“美国文明史”结业论文 美国内战起因的讨论 何力(软件学院软件工程大四) 中文摘要 美国内战是美国历史上规模最大的内战,也是一件影响美国历史的无比重要的事件。 南北战争的直接原因,看上去是支持废奴的共和党候选人林肯当选美国总统作为主要的导火 索,然后南方数州宣布独立,北方诸州则以维护联邦统一为理由,发起了一场统一与分裂的 战争。 关键词:南北内战,共和党,奴隶制,生产制度 An Argument about Causes of the America Civil War Abstract The America Civil War is one of the most massive wars in American history for its evolutional significance to American civilization and great satisfaction.The direct cause seems to be the election of Lincoln as president,which results in declaration of independence of several states in South,and the war is began for the dividing and re-uniting of nation between the north and south Keyword:Civil War,The Republican Party,slavery,factory system 第1页,共4页“美国文明史”结业论文 第 1 页,共 4 页 美国内战起因的讨论 何力(软件学院 软件工程 大四) 中文摘要 美国内战是美国历史上规模最大的内战,也是一件影响美国历史的无比重要的事件。 南北战争的直接原因,看上去是支持废奴的共和党候选人林肯当选美国总统作为主要的导火 索,然后南方数州宣布独立,北方诸州则以维护联邦统一为理由,发起了一场统一与分裂的 战争。 关键词: 南北内战,共和党,奴隶制,生产制度 An Argument about Causes of the America Civil War Abstract The America Civil War is one of the most massive wars in American history for its evolutional significance to American civilization and great satisfaction. The direct cause seems to be the election of Lincoln as president, which results in declaration of independence of several states in South, and the war is began for the dividing and re-uniting of nation between the north and south. Keyword: Civil War, The Republican Party, slavery, factory system