KLIMMT C, ScHMID H and ORTHMANN J (2009) ng the enjoy ment of playing browser games. Cyberpsychology d Behavior 12(2), 231-234 Ko CH, LIU GC, HSIAO SM, YEN JY, YANG M ionJoumal of Psychiatric Research 43(7h Ko CH. YEN JY CHEN CC. CHEN SH and YEN ) Gender differences and related factors affecting online gaming addiction among taiwanese adolescents. Journal of Nerous and Mental Disease 1 KoUFARIs M(2002) Applying the technology acceptance model and flow theory to online Systems Research 13(2), 205-223 olg5(3),225-253 LEE AS and BASKERVilLE RL (2003)Generalizing generalizability in information syst arch. Information Systems Research 14(3), 221-243 community loyalty behavior from a perspective of social cognitive theory. International Journal of Human-Computer In LIu M and PENG W(2009)Cognitive and psychological predictors of the negative outcomes associated with playing mmogs(massively multiplayer online games). Co Human Behavior 25(6), 1 OKE AY and WoNG YPI (2010)Smoking among young children in hong kong: Influence of parental smoking. Journal of Adanced Nursing 66(12), 2659-2670 MaRAnd gaNgs 2 Ham he rot of cermets outan in nctnme gche voya i 6n e7p. 788ry tudy Intermet Reseanch-tlectrowilc Nenorking Applications and Policy 185),+9 LASLOW AH (1943)A theory of human motivation. Psychoogical Review 50(4), 370-396 Hispanic Jo MowEN JC, PARK S and ZABLAH A (2007) Toward a theory of motivation and personality with application to wo munications. Journal of Business Research 60(6), 590-596 antecedents. Journal of Consumer Psychology 15(2), 170-182 NELSON DE MOoN RW P and SIEGEL PZ (1997) Patterns of health risk behaviors for chronic disease: A between adolescent and adu indians living on or near PARK HS, KwoN YH and PARK KM(2007) Factors on internet game addiction among adolescents. Jounal of Korean Academic Nursing 37(5), 754-761 DDSAKOFF PM, MACKENZIE SB, LEE J-Y and PoDsAKOFF NP (2003)Common method biases in behavioral research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. Journal of Applied Psy PoNICKI WR, GRUENEWALD PJ and LASCALA EA(2007) Joint impacts of minimum legal drinking age and beer taxes on us youth traffic fatalities, 1975 to 2001. Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Res QLAN R, Fu X, HAN X, LIU C, WANG Y, WANG C and Liu Y (2008) Functional mri study of intermet game in adolescents. chine ny21(4 QUADREL M, FISCHHOFF B and Davis W(1993)Adolescentin vulnerability. American Psychologist 48(2), 102-116 REINHART AM, MARSHALL HM, FEELEY TH and TUTZAUER F (2007) The persuasive effects of message framing in organ donation The mediating role of psychological reactance. Commmunication Monogn RINGLE CM, WENDE S and WILL A(2005) Smartpls SmartPLS Hamburg, Germany RNN正BC②时的 ip behavior: A motivational analysis Joumal of Applied Psychology 86(6), 1306-1314. incentive-sensitization theory of addiction. Brain Research Reviews 18(3),247-291 addiction. Addiction 961) ROBINSON TE and BERRIDGE KC(2003)Addiction. Ammmal Review of Psychology 54(1), 25-53. are addintasive Self-regulation and problematic use of online gaming. In CHI 2007, Pp 829-838 Sar an Jose, CA, USA SHIQ(2008)Why some WHITE R(956)Opinions and personality: Wiley,NY,NY. of psychological aspects of game players and games. Department of Informatics, Copenhagen Business School, Working Pape CE E, SHAW H and MARTI CN (2006)A meta-analytic review of obesity prevention programs for children and adolescents: The skiny on interventions that work. 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Center for Internet Addiction Recovery, Bradford, PA pp 1-30 Appendix A: Measurement Instrument Game Playing longest playing time <Hr,口510H,口10-20Hr,口20-30Hr, playing occupies of my free time diction(I =strongly disagree, 7=strongly agree) social life has sometimes suffered because of my online game work or study ive made unsuccessful attempts to reduce the time I spend playing rguments have sometimes arisen at home because of the time I spend ioften fail to get enough sleep because of playing online games. leed for Ady often mis ADVI It is important for me to level up my game character as fast as possible. is important for me to acquiring rare items that most players will never ADV3 important for me to become powerful in the game. ADV4 items, or money in theKlimmt C, Schmid H and Orthmann J (2009) Exploring the enjoyment of playing browser games. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 12(2), 231-234. 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A4 I have made unsuccessful attempts to reduce the time I spend playing online games. A5 Arguments have sometimes arisen at home because of the time I spend on online games. A6 I often fail to get enough sleep because of playing online games. A7 I often miss meals because of playing online games. Need for Advancement (1 = strongly disagree; 7 = strongly agree) ADV1 It is important for me to level up my game character as fast as possible. ADV2 It is important for me to acquiring rare items that most players will never have. ADV3 It is important for me to become powerful in the game. ADV4 It is important for me to accumulating resources, items, or money in the game
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