35.Most people have found themselves daydreaming about winning a million dollars- as a solution to their money problems or as a path to happiness and a life of luxury. V.(25%) (答案略) (评分标准: 21~25很好。基本无语法错误、内容切题、结构合理、行文流畅。 16一20较好。无重大语法错误、内容比较切题、结构比较合理、文字比较通顺。 10~15差。语法错误很多、结构较乱、内容与题目要求不很一致、字数不够。 0一9很差。语句不通、语法错误太多、文不对题、结构混乱。) 98735.Most people have found themselves daydreaming about winning a million dollars一 as a solution to their money problems or as a path to happiness and a life of luxury. V.(25%) (答案略) (评分标准: 21---25很好。基本无语法错误、内容切题、结构合理、行文流畅。 16^-20较好。无重大语法错误、内容比较切题、结构比较合理、文字比较通顺。 10-r-15差。语法错误很多、结构较乱、内容与题目要求不很一致、字数不够。 0-9很差。语句不通、语法错误太多、文不对题、结构混乱。) 987
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