C D. consists of 31. Any work performed by the body, no matter how small the amount, energy, whether ne is at work or asleep. 32. Issan Newton, a British scientist, who lived over 300 years ago, said that he saw than others becauce he stood on the shoulders of giant A. further far 33. Malaria, it is true, has been practically in thirteen countries, inchuding the United States, and is under at tack in many thers A. wiped out 34. After the seventeenth century, the majority of Harvard graduates entered professions the ministry. better than D. less than 35. In the United States educational system, intermediate school is the stage between les and high A. traditional C. transmissional D. transient 36. The streams, often petty and insignificant during dry weather, become ragingC.puts in D.consists of 31. Any work performed by the body, no matter how small the amount, _____ energy, whether one is at work or asleep. A.spends B.expends C.takes D.costs 32. Issan Newton, a British scientist, who lived over 300 years ago, said that he saw _____ than others becauce he stood on the shoulders of giants. A.further B.more haead C.farther D.more afar 33. Malaria,it is true, has been practically _____ in thirteen countries, inchuding the United States, and is under attack in many thers. A.wiped out B.died out C.put out D.kept out 34. After the seventeenth century, the majority of Harvard graduates entered professions _____ the ministry. A.better than B.more than C.other than D.less than 35. In the United States educational system, intermediate school is the _____ stage between the primary grades and high school. A.traditional B.transitional C.transmissional D.transient 36. The streams, often petty and insignificant during dry weather, become raging _____ during a storm. A.current B.wave C.torrent D.tide
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