green mining.To study the pipeline conveying characteristics of tailing-waste rock paste,the rheological properties of the paste were tested by rheometer under different tailing-waste rock ratios and solid content conditions.A resistance equation integrating compactness,water-cement ratio,and volume concentration is constructed.And it was brought into Comsol software for simulations and compared with the actual measurement results of the ring pipe to verify that the errors measured by the numerical model were all within 7%,indicating that the model is reasonable for calculating the resistance characteristics of the tailing-waste rock paste.The variation characteristics of pipeline conveying resistance under different solid content,tailing-waste rock ratio,and initial velocity conditions were also simulated.The experimental results show that the plastic viscosity and yield stress increase with the solid content and the tailing-waste rock ratio.Due to the friction effect between the particles,the resistance loss tends to increase and then decrease with the tailing-waste rock ratio.The increase in solid content leads to a decrease in the water content of the paste,which leads to difficulty in the flow of coarse aggregate slurry and a rapid increase in resistance loss.The initial flow rate increases,the particle motion becomes unstable,friction increases,and the growth rate of drag loss increases greatly after the "inflection point"of 2.2 m It is recommended that the mine should be filled with a tailing-waste rock ratio of 5:5 and an initial flow rate of 2.2 m The fesearch results have certain reference significance for the design of coarse aggregate paste pipeline conveying system,which helps the development of coarse aggregate paste conveying technology,and also has a positie on reducing the pipeline conveying resistance and extending the conveying distance. KEY WORDS coarse aggregate;tailing-waste rock ratio;rheological characteristi model;numerical simulation 全尾砂废石膏体充填是矿山发展的核心方向。它能够有效地降低矿山固体废物的排放,有利 于矿床安全清洁高效开采的实现,也能够降低充填彩的生产成本,促进矿山绿色开采与矿山经济 的协调发展3。膏体通常是在充填站进行制备,然通过管道系统输送到地下采空区。为了保证 矿山生产效率与管道输送稳定性,膏体通常应满足一定的流动性要求,常见的流动性评价指标为流 变特性参数(屈服应力和塑性粘度)。目、国内外专家学者针对膏体的流变特性进行了大量的 实验研究。如,蔡嗣经等o引入Papanastasiou模型对充填料浆的黏度和切应力变化过程进行表征, 并证明该模型对于流体性质预测的可行性。Boyu山等研究了颗粒的粒度分布对水煤浆流变学的影响。 Ptt四等对两种不同种类砂浆的屈服应力值随时间和温度变化的耦合影响进行了评估。可以看出, 前述研究的对象均为细粒级浆体:得结果并不适用于全尾砂废石膏体。 阻力特性也是评价膏体管道输送可行性的重要依据1。传统的膏体管道输送阻力的研究一般分 为两种方式。一种方法是阻损失经验公式,如金川公式、鞍山矿院公式等。但是,其仅适用于特 定条件下的充填输送,不冥视性。另一种方法是相似实验,采用小管径装置进行实验,然后将 计算结果折算到大管伦管道。虽然这种方法为管道输送的研究提供了思路,但是由于现场条件 的多变性,导致结果输送情况相差较大。近年来,计算流体力学(C℉D)模拟成为研究膏体 阻力特性的一种有效的方法1。如杨天雨等应用Fluent软件按照矿山的实际充填管路进行等比建 模,研究了不同影响因素对阻力损失的影响规律。张钦礼劉等建立了长距离的二维管道模型,发现 料浆自流输送需腰满足重力产生的压力值大于阻力损失值。吴迪等采用模拟手段分析了某矿充填 管道输送过程中弯管的受力情况,为充填系统的顺利运行提供了理论支撑。王新民2等基于LOW 3D综合多种影响因素研究发现西部某膏体充填站的最佳输送倍线为3.0。然而,还没有一种可以有 效预测全尾砂废石音体流动特征的模型。 本实验的主要目的是考察全尾砂-废石膏体的流变特性及阻力演化行为。研究了粗骨料膏体的流 变参数变化特性,构建了考虑体积浓度、堆积密度及水灰比的输送阻力数值模型。并基于Comsol软 件分析了不同尾废比、入口速度、及浓度对输送阻力的影响规律。本文的研究成果对于粗骨料膏体输 送技术的发展及减小管输阻力、延长输送距离具有积极意义。 