你如果早点预订展位,我们回给你提前预订的折扣。 B:多少折扣?你能直接一点说吗?我们己经预订了另外一个展会了。 A:没关系,我们给你的折扣,前提是你要在一(时间之前把申请表递 交给我。) B:那还是太贵了。我们没有理由放弃另一个同类的展会,我们一直都是 另一个同类展会的常客。我要离开了。 A:不好意思,再给我一分钟好吗?你如果预订我们的展会,我们可以 提供…服务,具有好的优势。 B:好吧,我们商量一下再回复你。 A:你的传真号码是84690236吗?还是其他?我把资料传真给您。 B:我让我的助手跟你进一步联系吧。 思政元素:中国有很多具有国际出名的展会举办城市,我们要具有对中国经济发展有 一定自信心的思想,并进一步致力于中国会展经济的发展。 第二节Scenario2 1.主要内容 E-mail sales work.Emmy is facing some problems when writing sales e-mails to her customers.She comes to Connie again for consultation.Connie is sharing her experience with Emmy with patience. 2.基本概念和知识点 What are the skills of making e-mail promotion? To make an e-mail more personalized. You should highlight your key points of the show in a limited space.And more information could be attacted with the e-mail. You should keep in touch with the customers constantly by sending latest progress of the show. You can emphasize preferential conditions for early booking and key accounts. Don't forget to end your e-mail with an encouraging remark and your contact means. 3.问题与应用(能力要求) 1111 你如果早点预订展位,我们回给你提前预订的折扣。 B:多少折扣?你能直接一点说吗?我们已经预订了另外一个展会了。 A:没关系,我们给你__的折扣,前提是你要在____(时间之前把申请表递 交给我。) B:那还是太贵了。我们没有理由放弃另一个同类的展会,我们一直都是 另一个同类展会的常客。我要离开了。 A: 不好意思,再给我一分钟好吗?你如果预订我们的展会,我们可以 提供……服务,具有好的优势。 B: 好吧,我们商量一下再回复你。 A: 你的传真号码是 84690236 吗?还是其他?我把资料传真给您。 B:我让我的助手跟你进一步联系吧。 思政元素:中国有很多具有国际出名的展会举办城市,我们要具有对中国经济发展有 一定自信心的思想,并进一步致力于中国会展经济的发展。 第二节 Scenario 2 1. 主要内容 E-mail sales work. Emmy is facing some problems when writing sales e-mails to her customers. She comes to Connie again for consultation. Connie is sharing her experience with Emmy with patience. 2. 基本概念和知识点 What are the skills of making e-mail promotion? ◆To make an e-mail more personalized. ◆You should highlight your key points of the show in a limited space. And more information could be attacted with the e-mail. ◆You should keep in touch with the customers constantly by sending latest progress of the show. ◆ You can emphasize preferential conditions for early booking and key accounts. ◆Don’t forget to end your e-mail with an encouraging remark and your contact means. 3. 问题与应用(能力要求)