工程科学学报,第37卷,第3期:267-274,2015年3月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol.37,No.3:267-274,March 2015 DOI:10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2015.03.001:http://journals.ustb.edu.cn 基于矩张量反演的矿山突水孕育过程 柴金飞12》,金爱兵2)四,高永涛2》,吴顺川2),张院生12) 1)北京科技大学土木与环境工程学院,北京100083 2)北京科技大学金属矿山高效开采与安全教有部重点实验室,北京100083 ☒通信作者,E-mail:jinaibing@ustb.cdu.cn 摘要为实现矿山突水孕育过程中岩石破裂事件的有效分析,利用河北矾山磷矿所监测的异常微震事件,引入基于数字地 震学的矩张量反演方法.矿井尺度的震动位移场可表示为矩张量与格林函数的时间褶积.通过提取微震事件位移场资料,并 计算格林函数(震源至传感器之间传播介质的脉冲响应),线性反演了微震事件的矩张量,并利用微震事件的破裂方位判别了 其破裂类型.随后建立微震监测三维效果图,拟合出岩石破裂面发展趋势,并初步确定了突水危险区域范围.研究表明,矩张 量反演方法能够计算出微震事件震源机制解,可有效反映矿山突水孕育过程中岩石破裂的形成过程及发展趋势 关键词矿山:突水;微震:矩张量反演:岩石破裂:震源机制 分类号TD745 Water inrush inoculation process in mines based on moment tensor inversion CHAI Jin-fei,JIN Ai-bing,GAO Yong-tao,WU Shun-ehuan,ZHANG Yuan-sheng 1)School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China 2)Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education of China for Efficient Mining and Safety of Metal Mines,University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083,China Corresponding author,E-mail:jinaibing@ustb.edu.cn ABSTRACT To achieve the effective monitoring of rock failure events in the mine water inrush inoculation process,a moment tensor inversion method based on digital seismology was introduced to process abnormal microseismic events monitored in Hebei Fanshan Phosphate Mine.The vibration displacement field in the mine scale could be expressed as the convolution of moment tensor and Green's function.The moment tensor was linearly inversed through extracting displacement data from the microseismic events and cal- culating the Green's function (pulse response of transmission medium between the source and sensors).Then,the type of ruptures was distinguished by analyzing the fracture azimuth of microseismic events.As a result,a 3D effect picture of the microseismic monitoring area was built to fit the rock failure surface,predict its development trend,and demarcate the water inrush danger zone preliminarily. Research results show that the moment tensor inversion method can be used to calculate a series of focal mechanism solutions and can reflect the rock failure in the mine water inrush inoculation pocess and development trend effectively. KEY WORDS mines:water inrush:microseism analysis:moment tensor inversion:rock fracture:focal mechanisms 采矿活动必然造成岩体应力的重新分布和破裂损 Gilbert团首先引进了矩张量的概念,定义为作用 伤,这种损伤极大地改变了围岩的渗透性,从而导致顶 在某点上等效体力的一阶矩.利用矩张量来表示震 板、断裂带或底板突水并造成安全事故,为矿井生产的 源,无需事先对震源机制做出任何假定,且远场位移用 五大灾害之一-.开展矿山突水研究具有重大的理 矩张量表达是线性关系式圆.矩张量最早应用于岩石 论意义和应用价值 工程与岩石力学试验中,已有部分国外学者利用矩张 收稿日期:20140107工程科学学报,第 37 卷,第 3 期: 267--274,2015 年 3 月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol. 37,No. 3: 267--274,March 2015 DOI: 10. 13374 /j. issn2095--9389. 2015. 03. 001; http: / /journals. ustb. edu. cn 基于矩张量反演的矿山突水孕育过程 柴金飞1,2) ,金爱兵1,2) ,高永涛1,2) ,吴顺川1,2) ,张院生1,2) 1) 北京科技大学土木与环境工程学院,北京 100083 2) 北京科技大学金属矿山高效开采与安全教育部重点实验室,北京 100083  通信作者,E-mail: jinaibing@ ustb. edu. cn 摘 要 为实现矿山突水孕育过程中岩石破裂事件的有效分析,利用河北矾山磷矿所监测的异常微震事件,引入基于数字地 震学的矩张量反演方法. 矿井尺度的震动位移场可表示为矩张量与格林函数的时间褶积. 通过提取微震事件位移场资料,并 计算格林函数( 震源至传感器之间传播介质的脉冲响应) ,线性反演了微震事件的矩张量,并利用微震事件的破裂方位判别了 其破裂类型. 随后建立微震监测三维效果图,拟合出岩石破裂面发展趋势,并初步确定了突水危险区域范围. 研究表明,矩张 量反演方法能够计算出微震事件震源机制解,可有效反映矿山突水孕育过程中岩石破裂的形成过程及发展趋势. 关键词 矿山; 突水; 微震; 矩张量反演; 岩石破裂; 震源机制 分类号 TD745 Water inrush inoculation process in mines based on moment tensor inversion CHAI Jin-fei1,2) ,JIN Ai-bing1,2)  ,GAO Yong-tao1,2) ,WU Shun-chuan1,2) ,ZHANG Yuan-sheng1,2) 1) School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China 2) Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education of China for Efficient Mining and Safety of Metal Mines,University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083,China  Corresponding author,E-mail: jinaibing@ ustb. edu. cn ABSTRACT To achieve the effective monitoring of rock failure events in the mine water inrush inoculation process,a moment tensor inversion method based on digital seismology was introduced to process abnormal microseismic events monitored in Hebei Fanshan Phosphate Mine. The vibration displacement field in the mine scale could be expressed as the convolution of moment tensor and Green's function. The moment tensor was linearly inversed through extracting displacement data from the microseismic events and cal￾culating the Green's function ( pulse response of transmission medium between the source and sensors) . Then,the type of ruptures was distinguished by analyzing the fracture azimuth of microseismic events. As a result,a 3D effect picture of the microseismic monitoring area was built to fit the rock failure surface,predict its development trend,and demarcate the water inrush danger zone preliminarily. Research results show that the moment tensor inversion method can be used to calculate a series of focal mechanism solutions and can reflect the rock failure in the mine water inrush inoculation pocess and development trend effectively. KEY WORDS mines; water inrush; microseism analysis; moment tensor inversion; rock fracture; focal mechanisms 收稿日期: 2014--01--07 采矿活动必然造成岩体应力的重新分布和破裂损 伤,这种损伤极大地改变了围岩的渗透性,从而导致顶 板、断裂带或底板突水并造成安全事故,为矿井生产的 五大灾害之一[1 - 6]. 开展矿山突水研究具有重大的理 论意义和应用价值. Gilbert[7]首先引进了矩张量的概念,定义为作用 在某点上等效体力的一阶矩. 利用矩张量来表示震 源,无需事先对震源机制做出任何假定,且远场位移用 矩张量表达是线性关系式[8]. 矩张量最早应用于岩石 工程与岩石力学试验中,已有部分国外学者利用矩张
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