3 Image Enhancement 3.5.1线性平滑滤波器 Smoothing Linear Filters >Example2:suppress noise but blur details(blending effect) 输入 平滑滤波器 输出 阈值化 原始图像 (模糊化,blurring 增强图像 (Thresholding) 弱化小物体) (强化大物体) Basic idea:Big mask is used to eliminate small objects from an image. The size of the mask establishes the relative size of the objects that will be blended with the background 15*15模板 thresholding阈值化(最大亮度的25%) Hopo望远镜 Original image Smoothed enhanced 3 Image Enhancement 3.5.1 线性平滑滤波器 Smoothing Linear Filters Example2: suppress noise but blur details (blending effect) 输入 原始图像 输出 增强图像 (强化大物体) 平滑滤波器 (模糊化,blurring 弱化小物体) 阈值化 (Thresholding) 2) Basic idea: Big mask is used to eliminate small objects from an image. The size of the mask establishes the relative size of the objects that will be blended with the background. 15*15模板 thresholding阈值化(最大亮度的25%) Hubble 望 远 镜 Original image Smoothed enhanced
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