5.Comprehensive answer (Choose 2 from the following topics,8 points each) (1)Main species of fruit bo reres related with cotton and fruit trees and their damaging characteristics. (试述棉花和果树蛀果害虫的主要种类及危害特点) (2)Main wheat or rice pest insects and mites and their damaging characteristics.(试述小麦或水稻害虫的 主要种类及危害特点) (3)Write common characteristics and differences between IPM,APM and TPM by comparing with each othe (试述IPM,APM和TPM三者的异同点) 6.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese (4 points) 一股地,芒长多刺、挺直、小穗排列紧密、颖壳厚、的品种具有明显的抗虫性。若小麦抽穗后尚未 扬花前的时期 与麦红吸浆虫成虫盛发期相吻合,则受害重,反之受害就轻。5.Comprehensive answer(Choose 2 from the following topics, 8 points each) (1) Main species of fruit boreres related with cotton and fruit trees and their damaging characteristics. (试述棉花和果树蛀果害虫的主要种类及危害特点) (2) Main wheat or rice pest insects and mites and their damaging characteristics.(试述小麦或水稻害虫的 主要种类及危害特点) (3) Write common characteristics and differences between IPM, APM and TPM by comparing with each other. (试述IPM,APM和TPM三者的异同点) 6.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese(4 points) 一般地,芒长多刺、挺直、小穗排列紧密、颖壳厚、的品种具有明显的抗虫性。若小麦抽穗后尚未 扬花前的时期 与麦红吸浆虫成虫盛发期相吻合,则受害重,反之受害就轻
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