同濟大学 TONGJI UNIVERSITY New and Small Businesses... Make up 98.5%of all the Produce 51%of the natlon's businesses In the U.S. private GDP. Employ 52%of the nation's private Account for 47%of business sales. sector workforce. Create 4X more innovations per R&D 。 Pay 45%of total private payroll. dollar spent than medlum-slzed firms and 24X as many as large companies. Create more jobs than big buslnesses. Create two-thirds of all the new inventions Are leaders in offering training and advancement opportunities to Produce 13 more patents per employee workers. than large companies New and Small Businesses... New and Small Businesses... New and Small Businesses... New and Small Businesses... • Make up 98.5% of all the Make up 98.5% of all the Make up 98.5% of all the Make up 98.5% of all the businesses in the U.S. businesses in the U.S. businesses in the U.S. businesses in the U.S. • Employ 52% of the nation Employ 52% of the nation Employ 52% of the nation Employ 52% of the nation’s private s private s private s private sector workforce. sector workforce. sector workforce. sector workforce. • Pay 45 % of total private payroll. Pay 45 % of total private payroll. Pay 45 % of total private payroll. Pay 45 % of total private payroll. • Create more jobs than big Create more jobs than big Create more jobs than big Create more jobs than big businesses. businesses. businesses. businesses. • Are leaders in offering training Are leaders in offering training Are leaders in offering training Are leaders in offering training and advancement opportunities to and advancement opportunities to and advancement opportunities to and advancement opportunities to workers. workers. workers. workers. • Produce 51% of the nation Produce 51% of the nation Produce 51% of the nation Produce 51% of the nation’s private GDP. private GDP. private GDP. private GDP. • Account for 47% of business sales. Account for 47% of business sales. Account for 47% of business sales. Account for 47% of business sales. • Create 4X more innovations per R & D Create 4X more innovations per R & D Create 4X more innovations per R & D Create 4X more innovations per R & D dollar spent than medium-sized firms dollar spent than medium-sized firms dollar spent than medium-sized firms dollar spent than medium-sized firms and 24X as many as large companies. and 24X as many as large companies. and 24X as many as large companies. and 24X as many as large companies. • Create two-thirds of all the new Create two-thirds of all the new Create two-thirds of all the new Create two-thirds of all the new inventions inventions inventions inventions • Produce 13 more patents per employee Produce 13 more patents per employee Produce 13 more patents per employee Produce 13 more patents per employee than large companies than large companies than large companies than large companies