第 七 章 微 生 物 的 生 长 ③倾注平板法(Pour Plate) Organisms are serially diluted, then a small amount is added to an empty sterile petri dish, to which melted agar at 50 ºC is added. Then mix to distribute the organisms. 1ml 1ml 1ml 1ml 1ml 1ml 9ml 9ml 9ml 9ml第 七 章 微 生 物 的 生 长 ③倾注平板法(Pour Plate) Organisms are serially diluted, then a small amount is added to an empty sterile petri dish, to which melted agar at 50 ºC is added. Then mix to distribute the organisms. 1ml 1ml 1ml 1ml 1ml 1ml 9ml 9ml 9ml 9ml