means of birth control under which a woman often limited the number of children she had under the age of four in order to allow for migration Tribal, or Lineage Based Societies: "Ordered Anarchy:" ribes are one step up from bands in their complexity. a tribe is a political group that comprises several bands or lineage groups, which occupy a distinct territory. These groups may be united through a clan structure in which most people claim descent from a common ancestor although a precise genealogy to that ancestor is not always possible. Tribal organization developed about 12,000 years ago; and they are found in the Middle East, South Asia, S.E. Asia, the Pacific, Africa, and in North and South america A tribal headman -most of whom are men -is more effective than a band leader a headman coordinates times of hunting, moving herds, and planting and harvesting crops, as well as establishing the time of seasonal feasts and rituals. the headman generally relies on political persuasion rather than physical force Horticultural tribes rarely join forces in any sort of struggle; however, this move is quite common for pastoral tribes- who link into a confederacy, with local units or segments which will maintain political autonomy. In cases of external threat, the confederacy gathers together. Once the threat dissipates, the confederacy disunites into its more common tribal groups. The overall equality and autonomy of each unit in relation to the others, along with their ability to unite and then disunite, is referred to as a segmentary model of political organization. In a segmentary system, individuals belong to a series of different descent units. These units correspond to different genealogical levels and function in different social contexts. The most basic level is the minimal lineage, comprising three to five generations. Members at this level generally live together, consider themselves to be close kin, and cooperate on a daily basis. They also form the basis of an alliance network which is activated under only rare circumstances of feud, warfare and broad social disruption. Minimal lineages are the bottom level of this hierarchy, which then builds into minor lineages, major lineages, and then maximal lineages. When disputes occur between individuals of different segments, people are expected to side with the disputant to whom they are most closely related. Thus, those who are on opposite ends of a contest or struggle at the level of minimal lineage may be united in contests at the level of minor or major lineage Growth of the mafia The growth, expansion and membership in the mafia may be understood only within the cultural economic and historic circumstances of W. Sicily in the latter half of the nineteenth cent Briefly, the relevant cultural criteria relevant to mafiosi include cleverness, honor and friendship The clever man, especially in business, is cunning; he uses his astuteness to serve his own interests, to manipulate others-if possible without alienating them in the process. The clever man,or furbo, requires a fess, or fool, one who is gullible and naive, or taken advantage of Parents reward this quality in their children; and later in life, a shrewd and clever man is one with