Table 1(comtinued DNA'fragment used in NMR Summary of direct protein-DNA interac mino acd Nucleic acid side-chains Ade7 and Cyus strand a: Thy and Guas IMHIKKPLNAFMLYMKEMRA Ade and Ades strand RWHALSREEQAKYYELARKE iuad and Guas strand QLHMQLYPGWSARDNYGKK uas and Ade6 strandβ Adell and Gual2 strand a: Thyll strand A MGI() hum HMGIY 'TPKRPRGRPKO GOGAAATTCCTO yu9 strand a; Ade7 and Ades strand B Ade6 strand a: Thy strand B Tn916 ESORK VPAGKRDAISLR GCC KHYRGVRORPWGKH GCTAGCCGCCAGC Gua? and Cyus strand B Guas strand a; Guab strand B Gual0 and Thy lI strand B pI The entire protein sequence is shown if no prosite pattern has been defined. All DNA fragments used are complementary double strand DNA, therefore only the sequence of the a strand (5-3 direction)is displayed. The first base is numbered 1. Target 3 (or consensus)sequences are shown in bold; required sequences such as A T-tracts are underlined Half-operator sequence Only a model as been proposed.N. Jamin, F. Toma / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 38 (2001) 83±114 96Table 1 (continued) Protein name Prosite pattern Pattern/protein sequencea DNAb fragment used in NMR study Summary of direct protein±DNA interactions Ref. Amino acid side-chains Nucleic acid side-chains Ile35 Ade7 and Cyt8 strand a; Thy7 and Gua8 strand b Ser36 Thy7 strand b Tyr74 Ade3 strand a; Thy3 strand b LEF1 mouse ± 1MHIKKPLNAFMLYMKEMRA CACCCTTTGAAGCTC Asn7 Thy8 and Gua9 strand a [68] NVVAESTLKESAAINQILGR Met10 Ade7 and Ade8 strand b RWHALSREEQAKYYELARKE Glu28 Gua4 and Gua5 strand b RQLHMQLYPGWSARDNYGKK Ser29 Gua5 and Ade6 strand b KKRKREK Ala30 Cyt5 and Thy6 strand a Asn33 Thy6 strand a Tyr75 Ade11 and Gua12 strand a; Thy11 strand b HMGI(Y) human HMGI(Y) 5TPKRPRGRPKG GGGAAATTCCTC Arg10 Cyt9 strand a; Ade7 and Ade8 strand b [69] Gly11 Ade6 strand a Arg12 Ade5 and Ade6 strand a; Thy4 strand b Tn916 ± 1EKRRDNRGRILKTGESQRK GAGTAGTAAATTC Leu26 Thy4 strand a [72] DGRYLYKYIDSFGEPQFVYS Lys28 Gua3 strand a WKLVATDRVPAGKRDAISLR Pro36 Thy5 strand b EKIAELQKDI Phe38 Thy5 strand b Tyr40 Cyt6 strand b GCC ± 1KHYRGVRQRPWGKFAAEIR GCTAGCCGCCAGC Arg150 Gua7 and Cyt8 strand b [73] DPAKNGARVWLGTFETAEDA Arg152 Gua5 strand a; Gua6 strand b ALAYDRAAFRMRGSRALLNF Trp154 Thy3 and Ade4 strand a PLRV Glu160 Cyt8 strand b Arg162 Gua10 and Thy11 strand b Arg170 Gua8 and Cyt7 strand a Trp172 Gua5 and Cyt6 strand a a The entire protein sequence is shown if no prosite pattern has been de®ned. b All DNA fragments used are complementary double strand DNA, therefore only the sequence of the a strand (50±30 direction) is displayed. The ®rst base is numbered 1. Target (or consensus) sequences are shown in bold; required sequences such as A,T-tracts are underlined. c Half-operator sequence. d Only a model as been proposed
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