月大学 TONGJI UNIVERSITY The Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship Dr. Pan Xuan School of Economics and Management Tongji University
The Entrepreneur and Entrepreneur and Entrepreneur and Entrepreneur and Entrepreneur ntrepreneur ntrepreneur ntrepreneurship Dr. Pan Xuan School of Economics and Management Tongji University
同濟大学 TONGJI UNIVERSITY The World of the Entrepreneur In the U.S.,entrepreneurs start nearly 6 million businesses a year! Global Entrepreneurship Monitor(GEM) Approximately 10.5%of U.S.population is actively involved in trying to start a new business.For China,that rate is 12%. Approximately 12%of people in 37 GEM countries studied are involved in starting a new business
� Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) � Approximately 10.5% of U.S. population is actively involved in trying to start a new business. For China, that rate is 12%. � Approximately 12% of people in 37 GEM countries studied are involved in starting a new business. The World of the Entrepreneur The World of the Entrepreneur The World of the Entrepreneur The World of the Entrepreneur � In the U.S., entrepreneurs start nearly 6 million businesses a year!
同濟大学 TONGJI UNIVERSITY why the fever?
Why the Why the Why the Why the fever?
同濟大学 TONGJI UNIVERSITY Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurs as education heroes Demographic and economic factors Shift to a service economy Feeding the Entrepreneurial Fire E-Commerce and the World Wide Technological advancements Web International Independent opportunities lifestyles
Feeding the Feeding the Feeding the Feeding the Entrepreneurial Fire Entrepreneurial Fire Entrepreneurial Fire Entrepreneurial Fire Entrepreneurs as Entrepreneurs as Entrepreneurs as Entrepreneurs as heroes Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial education education education education Demographic and economic Demographic and economic Demographic and economic Demographic and economic factors factors factors factors Shift to a service Shift to a service Shift to a service Shift to a service economy economy economy economy Technological advancements Technological advancements Technological advancements Technological advancements Independent Independent Independent Independent lifestyles lifestyles lifestyles lifestyles E-Commerce and the World Wide E-Commerce and the World Wide E-Commerce and the World Wide E-Commerce and the World Wide Web International International International International opportunities opportunities opportunities opportunities
同海大学 TONGJI UNIVERSITY Entrepreneurship and Economlc Development Job creation New venture formation Industry formation Innovation Venture and growth capital Leadership-glving to the communlty
Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Entrepreneurship and Economic Development • Job creation Job creation Job creation Job creation • New venture formation New venture formation New venture formation New venture formation • Industry formation Industry formation Industry formation Industry formation • Innovation Innovation Innovation Innovation • Venture and growth capital Venture and growth capital Venture and growth capital Venture and growth capital • Leadership-giving to the community Leadership-giving to the community Leadership-giving to the community Leadership-giving to the community
同濟大学 TONGJI UNIVERSITY New and Small Businesses... Make up 98.5%of all the Produce 51%of the natlon's businesses In the U.S. private GDP. Employ 52%of the nation's private Account for 47%of business sales. sector workforce. Create 4X more innovations per R&D 。 Pay 45%of total private payroll. dollar spent than medlum-slzed firms and 24X as many as large companies. Create more jobs than big buslnesses. Create two-thirds of all the new inventions Are leaders in offering training and advancement opportunities to Produce 13 more patents per employee workers. than large companies
New and Small Businesses... New and Small Businesses... New and Small Businesses... New and Small Businesses... • Make up 98.5% of all the Make up 98.5% of all the Make up 98.5% of all the Make up 98.5% of all the businesses in the U.S. businesses in the U.S. businesses in the U.S. businesses in the U.S. • Employ 52% of the nation Employ 52% of the nation Employ 52% of the nation Employ 52% of the nation’s private s private s private s private sector workforce. sector workforce. sector workforce. sector workforce. • Pay 45 % of total private payroll. Pay 45 % of total private payroll. Pay 45 % of total private payroll. Pay 45 % of total private payroll. • Create more jobs than big Create more jobs than big Create more jobs than big Create more jobs than big businesses. businesses. businesses. businesses. • Are leaders in offering training Are leaders in offering training Are leaders in offering training Are leaders in offering training and advancement opportunities to and advancement opportunities to and advancement opportunities to and advancement opportunities to workers. workers. workers. workers. • Produce 51% of the nation Produce 51% of the nation Produce 51% of the nation Produce 51% of the nation’s private GDP. private GDP. private GDP. private GDP. • Account for 47% of business sales. Account for 47% of business sales. Account for 47% of business sales. Account for 47% of business sales. • Create 4X more innovations per R & D Create 4X more innovations per R & D Create 4X more innovations per R & D Create 4X more innovations per R & D dollar spent than medium-sized firms dollar spent than medium-sized firms dollar spent than medium-sized firms dollar spent than medium-sized firms and 24X as many as large companies. and 24X as many as large companies. and 24X as many as large companies. and 24X as many as large companies. • Create two-thirds of all the new Create two-thirds of all the new Create two-thirds of all the new Create two-thirds of all the new inventions inventions inventions inventions • Produce 13 more patents per employee Produce 13 more patents per employee Produce 13 more patents per employee Produce 13 more patents per employee than large companies than large companies than large companies than large companies
同濟大学 TONGJI UNIVERSITY What is an entrepreneur? "Creators of new organizations" (Gartner) "People who explore,evaluate and exploit opportunities" (Shane and Venkataraman Video:what is an entrepreneur?
