6708 生态学报 30卷 m neraliaed to AN as soil ava ilable N is din nished by wheat Thus soilMN and FN can be regarded asN poolswh ich can balance to some extent the Nm neralization and immob iliation that controls amount ofAN n solor.At he early stage the soilA F rduced frm 371 3mg/kg o259 1 mg/kg in the CCF tream ent but increaed fom 36 5 mg/kg 324 5 mg/kg i the SRF tream et At the elngatin stage when wheat requiresm axinu N suppl,the difference n soil the first wo tines wasmeasured as only 34 18mg/kg n the CCF tream ent but up to77 2Img/kg in the SRF tream ent The change of soilAF show ed that the SRF tream ent coul mantan higher soilAN to meet wheat demand at the early grow ng stage which could favor reducng N bsses hrough em issions ad leachng if any Durng the early grow ing stage N availability to wheat n he CCF reamentm ight be much higher tha in the SRF treament resultng in muc higherN uptake by wheat n the fomer tha n the atter W ith tie the SRF treament released more N than the CCF treament and thiswas evilmced by higherN uptake by wheat n he SRF tream ent The pattem ofN uptakeby wheat w as in coneilence w ith accum ulat ion ofwheat bion ass namely CCF>SRF at he early stage and SRF>CCF at the md- later stage Atmaturity the bimass ad N uptake ofwheat in the CCF treamentwere 15 32%and 13 5%h igher than and negatiely correlated w ith am ounts of N uptake by wheat (r=-0 8728 -Q 9006 )shov ng m uch stronger ability of the SRF n regulating soilN transfomatin tomaintan good balnces bew een soilN auppy and emp den and and favoring inpovement of N use efficincy Therefore cmnpared to the conm on compound fertilizer the SRF is more favonb e to wheat K eyWords skw/oonto lled-release cmpound fertilizer nitrogen foms wheat nitrogen nutrition 缓控释肥料是一类养分释放与作物养分吸收规律相协调和肥料利用效率高的新型肥料,在农业士壤中, 施用该类肥料后如何通过调控土壤氨素养分供应能力和水平从而协调和满足作物氨素营养需要一直是该领 域研究的热点“引。其主要原因在于土壤的氨素状况包括氨素的含量、形态及其转化,直接影响土壤氨素的 作物营养能力,这也是合理施用氮肥的重要理论依据。欧洲士壤学界将士壤氮素养分库定义为5个方 面q,即土壤有机质氨库、微生物氮库、固定态铵库、NH:N库、NO;N库,各种氨素库(形态)之间在土壤中 互相转化,处于动态平衡,进而形成土壤的供氮特性。在施肥方面,氮肥的种类和数量直接左右着土壤氮素库 (形态)的周转与平衡,进而影响到土壤氨的内循环、氮素供应能力和土壤氮素肥力水平的保持与提高,以氮 素多形态为特征的缓控释复合肥料施入到土壤中必然会明显改变和调节土壤氮素库的结构和供肥能力。 基于土壤是否种植作物对缓控释复合肥料进入土壤后的转化过程和不同形态氮在时空上的分布有者重要影 响,因此研究缓控释复合肥料对土壤氮素库的调控作用,应充分考虑缓控释复合肥料在“士壤作物”(体系 中的变化特点:外,以合理评价该类肥料产品在农业大田应用中的生物效应、环境效益等,以期为进一步研制 和生产具有养分缓释与植物吸收相协调、环境友好、氮素养分多形态组合的新型缓控释复合肥料提供理论依 据。本文拟研究以多种形态氮素(硝态、铵态、酰胺态、可溶性有机氮等)养分为特征的缓控释复合肥料 调控土壤不同形态氮素养分库的能力和对土壤氮素肥力的培育作用,特别是对土壤氮素活性库 一“铵离子 周转库”的影响机制,并分析土壤“铵离子周转库”对土壤铵态氨和硝态氮的动态变化规律的影响, 1材料与方法 11小麦盆栽试验 111士瑞 供试土壤为沙溪庙组紫色母岩发有的灰棕紫泥,其基本理化性质:由H值Z08有机质161gg土壤聊 解N、有效R有效K分别为5052901060mg/kg士壤固定态铵含量1827mg/ks 112肥料 西南大学研制的一种以优质有机肥为基础的有机无机非包膜养分结构型缓控释肥料(R℉),养分释放 1994-2011 China Academic lournal E h/ww.ecobg ica cn All rights reserved //www.cnki.nethttp: / /www. eco log ica. cn m ineralized to AN as soil ava ilableN is dmi inished by wheat. Thus, so ilMN and FN can be regarded asN poolswh ich can balance to some extent theN m ineralization and mi mob ilization that controls amount ofAN in so il or so ilAIF. At the early stage the soilA IF reduced from 371. 