3 Image Enhance 35.2非线性(排序)平滑滤波器 Smoothing Nonlinear Filters(Ranking Filter) 上述线性平滑滤波器虽然抑制了噪声,但同 时也使图像的边缘也模糊了。 Can we find a novel filter that can suppress noise while preserve details (edges) 中值滤波器(Median Filter):suppress noise+ preserve edges Min Filter(最小值滤波器) Ranking Filter (排序滤波器) Median Filter (中值滤波器) Max Filter(最大值滤波器) Ranking Filter:The response is based on ordering(ranking)the pixels contained in the image area encompassed by the filter3 Image Enhancement 3.5.2 非线性(排序)平滑滤波器 Smoothing Nonlinear Filters (Ranking Filter) 上述线性平滑滤波器虽然抑制了噪声,但同 时也使图像的边缘也模糊了。 Can we find a novel filter that can suppress noise while preserve details (edges) 中值滤波器(Median Filter):suppress noise+ preserve edges Ranking Filter (排序滤波器) Min Filter (最小值滤波器) Median Filter (中值滤波器) Max Filter (最大值滤波器) Ranking Filter: The response is based on ordering (ranking) the pixels contained in the image area encompassed by the filter
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