Complex Substituents These are named as follows: (a)The base alkyl group is numbered starting with the carbon bonded to the main chain. (b) The substituents are listed with the appropriate numbers,and parentheses are used to separate the substituent name. CH3CH3 -C-CH-CH-CH3 CH3 a(1,1,3-trimethylbutyl)group Properties of Alkanes Natural gas,gasoline,oils and paraffin wax are all alkanes,and so alkanes are often used as fuels,lubricants and solvents. Alkanes are non-polar,and are said to be Hydrophobic(water hating)since they do not dissolve in water. Typically the density of alkanes is around 0.7g/ml,and so when an alkane and water are mixed,they will form two separate phases,with the alkane on top.(Oil floats on water). Ch03 Alkanes (landscape) Page 7 Ch03 Alkanes (landscape) Page 7 Complex Substituents These are named as follows: (a) The base alkyl group is numbered starting with the carbon bonded to the main chain. (b) The substituents are listed with the appropriate numbers, and parentheses are used to separate the substituent name. Properties of Alkanes Natural gas, gasoline, oils and paraffin wax are all alkanes, and so alkanes are often used as fuels, lubricants and solvents. Alkanes are non-polar, and are said to be Hydrophobic (‘water hating’) since they do not dissolve in water. Typically the density of alkanes is around 0.7g/ml, and so when an alkane and water are mixed, they will form two separate phases, with the alkane on top. (Oil floats on water). CH3 C-CH2 CH3 CH-CH3 CH3 a (1,1,3-trimethylbutyl) group
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