一、课程简介 课程代码:TMP584 学分:4.0 学时:72 课程性质:公共基础课 先修课程:医学高等数学、医学物理学、基础化学(或医用化学) 后续课程:仪器分析 适用专业:医学检验技术、医学实验技术 分析化学是人们借助物质的化学或物理性质获得物质化学组成信息的科学,是高等医学院 校药学专业的一门重要的专业基础课。 通过本课程的学习,学生应掌握滴定分析法和重量分析法的基本原理和方法,分析结果的误 差评价和分析数据的科学表达和处理,为后修课程及以后参加医药卫生工作打下理论基础。 Analytical Chemistry isa subject by which people can obtain the chemical composition information of substance based on its chemical and physical characteristic.It is an important specialized foundation course of pharmacology students in medical college. Learned analytical chemistry,students should grasp the elementary theory and basic method of titrimetric analysis and gravimetric analysis,error estimate of analysis result.This would be a good foundation for the later curriculum and the work on the medicine. 第2项/共11页第 2页 / 共 11页 一、课程简介 课程代码:TMP584 学 分:4.0 学 时:72 课程性质:公共基础课 先修课程:医学高等数学、医学物理学、基础化学(或医用化学) 后续课程:仪器分析 适用专业:医学检验技术、医学实验技术 分析化学是人们借助物质的化学或物理性质获得物质化学组成信息的科学,是高等医学院 校药学专业的一门重要的专业基础课。 通过本课程的学习,学生应掌握滴定分析法和重量分析法的基本原理和方法,分析结果的误 差评价和分析数据的科学表达和处理,为后修课程及以后参加医药卫生工作打下理论基础。 Analytical Chemistry is a subject by which people can obtain the chemical composition information of substance based on its chemical and physical characteristic. It is an important specialized foundation course of pharmacology students in medical college. Learned analytical chemistry, students should grasp the elementary theory and basic method of titrimetric analysis and gravimetric analysis, error estimate of analysis result. This would be a good foundation for the later curriculum and the work on the medicine
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