 gence,2001,23(6):643-660. 术论文200余篇,被SCI检索50余篇,EI检索100余篇,出 [30]LEE K C.HO J,KRIEGMAN D J.Acquiring linear sub- 版学术著作5部。BAO Bingkun, LIU Guangcan, XU Changsheng, et al. In￾ductive robust principal component analysis[J]. IEEE transactions on image processing, 2012, 21(8): 3794–3800. [24] CORTES C, VAPNIK V. Support-vector networks[J]. Machine learning, 1995, 20(3): 273–297. [25] HEISELE B, HO P, POGGIO T. Face recognition with support vector machine: global versus component-based approach[C]//Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Con￾ference on Computer Vision. Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2001: 688–694. [26] CHANG C C, LIN C J. Libsvm: a library for support vec￾tor machines[J]. ACM transactions on intelligent systems and technology, 2011, 2(3): 1–27. [27] MARTINEZ A, BENAVENTE R. The AR face database[R]. CVC Technical Report No.24. Barcelona : Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 1998. [28] GEORGHIADES A S, BELHUMEUR P N, KRIEG￾MAN D J. From few to many: illumination cone models for face recognition under variable lighting and pose[J]. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelli￾gence, 2001, 23(6): 643–660. [29] [30] LEE K C, HO J, KRIEGMAN D J. Acquiring linear sub￾spaces for face recognition under variable lighting[J]. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelli￾gence, 2005, 27(5): 684–698. SIM T, BAKER S, BSAT M. The CMU pose, illumina￾tion, and expression database[J]. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 2003, 25(12): 1615–1618. [31] 作者简介: 吴小艺,女,1994 年生,硕士研究 生,主要研究方向为人脸识别、稀疏低 秩表示、字典学习。 吴小俊,男,1967 年生,教授,博 士生导师,主要研究方向为人工智能、 模式识别、计算机视觉。研究成果获 得省部级以上奖励 5 项。完成包括国 防 973 子课题、IEEE 智慧城市国际合 作项目、国家自然科学基金项目和教 育部重大科研课题研究项目。发表学 术论文 200 余篇,被 SCI 检索 50 余篇、EI 检索 100 余篇,出 版学术著作 5 部。 第 3 期 吴小艺,等:结构化加权稀疏低秩恢复算法在人脸识别中的应用 ·463·
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