RESEARCH ARTICLE Enzymatic Amplification of B-Globin The authors are in the Department of Human Genomic Sequences and Restriction Site Genetics,Cetus Corporation,1400 Fifty-Third Street,Emeryville,California 94608.The present Analysis for Diagnosis of Sickle Cell Anemia address for N.A.is Department of Biological Sci- ences,University of Southern California.Los Ange- 1es90089-0371. Randall K.Saiki.Stephen Scharf,Fred Faloona.Kary B.Mullis Glenn T.Horn,Henry A.Erlich,Norman Arnheim SCIENCE,VOL.230 States Patent 46B3202 *July28,1987 for amplifying nucleic acid sequences Inventors: Iullis:Kary B.(Kensington,CA) Assignee: Cetus Corporation (Emeryville,CA) [+Notice:The portion of the term of this patent subsequent to July 28,2004 has been disclaimed. Appl.No.: 791308 Filed: October 25,1985
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