表1:课程目标与课程内容、毕业要求的对应关系表 课程目标 对应课程内容 对应毕业要求(及对应关系说明) Ch00 Equilibrium and State Understand the macroscopic variables properties of thermal Chol The first law of systems.Have a full Thermodynamics and Applications Objective Ch02 The Second law knowledge about the general principles and the Thermodynamics and Applications Ch03 Thermodynamic potentials relations between state functions and state Ch04 Real gas and Phase transition variables Ch05 Statistical Basis Develop clear Thermodynamics Ch06 Ensemble and Thermal average understanding and firm grasp of the basic Cho7 Properties of classical ideal principles of statistical Objective physics. 2 Quantum Gases necessary skills to work with probability theory. Ch09 Bose statistics Ch10 Fermi statistics Ch11 Theoretical models of Phas transition Ch02 The Second law of Have a full and clear Thermodynamics and applications picture about the historic Cho5 Basis of developmen o odynamics thermodynamics.Develop ar Objective Ch08 Occupation number of Ideal intuitive feel about the 3 I Quantum Gases way to explore and find out Ch09 Bose statistics the underlving principles Ch10 Fermi statistics of phenomenon.Be able to Chl1 Theoretical models of Phase think and solve scientifi transition problems independently. 三、教学内容 Introduction:Equilibrium sate and state variables 1.Purpose 2 2 表 1:课程目标与课程内容、毕业要求的对应关系表 三、教学内容 Introduction:Equilibrium sate and state variables 1.Purpose 课程目标 对应课程内容 对应毕业要求(及对应关系说明) Objective 1 Ch00 Equilibrium and State variables Ch01 The first law of Thermodynamics and Applications Ch02 The Second law of Thermodynamics and Applications Ch03 Thermodynamic potentials Ch04 Real gas and Phase transition Understand the macroscopic properties of thermal systems. Have a full knowledge about the general principles and the relations between state functions and state variables Objective 2 Ch05 Statistical Basis of Thermodynamics Ch06 Ensemble and Thermal average Ch07 Properties of Classical ideal gas Ch08 Occupation number of Ideal Quantum Gases Ch09 Bose statistics Ch10 Fermi statistics Ch11 Theoretical models of Phase transition Develop a clear understanding and firm grasp of the basic principles of statistical physics. Develop some necessary skills to work with probability theory. Objective 3 Ch02 The Second law of Thermodynamics and Applications Ch05 Statistical Basis of Thermodynamics Ch08 Occupation number of Ideal Quantum Gases Ch09 Bose statistics Ch10 Fermi statistics Ch11 Theoretical models of Phase transition Have a full and clear picture about the historic development of thermodynamics. Develop an intuitive feel about the way to explore and find out the underlying principles of phenomenon. Be able to think and solve scientific problems independently
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