CAC畜产加工标准条目 乳过氧化酶系统保藏鲜奶的导则 CAC/GL13-1991 Guidelines for the preservation of raw milk by use of the lactoperoxidase system 加工肉禽制品使用的调料和香草的微生物质量指南 CAC/GL 14-1991 Guide for the microbiological Quality of spices and herbs used in processed meat and poultry products 加工肉禽制品时非肉类蛋白制品导则 CAC/GL 15-1991 Guidelines for the use of non-meat protein products in processed meat and poultry products 国际推荐的鲜肉卫生操作规程 CAC/RCP11-1993 Recommended international code of hygienic practice for fresh meat 加工肉禽制品操作规程和导则 CAC/RCP13-1985 Codes of practice and guidelines for processed meat and CAC/RCP14-1976 Codes of practice and guidelines for poultry processing 蛋制品卫生制作规程(包括灭菌的蛋制品的微生物要 CAC/RCP 15-1976 for pasteurized egg 四际推存的 ]生操作规程 CAC/RCP29-1993 Recommended intern nal code of hygienic practice fo 因际乳粉卫作推规程 CAC/RCP31-1983 Recommended internat nal co of hygienic practice fo 经机械分割并需继续加工 的肉禽的生产,藏室和成分 操作规程和导则 0 CAC/RCP 32-1983 Codes of practice uideline for th chan parated m 推荐的动物宰后检验及鉴为 的操作规程 ed in ode fo CAC/RCP41-1993 tion of slaugbte mals and for mortemand post-moremjudgeme ent of slaughter animals and mea 降低产奶动物原料和饲料中黄曲霉青素B1的操作规期 CAC/RCP45-1997 Code of practice for the reduction of aflatoxin BI in raw materials and supplemental feedingstuffs for milk producing animals 猪生畜体的描述体系 13 CAC/RCP 7-1974 System for the Description of Carcasses of Bovine and Porcine Species 肉蓥和肉汤标准 Codex Stan 117-1981 Codex standard for bouillons and consommes Codex Stan 168-1989 蛋黄酱 Mayonnaise CAC 畜产加工标准条目 1 CAC/GL 13-1991 乳过氧化酶系统保藏鲜奶的导则 Guidelines for the preservation of raw milk by use of the lactoperoxidase system 2 CAC/GL 14-1991 加工肉禽制品使用的调料和香草的微生物质量指南 Guide for the microbiological Quality of spices and herbs used in processed meat and poultry products 3 CAC/GL 15-1991 加工肉禽制品时非肉类蛋白制品导则 Guidelines for the use of non-meat protein products in processed meat and poultry products 4 CAC/RCP 11-1993 国际推荐的鲜肉卫生操作规程 Recommended international code of hygienic practice for fresh meat 5 CAC/RCP 13-1985 加工肉禽制品操作规程和导则 Codes of practice and guidelines for processed meat and poultry products 6 CAC/RCP 14-1976 禽类加工操作规程和导则 Codes of practice and guidelines for poultry processing 7 CAC/RCP 15-1976 蛋制品卫生制作规程(包括灭菌的蛋制品的微生物要 求) Code of hygienic practice for gee products(includes microbiological specifications for pasteurized egg products) 8 CAC/RCP 29-1993 国际推荐的野味食品卫生操作规程 Recommended international code of hygienic practice for game 9 CAC/RCP 31-1983 国际乳粉卫生操作推荐规程 Recommended international code of hygienic practice for dried milk 10 CAC/RCP 32-1983 经机械分割并需继续加工的肉禽的生产,藏室和成分 操作规程和导则 Codes of practice and guidelines for the production, storage and composition of mechanically separated meat and poultry meat intended for further processing 11 CAC/RCP 41-1993 国际推荐的动物宰后检验及鉴定的操作规程 Recommended international code for ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection of slaughter animals and for ante-mortem and post-mortem judgement of slaughter animals and mea 12 CAC/RCP 45-1997 降低产奶动物原料和饲料中黄曲霉毒素 B1 的操作规 范 Code of practice for the reduction of aflatoxin B1 in raw materials and supplemental feedingstuffs for milk producing animals 13 CAC/RCP 7-1974 猪牛畜体的描述体系 System for the Description of Carcasses of Bovine and Porcine Species 14 Codex Stan 117-1981 肉羹和肉汤标准 Codex standard for bouillons and consommés 15 Codex Stan 168-1989 蛋黄酱 Mayonnaise
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