1实验材料green mining. To study the pipeline conveying characteristics of tailing-waste rock paste, the rheological properties of the paste were tested by rheometer under different tailing-waste rock ratios and solid content conditions. A resistance equation integrating compactness, water-cement ratio, and volume concentration is constructed. And it was brought into Comsol software for simulations and compared with the actual measurement results of the ring pipe to verify that the errors measured by the numerical model were all within 7%, indicating that the model is reasonable for calculating the resistance characteristics of the tailing-waste rock paste. The variation characteristics of pipeline conveying resistance under different solid content, tailing-waste rock ratio, and initial velocity conditions were also simulated. The experimental results show that the plastic viscosity and yield stress increase with the solid content and the tailing-waste rock ratio. Due to the friction effect between the particles, the resistance loss tends to increase and then decrease with the tailing-waste rock ratio. The increase in solid content leads to a decrease in the water content of the paste, which leads to difficulty in the flow of coarse aggregate slurry and a rapid increase in resistance loss. The initial flow rate increases, the particle motion becomes unstable, friction increases, and the growth rate of drag loss increases greatly after the "inflection point" of 2.2 m·s-1 . It is recommended that the mine should be filled with a tailing-waste rock ratio of 5:5 and an initial flow rate of 2.2 m·s-1 . The research results have certain reference significance for the design of coarse aggregate paste pipeline conveying system, which helps the development of coarse aggregate paste conveying technology, and also has a positive effect on reducing the pipeline conveying resistance and extending the conveying distance. KEY WORDS coarse aggregate; tailing-waste rock ratio; rheological characteristics; resistance model; numerical simulation 全尾砂-废石膏体充填是矿山发展的核心方向[1-2]。它能够有效地降低矿山固体废物的排放,有利 于矿床安全清洁高效开采的实现,也能够降低充填采矿的生产成本,促进矿山绿色开采与矿山经济 的协调发展[3-6]。膏体通常是在充填站进行制备,然后通过管道系统输送到地下采空区[7-8]。为了保证 矿山生产效率与管道输送稳定性,膏体通常应满足一定的流动性要求,常见的流动性评价指标为流 变特性参数[9](屈服应力和塑性粘度)。目前,国内外专家学者针对膏体的流变特性进行了大量的 实验研究。如,蔡嗣经等[10]引入 Papanastasiou 模型对充填料浆的黏度和切应力变化过程进行表征, 并证明该模型对于流体性质预测的可行性。Boylu[11]等研究了颗粒的粒度分布对水煤浆流变学的影响。 Petit[12]等对两种不同种类砂浆的屈服应力值随时间和温度变化的耦合影响进行了评估。可以看出, 前述研究的对象均为细粒级浆体,所得结果并不适用于全尾砂-废石膏体。 阻力特性也是评价膏体管道输送可行性的重要依据[13]。传统的膏体管道输送阻力的研究一般分 为两种方式。一种方法是阻力损失经验公式,如金川公式、鞍山矿院公式[14]等。但是,其仅适用于特 定条件下的充填输送,不具有广泛性。另一种方法是相似实验,采用小管径装置进行实验,然后将 计算结果折算到大管径管道中[15]。虽然这种方法为管道输送的研究提供了思路,但是由于现场条件 的多变性,导致结果与实际输送情况相差较大。近年来,计算流体力学(CFD)模拟成为研究膏体 阻力特性的一种有效的方法[16]。如杨天雨[17]等应用 Fluent 软件按照矿山的实际充填管路进行等比建 模,研究了不同影响因素对阻力损失的影响规律。张钦礼[18]等建立了长距离的二维管道模型,发现 料浆自流输送需要满足重力产生的压力值大于阻力损失值。吴迪[19]等采用模拟手段分析了某矿充填 管道输送过程中弯管的受力情况,为充填系统的顺利运行提供了理论支撑。王新民[20]等基于 FLOW- 3D 综合多种影响因素研究发现西部某膏体充填站的最佳输送倍线为 3.0。然而,还没有一种可以有 效预测全尾砂-废石膏体流动特征的模型。 本实验的主要目的是考察全尾砂-废石膏体的流变特性及阻力演化行为。研究了粗骨料膏体的流 变参数变化特性,构建了考虑体积浓度、堆积密度及水灰比的输送阻力数值模型。并基于 Comsol 软 件分析了不同尾废比、入口速度、及浓度对输送阻力的影响规律。本文的研究成果对于粗骨料膏体输 送技术的发展及减小管输阻力、延长输送距离具有积极意义。 1 实验材料 录用稿件,非最终出版稿