What is an entrepreneur? What is an entrepreneur? What is an entrepreneur? What is an entrepreneur? "Creators of new organizations Creators of new organizations Creators of new organizations Creators of new organizations" (Gartner) "People who explore, evaluate and exploit opportuniti People who explore, evaluate and exploit opportuniti People who explore, evaluate and exploit opportuniti People who explore, evaluate and exploit opportunities" (Shane and Venkataraman ) Video: what is an entrepreneur? what is an entrepreneur? what is an entrepreneur? what is an entrepreneur?
同濟大学 TONGJI UNIVERSITY What is an Entrepreneur? One who creates a new business in the face of risk and uncertainty for the purpose of achieving profit and growth by identifying opportunities and assembling the necessary resources to capitalize on them. Entrepreneurship is a way of thinking,reasoning, and acting that is opportunity obsessed,hollstic in approach and leadership balanced.(Timmons)
What is an Entrepreneur? What is an Entrepreneur? What is an Entrepreneur? What is an Entrepreneur? One who creates a new business in the face of risk and uncertainty for the purpose of achieving profit and growth by identifying opportunities and assembling the necessary resources to capitalize on them. Entrepreneurship is a way of thinking, reasoning, Entrepreneurship is a way of thinking, reasoning, Entrepreneurship is a way of thinking, reasoning, Entrepreneurship is a way of thinking, reasoning, and acting that is opportunity obsessed, holistic in and acting that is opportunity obsessed, holistic in and acting that is opportunity obsessed, holistic in and acting that is opportunity obsessed, holistic in approach and leadership balanced. (Timmons) approach and leadership balanced. (Timmons) approach and leadership balanced. (Timmons) approach and leadership balanced. (Timmons)
同濟大学 TONGJI UNIVERSITY Being An ENTERPRENEUR means being able to: To be creative and to come up with new ideas and ways of doing things. Judge whether something is worth doing in view of the risks involved; Take advantage of change-new methods,processes, changes in things people want. Being willing to try and to learn from the mistakes made. Be brave,daring,dedicated and motivated (profit/social)
Being An ENTERPR ENTERPR ENTERPR ENTERPRENEUR means being able to: � To be creative and to come up with new ideas and ways of doing things. � Judge whether something is worth doing in view of the risks involved; � Take advantage of change – new methods, processes, changes in things people want. � Being willing to try and to learn from the mistakes made. � Be brave, daring, dedicated and motivated (profit/social)
Who is an enterpreneur???-Look at the people below With the person next to you work out who they are and why you think they might be an enterpreneur.Put your answers on the table in the first two columns. 3. 2
With the person next to you work out With the person next to you work out With the person next to you work out With the person next to you work out who they are and why you think they might they are and why you think they might they are and why you think they might they are and why you think they might be an enterpr enterpr enterpr enterpreneur. Put your answers on the Put your answers on the Put your answers on the Put your answers on the table in the first two columns in the first two columns in the first two columns in the first two columns. 1. 2. 4. 3. Who is an enterpreneur preneur preneur preneur??? - Look at the people below ??? - Look at the people below ??? - Look at the people below ??? - Look at the people below