3 m g /kg to 259. 1 mg /kg in the CCF treatm ent but increased from 306. 5 mg /kg to 324. 5 mg /kg in the SRF treatm ent. At the elongation stage when wheat requiresm axmi um N supply, the difference in so il A IF between the first tw o tmi es wasm easured as only 34. 18mg /kg in the CCF treatm ent but up to 77. 21mg /kg in the SRF treatm ent. The change o f soilAIF show ed that the SRF treatm ent could ma intain higher soilAN to meet wheat demand at the early grow ing stage, wh ich could favor reducing N losses through em issions and leaching if any. During the early grow ing stage, N ava ilability to wheat in the CCF treatmentm ight be much higher than in the SRF treatm ent, resulting in much higherN uptake by wheat in the form er than in the latter. W ith tmi e, the SRF treatment released more N than the CCF treatment and thiswas evidenced by higherN uptake by wheat in the SRF treatm ent. T he pattern ofN uptake by wheat w as in coincidence w ith accum ulation ofwheat biom ass, nam ely CCF> SRF at the early stage and SRF > CCF at the m id later stage. Atm aturity, the b iomass and N uptake o fwheat in the CCF treatmentwere 15. 32% and 13. 51% h igher than in the SRF treatm ent, respectively. The fluctuated am ounts o f so ilMN, FN and AIF in the SRF treatm entw ere significantly and negatively correlated w ith am ounts of N uptake by wheat ( r = - 0. 8728 * - 0. 9006 * * ), show ing m uch stronger ability o f the SRF in regulating so ilN transform ation tom aintain good ba lances betw een soilN supply and crop dem and and favoring mi provement of N use efficiency. Therefore, com pared to the comm on compound fertilizer, the SRF is more favorab le to wheat. K eyW ords: slow / contro lledrelease compound fertilizer; n itrogen form s; wheat; nitrogen nutrition 缓 /控释肥料是一类养分释放与作物养分吸收规律相协调和肥料利用效率高的新型肥料, 在农业土壤中, 施用该类肥料后如何通过调控土壤氮素养分供应能力和水平从而协调和满足作物氮素营养需要一直是该领 域研究的热点 [ 13]。其主要原因在于土壤的氮素状况包括氮素的含量、形态及其转化, 直接影响土壤氮素的 作物营养能力, 这也是合理施用氮肥的重要理论依据 [ 45]。欧洲土壤学界将土壤氮素养分库定义为 5个方 面 [ 6] , 即土壤有机质氮库、微生物氮库、固定态铵库、NH + 4 N 库、NO - 3 N 库, 各种氮素库 (形态 )之间在土壤中 互相转化, 处于动态平衡, 进而形成土壤的供氮特性。在施肥方面, 氮肥的种类和数量直接左右着土壤氮素库 (形态 )的周转与平衡, 进而影响到土壤氮的内循环、氮素供应能力和土壤氮素肥力水平的保持与提高, 以氮 素多形态为特征的缓 /控释复合肥料施入到土壤中必然会明显改变和调节土壤氮素库的结构和供肥能力 [ 7 ]。 基于土壤是否种植作物对缓 /控释复合肥料进入土壤后的转化过程和不同形态氮在时空上的分布有着重要影 响, 因此研究缓 /控释复合肥料对土壤氮素库的调控作用, 应充分考虑缓 /控释复合肥料在 土壤 作物 ! (体系 中的变化特点 [ 89] , 以合理评价该类肥料产品在农业大田应用中的生物效应、环境效益等, 以期为进一步研制 和生产具有养分缓释与植物吸收相协调、环境友好、氮素养分多形态组合的新型缓 /控释复合肥料提供理论依 据。本文拟研究以多种形态氮素 (硝态、铵态、酰胺态、可溶性有机氮等 )养分为特征的缓 /控释复合肥料 [ 10] 调控土壤不同形态氮素养分库的能力和对土壤氮素肥力的培育作用, 特别是对土壤氮素活性库 铵离子 周转库 !的影响机制, 并分析土壤 铵离子周转库!对土壤铵态氮和硝态氮的动态变化规律的影响。 1 材料与方法 1. 1 小麦盆栽试验 1. 1. 1 土壤 供试土壤为沙溪庙组紫色母岩发育的灰棕紫泥, 其基本理化性质: pH 值 7. 08, 有机质 16. 1 g /kg, 土壤碱 解 N、有效 P、有效 K 分别为 50. 5、29. 0、106. 0 mg /kg, 土壤固定态铵含量 182. 7mg /kg。 1. 1. 2 肥料 西南大学研制的一种以优质有机肥为基础的有机无机非包膜养分结构型缓 /控释肥料 ( SRF), 养分释放 6708 生 态 学 报 30卷