How to calculate the length of time it takes to reach financial independence?(para.3.page 28) red call a managers of big pension funds? Why is i nd superior? outperform the What does 'fluctuates by a paycheck on a daily basis"mean?(para.3.page 29) lication of"Me,Inc."and Teaching Methods: Lecturing,presentation,discussion,teamwork and case study with the aid of multi-media 内,本置深时如企业家精这对表面的子盾体有机续一起来,指出对 Session 9.Ent 会下层的关爱才有利于国家的长治久安,企业最终也才能获取更多的经济回报。 Lecture Outline Relationship between Entrepreneur and a Small Business A small business:a relatively small volume of sales and a few emplovees. Most entrepreneurs will start from a small business,because it is ea .independent and flexible;some small grow into giant ones in the future Most entrepreneurs will take the form of sole proprietorship:a few will take the form of partner hip and corpo Entrepreneurial Challenge/Spirit Opportunity Profit 13 13 How did the author realize market return at half its volitility? (para.2, page 28) How to calculate the length of time it takes to reach financial independence? (para.3, page 28) Why is doing covered call a nightmare? Why is “being like everybody else” safe for managers of big pension funds? Why is index fund superior? What is the author’s strategy to outperform the mass of people? (para.2, page 29) What does ‘fluctuates by a paycheck on a daily basis” mean? (para.3, page 29) What is the implication of ““Me, Inc.” and “Who Cares, Inc.? (para.4, page 29) Home Assignments: Review the questions (if any) listed in the lecture outline. Teaching Methods: Lecturing, presentation, discussion, teamwork and case study with the aid of multi-media Session 9. Entrepreneurship and Setting up Your Own Business 思政内容:本节重点探讨如何将企业家精神和共同富裕这一对表面的矛盾体有机统一起来,指出对社 会下层的关爱才有利于国家的长治久安,企业最终也才能获取更多的经济回报。 Lecture Outline Relationship between Entrepreneur and a Small Business A small business: a relatively small volume of sales and a few employees. Most entrepreneurs will start from a small business, because it is easy, independent and flexible; some small businesses will grow into giant ones in the future. Most entrepreneurs will take the form of sole proprietorship; a few will take the form of partnership and corporation Entrepreneurial Challenge/Spirit Opportunity Profit
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