2.Manufacturing of equipment for geophysical exploration and well 淤机、1000肫及以」:挖泥船的挖泥装置 logging:MEME seismometers;digital telemetric seismographs;digital 设计与制造 imaging systems and digitally controlled well logging systems;devices 7.防汛堤坝用混凝士防渗惜施工装 and apparatus for horizontal wells,directional wells and drilling rigs; 备改计与制造 and measurement-while-drilling(MWD)tools 8.水下上石方施工机被制造:水深9 3.Manufacturing of equipment for oil exploration,drilling,collection and 米以下推士机、装羧机、挖掘机等 transportation:floating drilling systems and floating production systems 9.公路桥梁养护、自动检测设备制 with an operating water depth of more than 1,500 meters and the 造 supporting subsea oil extraction,collection and transportation 10.公路隧道营运监控、通风、防灾 equipment 和微助系统设备制造 4.Manufacturing of large-caliber rotary drilling rigs with a caliber of 2 11.铁路大型施工、铁路线路、桥 meters or more and depth of 30 meters or more,push benches with a 梁、隧道维修养护机械和检查、监测没 diameter of 1.2 meters or more,complete sets of large equipment with 备及其关键零部件的设计与制避 a pull-back force of 300 tons or more for laying underground pipes and 12.(沥背)汕陆瓦设备、镀锌钢板 lines without digging,and underground diaphragm wall construction 等金风量顶生产设备制造 drilling rigs 13.环保节能型现场喷涂聚氨聯断水 5.Design and manufacturing of large bulldozers of 520 horsepower or 保温系统设备、聚氯酯密封聋配技术 more 与设备、改性硅翻密封實配制技术和生 6.Design and manufacturing of silt removers with a capacity of 100 产设备制造 cubic meters or more per hour and dredging devices for dredgers with 14.高精度带材轧机(厚度精度0微 a capacity of 1,000 tons or more 米)设计与调造 7.Design and manufacturing of equipment for the construction of 15.多元素、细颗粒、难选治金属到 concrete cut-off walls used for flood prevention dikes 产的选装置制造 8.Manufacturing of underwater earthwork construction machinery: 16.100万肫/年及以上乙烯成套设备 bulldozers,loaders,excavators,etc.operating nine meters underwater 中的关键设备制造:年处理能力40万吨 or deeper 以上混合造粒机,直径1000毫米及以.上 9.Manufacturing of equipment for maintenance and automatic testing 螺旋卸料离心机,小流觉高扬程离心泵 of highways and bridges 17.大型煤化T成套设备制适(限于 10.Manufacturing of equipment for operational monitoring,ventilation, 合资、合作) disaster prevention and rescue systems of highway tunnels 18.金属制品模具(铜、铝、钛、偕 11.Design and manufacturing of maintenance machinery and 的管、棒、材挤压榄具)设计、制造 inspection and monitoring equipment for large-scale railway 19.汽车车身外毁盖件冲压模具,汽 construction,railway tracks,bridges and tunnels and their key parts 车仪表板、保险杠等大型注塑模具,汽 and components 车及摩托车夹具、检具设计与制造 12.Manufacturing of equipment for(asphaltic)linoleum tiles and 20.汽车动力电池专用生产设备的设 equipment for producing galvanized steel sheets and other metal roofs 计与制造 13.Manufacturing of equipment for environment-friendly and energy- 21.精密模具(冲压模具精度高于 saving on-site polyurethane spraying waterproof and thermal insulation 0.02毫米、型腔模具智度高于0.05毫米) systems;technology of preparing polyurethane sealants and 设计与制造 manufacturing of relevant equipment;and technology of preparing 22.非金属删品模具设计与制造 improved silicone sealants and manufacturing of relevant production 23.6万瓶/小时及以上啤酒灌装没 equipment 备、5万瓶/小时及以上饮料中温及热装 14.Design and manufacturing of high-precision strip mills(thickness 设备、3.6万瓶/小时及以上无菌灌装设备 precision of 10 micons) 制造 15.Manufacturing of ore dressing equipment for multi-element,fine- 24.氨基酸、酶制剂、食品添加剂等 particle and refractory metal minerals 生产技术及关键设备制造 16.Manufacturing of the key equipment of complete sets of ethylene 25.10吨/小时及以上的饲料加工成 equipment with an annual capacity of 1 million tons or more:mixing 套设备及关键部件制造 granulators with an annual processing capacity of 400,000 tons or 26.楞高0.75遮米及以下的轻型瓦楞 more,helical-conveyer centrifuges with a diameter of 1,000 mm or 纸板及纸箱设备制造 more,and low-flow high-head centrifugal pump 27.单张纸多色胶印机(幅宽2750遮 -10-
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