WebSphere software- Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. c. Observe output from the dumpName Space command Context factorgo-eom ibn websphere maming Wsn InitialContext Factory Requested root context: cell Formatting rules: Time of dump: Thu Feb 10 22:22: 48 CST 2005 〓〓〓〓〓出三三三三三出出出出出出出出出出出出出三三三三三三三三三三三三 <top) <top)/cells naming Context 4 <top) tent/cell namin inked to context: wasu6potCe l101 5 (to 7<top)/nodes/wasv6potcellManager@1 Linked to context: wasu6potCell01 <top)/nodes/wasu6pot CellManager01/no 6pot Ce l101/nodes Masvbpot ceiimanagergi ontext ing Context 11 <top)/nodes/wasv6pot Ce llManager01/servers javax. naming Context des/wasv6potCellManager@1/serve avax.naming. context /Name ServiceServerRoot 13 <top)/nodes/wasv6potCe@1/nodename java. lang String 14 <top)/nodes/node javax. naming Context 5 Linked to context: wasv6potCe1101 javax. naming Context ked to context: wasv6potcell01/nodes/nodet javax. naming Context 16 <top)/nodes/node1/node <top)/node Java 18 <top)/nodes/node1/servers Context javax. naming Context 20(top)/nodes/node1/servers/nodeagent/servername 21 topinked toncontextr eas nooeceentr/nadesaeodet java. lang.Strinext 22(top)/nodes/node1/servers/nodeagent/cell 23 (ton> odeteserversiserver Context 23 Linked to URL: corbaloc: vasu6pot: 9810/Name Service ServerRoo 24(t nked to context u6potCe 1101 26(to ked to context: wasv6potce 1101/nodes/node1/se davax naming Context (top/cell inked to context: wasv6pot Ce l101 28<top)/cluster javax. naming Context Proof of Technology Lab 08-Service Integration and JMS Product Introduction Exploration(PI+E) Page 17 of 18© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 08 – Service Integration and JMS Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 17 of 18 ___ c. Observe output from the dumpNameSpace command
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