the directed causality we propose, and better unearth the rationales of online game players CONCLUSION This study proposed, tested and validated a model that focuses on key factors that motivate and key factors that inhibit online game playing and addiction a dolescents. The findings point to key motivating functional needs, and suggest that various prevention/ harm reduction strategies may counterbalance game addiction through for example, education, cost increases, and providing access to alternative activities. Given the tremendous growth of this industry and the po onsequences of online game addiction(Bruner Bruner, 2006), more research on this topic is warranted References special issue. Journal Of Adolescence 27(1),1-3 且TF Bulletin103(3)411-4 ly sin of drunkerness-does dissuasion make a difference. Journal of Cons ecology62(6,1127-1140. N DER LINDEN M and RocHAT L(2008) The role of impulsivity in actual and problematic use of the mobile phone. Applied Cognitive Ps 9),1195-1210 BLAIs JJ, CRAIG WM, PEPLER D and CoNNOLLY J (2008)Adolescents online: The importance of internet activity choices to salient relationships. Journal of outh and Adolescence 37(5), 522-536. BLAKELY G, SKIRTON H, COoPER S, ALLUM P and NELMEs P(2010) Use of educational games in the health professions: A mixed-methods study of educators perspectives in the uk. Nursing Health Scie BLOCK JJ(2008)Issues for dsm-v: Internet addiction. American Jownal of Psychiatry 165(3), 306-307. BROWN RIF (1997)A theoretical model of the behavioural addictions-applied to offending. In Addicted to crime( HODGE JE, McMURRAN M and HoLLIN CR, Eds ), pp 13-66, Wiley, Chichester, UK. RUGHA CM(1998)The structure of devel perational Research 104(1 77-92. CAPLAN SE GR) Problen ic intern t x2 a2d sch social well-being: Development of a theory-based cognitive-behavioral meas instrument. Computers in Huanan Behavior 18(5)553-575 CARTER BL and TIFFANY ST(1999) Meta-analysis of diction94(3)327-340. ems research. Mfis Quarterly 33(4), 689-707. m单m2s lowv29(6),60l-6 CHEN M, GRUBE JW, NYGAARD P and MILLER BA (200 ern methods for business research(ARcoULIDEs A, Ed), pp 295-336, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwa Hou DS and KIM J(2004)Why hoption intention in gss: Relative importance of beliefs. Data Base for Advan CHUANG YC, ENNETT ST, BAUMAN KE and FosHEE VA (2005)Neighborhood influences on adolescent cigarette and alcohol use: Mediating effects through parent and peer behaviors. Journal of Health an CLARY EG. RIDGE RD, CoPELAND J, STUKAs AA, HAUGEN J and MIENE P(1998) Understanding and assessing the motivations of volunteers: A functional approach. Journal of Personality and Psycholog74(6),1516-1530. CNNIC (2007) Statistical su Cna CoNKLIN CA and TIFFANY ST (2002) Applying extinction research and theory to cue-exposure addiction treatments. Addiction 97(2), 155-167. COoPER ML, SHAPIRO CM and PowERS AM (1998) Motivations for sex and risky sexual behavior among adolescents and young adults: A functional perspective. Journal of Personality and Social Psycho DE BROUWERE V, ToNGLET R and VAN LERBERGHE W(1998) Strategies for reducing matermal mortality in developing countries: What can we learn from the history of the industrialized west? Tropical M eath3(10,771-782 DE CASTELL S and JENSON J(2007) Worlds in play: International perspectives on digital ganmes research Peter Lang Publishing, NY, NY CREMER D and TYLER TR (2005) Managing group behavior: The interplay between pre ocial psycholog, rol 37, pp 151-21s DIAMANTOPOULOS A and SIGUAw JA (2006) Formative v DEs In orAl ceptual framework. J Gambl Stid 18(2), 97-159 mHMM时图mmpm由hrhm每 car e-onsct substance use by parent monitor ing Behmior erani5 violence, and aggression in teenagers. Journal of Commnication 34(2), 136-147. EcHEBURUA E and DE CORRAL P(2010) Addiction to new technologies and to online social networking in young people: A new challenge, Adicciones 22(21)91-95. 1(%sh地平下动D时y国R274694 EIsEN M, ZELLMAN GL, MASSETT HA and MURRAY DM(2002) ISEN M, ZELLMAN GL and MURRAY DM (200 er. An italian study. Cyberpsychology& Behavior 10(2) 170-175. FLAY BR and PETRAtis J (1991) Methodological issues in e prevention research: Theoretical foundations. In Drug abuse prevention intervention research: Methodological issues( LEUKEFELD CG ar the normally ion of assessment instruments. Psychological Assessment 6(4) 304-3 m, and knowledge production in a massively multiplayer online game, Anthropological Quarterly 83(1), 17-45 TSUKAMI DK. LEMMONDS C and Te uction approach? Preventive Ho SMY and LEE TMC (200l)Coms s: Beyond t g kong. Jo scent health 29(4), 258-26 SU SH, WEN M MC(2009) Exploring user experiences as predict onality traits. JoUrnal of Media Psychology 130 USSAIN Z and GRIFFTTHs MD (2009) The attitudes, feelings, and experiences of online gamers: A qualitative analysis. Cyberpsychology d Beha 747-753. HwANG MS, YEAGLEY KL and PETosA R(2004)A meta-analysis of adolescent psychosocial smoking prevention programs published between 1978 and 1997 in the united states. Health Education d Behc ONG EJ and KIM DJ (2007) A longitudinal study of perspective of yin-yang theory. In the wai intermational Conferen Sciences, HI, USA. JoE SW and CHiu CK (2009) Proposing online game loyalty and study Quar Quantiry 43(5), 731-74 JoHNSON P and BUBOLTZ WC(2000) ation of self and psy ontemporary Famly Therapy 22(1),91-102 KIESNER J, DISHION TJ, POULIN F and PASTORE M(2009) Temporal dynamics linking asp rly adolescent antisocial t MKOONG K, Ku T and KIM S(2008) The relationship between online game addiction and aggression, self-control and narcissistic personality traits. European Psychiatry 23(3), 212-218. KIM SS (2009) The integrative framework of technology use tension and test. MIS Quarterly 33(3), 513-537the directed causality we propose, and better unearth the rationales of online game players. CONCLUSION This study proposed, tested and validated a model that focuses on key factors that motivate and key factors that inhibit online game playing and addiction among adolescents. The findings point to key motivating functional needs, and suggest that various prevention/ harm reduction strategies may counterbalance these motivatio efficacious in reducing online game playing and addiction. It hence implies that families, teachers, governments and regulators may help preventing and reducing the game addiction through for example, education, cost increases, and providing access to alternative activities. Given the tremendous growth of this industry and the po consequences of online game addiction (Bruner & Bruner, 2006), more research on this topic is warranted. 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