1.Definitions.Briefly define the following terms (2points each) (1)Pesticide Residue: (2)Plant Ouarantine: (3)Non-preference (4)APM: (5)Summer locust' (6)Oriental armyworm (7)Initially stored product pests: (8)Black cutworm: (9)Economic threshold: (10)PestResurgence 2.Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph.(2 points each) (1)wheat blossom midge或wheat midge:麦红吸浆虫 er;二化螟 幼虫或老熟幼虫 (4)棉铃虫;蛹 (⑤)菜青虫食叶性或寡食性 (6桃小食心虫;幼虫或老熟幼虫 ()玉米象;籽粒 (8)华北蝼蛄;3 (9)飞蝗东亚飞蝗 (10)棉蚜;多食性 3.Single Choice.(1 point each) (1)C.Carposina (2)B.Leucania separata (3)D.Macrosiphum avenae (4)C.0℃ ()⑤C.Jun to Aug. (6)B.second (7)C.monophagous (8)D.chafer (9)D.warm and moist (10)C.eges (11)D.tissue ofleavesor leaf sheaths (12)D.oriental armyworm (13)B.Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (14)D.woody apple aphid (15)B.yellow peach moth 4.Shortanswer.Briefly complete the following questions.(5 points each) (1)Insect pests can be divided into 5 catagories on the basis of their disaster characteristics. Please hortly explain the disaster characteristics of each catagory respectively (2)Main factors influencing population number of oriental migtoria locusts. (3)Characteristics damaging to crops and migratory process of the oriental armyworm. (4)Main species and feeding characteristics of wheat aphids. (5)Key techniques controlling ground insect pests by the seed insecticide treatment. (6)How to control corn borers in maize fields bygranular formulation of insecticides during the late seedling period? 1、Definitions.Briefly define the following terms(2 points each) (1) Pesticide Residue: (2)Plant Quarantine: (3) Non-preference: (4) APM: (5)Summer locust: (6)Oriental armyworm: (7) Initially stored product pests: (8)Black cutworm: (9)Economic threshold: (10) PestResurgence 2. Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph.(2 points each) (1) wheat blossom midge或wheat midge;麦红吸浆虫 (2)Striped rice borer或Asian rice borer;二化螟 (3) 亚洲玉米螟;幼虫或老熟幼虫. (4) 棉铃虫;蛹 (5) 菜青虫;食叶性或寡食性 (6)桃小食心虫;幼虫或老熟幼虫 (7) 玉米象;籽粒 (8) 华北蝼蛄;3 (9)飞蝗;东亚飞蝗 (10)棉蚜;多食性 3. Single Choice.(1 point each) (1)C. Carposina (2)B. Leucania separata (3) D.Macrosiphum avenae (4) C. 0℃ (5) C. Jun to Aug. (6) B. second (7) C. monophagous (8) D. chafer (9) D. warm and moist (10) C. eggs (11) D. tissue ofleaves or leaf sheaths (12) D. oriental armyworm (13) B.Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (14) D. woody apple aphid (15) B.yellow peach moth 4. Shortanswer. Briefly complete the following questions. (5 points each) (1) Insect pests can be divided into 5 catagories on the basis of their disaster characteristics. Please shortly explain the disaster characteristics of each catagory respectively. (2) Main factors influencing population number of oriental migtoria locusts. (3) Characteristics damaging to crops and migratory process of the oriental armyworm. (4) Main species and feeding characteristics of wheat aphids. (5) Key techniques controlling ground insect pests by the seed insecticide treatment. (6) How to control corn borers in maize fields bygranular formulation of insecticides during the late seedling period?
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