Copyright IBM Corporation 2004. All rights reserved. d. You should see the following Provider URL: corbaloc: iiop localhost: 2809 This is the default bootstrap port, which is the port of deployment manager /nodes node 1/servers/server1 Linked to URL: corbaloc: wasv6pot: 9810 2. Access the Namespace for server1 a Issue the dumpnamespace command with the url option dumpNamespace. bat -url corbaloc: wasv6pot: 9810 b. Observe the output of the dumpnamespace command 38 top//nodes/node/servers/serverl/tnisNoae Javax. naming Context inked to context: wasv6potCell01/nodes/node1 39<top)/nodes/node1/servers/server1/Sample javax. naming Context 41 <top)/nodes/node1/servers/server1/Saml MDR vax.naming Context 42<top)/nodes/node1/servers/server1Sample/JMS/MDB/CR avaxjms Connection Fac cory 3 (top)/nodes/node 1/servers/server1/Sample/JMS/MDB/TOPIC com. ibm.ws sib api jms 44 (top)/nodes/node1/servers/server1<Sample/JMS/MDB/QUEUE com. ibm. WS sib api jms impl. Jms Queue Impl 45 (top)/nodes/node1/servers/node inked to URL: corbaloc:: wasu6pot: 2809/Nar Seruidasax earon Context C. You should observe the following JNDI name for JMS Connection Factory: Sample/JMS/MDBICF JNDI name for Queue Destination: Sample/JMS/MDB/QUEUE During this part of the exercise you were introduced to the dumpName Space tool and explored the namespace for your Web Sphere environment. Specifically, you determined the URL for server1 and the JNDI names for JMS resources that were bound in the server1 name space You will need to use this information in the next part of this lab exercise END OF LAB EXERCISE ab 08- Service Integration and JMS© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004. All rights reserved. Lab 08 – Service Integration and JMS Page 18 of 18 ___ d. You should see the following - Provider URL: corbaloc:iiop:localhost:2809 This is the default bootstrap port, which is the port of deployment manager. - /nodes/node1/servers/server1 Linked to URL: corbaloc::wasv6pot:9810 ___ 2. Access the Namespace for server1 ___ a. Issue the dumpnamespace command with the url option dumpNamespace.bat -url corbaloc::wasv6pot:9810 ___ b. Observe the output of the dumpnamespace command: ___ c. You should observe the following: - JNDI name for JMS Connection Factory: Sample/JMS/MDB/CF - JNDI name for Queue Destination: Sample/JMS/MDB/QUEUE During this part of the exercise you were introduced to the dumpNameSpace tool and explored the namespace for your WebSphere environment. Specifically, you determined the URL for server1 and the JNDI names for JMS resources that were bound in the server1 name space. You will need to use this information in the next part of this lab exercise. END OF LAB EXERCISE
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