六|。 atP would not be synthesized when 线 only adp and p; are added in isolated 与粒 mitochondria suspensions 体 eO consumption, an indication of 中 electron flow. was detected when a reductant(e.g, succinate) is added 呼 accompanied by an increase of ATP 成的偶联 吸| synthe esIs 链 e Both o consumption and atp it synthesis were suppressed when 子传递 inhibitors of respiratory chain(e.g cyanide, co, or antimycin A)was added六 线 粒 体 中 呼 吸 链 电 子 传 递 与ATP 合 成 的 偶 联  ATP would not be synthesized when only ADP and Pi are added in isolated mitochondria suspensions.  O2 consumption, an indication of electron flow, was detected when a reductant (e.g., succinate) is added, accompanied by an increase of ATP synthesis.  Both O2 consumption and ATP synthesis were suppressed when inhibitors of respiratory chain (e.g., cyanide, CO, or antimycin A) was added
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