Syllabus of Thermodynamics and Statistic Physics) 一、课程基本信息 英文名称 Thermodynamics and Statistical 课程代码 PHYS3127 Physics 课程性质 Degree course 授课对象 Physics (International Class) 学分 3 Credits 学时 72 Classes 主讲教师Tianhui Zhang 修订日期 Sep.2021 指定教材 S.J.Blundell and K.K.Blundell,(Concepts in thermal physics),Oxfor University Press,2006. 二、课程目标 (一)总体目标: The objective of this course is to provide third-or fourth year physics students with a solid introduction to the classical and statistical theories of thermodynamics.In this course.students are supposed to achieve a full knowledge about the theoretical frame ork of the classic th nodynamies,and how the phenomenon can (二)课程目标: Objective 1:Understand the macroscopic properties of thermal systems.Have a full knowledge about the general principles and the relations between state functions and state variables Objective 2:Develop a clear understanding and firm grasp of the basic principles of statistical physics.Develop some necessary skills to work with probability theory. Objective 3:Have a full and clear picture about the historic development of thermodynamics.Develop an intuitive feel out the vay to explore an d find out the underlying principles of phenomenon.Be able to think and solve scientific problems independently. (三)课程目标与毕业要求、课程内容的对应关系 11 Syllabus of 《Thermodynamics and Statistic Physics》 一、课程基本信息 英文名称 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics 课程代码 PHYS3127 课程性质 Degree course 授课对象 Physics (International Class) 学 分 3 Credits 学 时 72 Classes 主讲教师 Tianhui Zhang 修订日期 Sep. 2021 指定教材 S. J. Blundell and K. K. Blundell,《Concepts in thermal physics》,Oxford University Press,2006. 二、课程目标 (一)总体目标: The objective of this course is to provide third-or fourth year physics students with a solid introduction to the classical and statistical theories of thermodynamics. In this course, students are supposed to achieve a full knowledge about the theoretical framework of the classic thermodynamics, and how the macroscopic phenomenon can be understood with the microscopic properties of the components. (二)课程目标: Objective 1: Understand the macroscopic properties of thermal systems. Have a full knowledge about the general principles and the relations between state functions and state variables Objective 2:Develop a clear understanding and firm grasp of the basic principles of statistical physics. Develop some necessary skills to work with probability theory. Objective 3:Have a full and clear picture about the historic development of thermodynamics. Develop an intuitive feel about the way to explore and find out the underlying principles of phenomenon. Be able to think and solve scientific problems independently. (三)课程目标与毕业要求、课程内容的对应关系
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