496T fm i-xxvi 01/10/06 22: 13 Page xxii List of Symbols he number of the section in which a symbol is introduced or explained is giver parentheses. A= area DP= degree of polymerization(14.5) A=angstrom unit d= diameter Ai= atomic weight of element i (2.2) d average grain diameter(7. 8) PF=atomic packing factor(3. 4) dnk= interplanar spacing for planes of a=lattice parameter: unit cell Miller indices h, k, and /(3.16 x-axial length(3. 4) E= energy(2.5) a= crack length of a surface crack(8.5) E= modulus of elasticity or Youngs t%=atom percent(4.4) modulus(6.3) B= magnetic flux density 8= electric field intensity(18.3) (induction)(20.2) Ef= Fermi energy (18.5) B,= magnetic remanence(20.7) Eg= band gap energy(18.6) BCC= body-centered cubic crystal (=relaxation modulus(15.4) structure(3. 4) oEL= ductility, in percent b= lattice parameter: unit cell ongation(6.6) y-axial length(3.7) ge per electron(18.7) b= Burgers vector (4.5) e= electron(17. 2) C= capacitance(1818) erf Gaussian error function (5.4) Ci= concentration(composition )of exp =e, the base for natural logarithms component i in wt%(4. 4) F= force interatomic or mechanical Ci=concentration(composition )of (2,6.3) component i in at%(4. 4) 9= Faraday constant(17.2) Cu, Cp= heat capacity at constant volume, FCC= face-centered cubic crystal CPR= corrosion penetration rate(17.3) G= shear modulus(6.3) CVN= Charpy V-notch(8.6) H= magnetic field strength(20.2) Hc magne c=lattice parameter: unit cell HB= Brinell hardness(6.10) z-axial length(3.7) HCP= hexagonal close-packed crystal c= velocity of electromagnetic radia structure(3. 4) tion in a vacuum(21.2) HK= Knoop hardness(6.10) D= diffusion coefficient (5.3) HRB HRF= Rockwell hardness: B andF D= dielectric displacement(18.19) alesThe number of the section in which a symbol is introduced or explained is given in parentheses. List of Symbols A area Å angstrom unit Ai atomic weight of element i (2.2) APF atomic packing factor (3.4) a lattice parameter: unit cell x-axial length (3.4) a crack length of a surface crack (8.5) at% atom percent (4.4) B magnetic flux density (induction) (20.2) Br magnetic remanence (20.7) BCC body-centered cubic crystal structure (3.4) b lattice parameter: unit cell y-axial length (3.7) b Burgers vector (4.5) C capacitance (18.18) Ci concentration (composition) of component i in wt% (4.4) Ci concentration (composition) of component i in at% (4.4) Cv, Cp heat capacity at constant volume, pressure (19.2) CPR corrosion penetration rate (17.3) CVN Charpy V-notch (8.6) %CW percent cold work (7.10) c lattice parameter: unit cell z-axial length (3.7) c velocity of electromagnetic radia￾tion in a vacuum (21.2) D diffusion coefficient (5.3) D dielectric displacement (18.19) DP degree of polymerization (14.5) d diameter d average grain diameter (7.8) dhkl interplanar spacing for planes of Miller indices h, k, and l (3.16) E energy (2.5) E modulus of elasticity or Young’s modulus (6.3) electric field intensity (18.3) Ef Fermi energy (18.5) Eg band gap energy (18.6) Er(t) relaxation modulus (15.4) %EL ductility, in percent elongation (6.6) e electric charge per electron (18.7) e electron (17.2) erf Gaussian error function (5.4) exp e, the base for natural logarithms F force, interatomic or mechanical (2.5, 6.3) Faraday constant (17.2) FCC face-centered cubic crystal structure (3.4) G shear modulus (6.3) H magnetic field strength (20.2) Hc magnetic coercivity (20.7) HB Brinell hardness (6.10) HCP hexagonal close-packed crystal structure (3.4) HK Knoop hardness (6.10) HRB, HRF Rockwell hardness: B and F scales (6.10) f e • xxiii 1496T_fm_i-xxvi 01/10/06 22:13 Page xxiii
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