11.He has enough money to burn. 12.We all missed him,but we wish him a long and happy retirement. 13.Instead of saying thanks.it is their custom to returnevery favor with a favor of their own and every kindness with an equal or superior kindness They do their thanks. 原译:他们并非不懂得致谢。投之以桃,报之以李,滴水之恩当酒泉相报。他们用 自己的方式回报他们所受到的恩惠,他们的习俗就是十倍,甚至百倍地回报他们所 得到的一切。 14.But there in front of him was Marley's face,white and ghostly,with terrible staring eyes 原译:但呈现在他面前的是马利的脸,惨白似鬼一般,还有一双怒目圆睁的恐怖的 眼睛。 15.Then when Elizabeth looked again at Darey's comments on her family's behavior,her sense of shame was very great,and she could not deny the justice of his words. 原译:(伊丽莎白在读达西的信)接着伊丽莎白再看达西对自己家人行为的评述,更 加羞辱不堪。她不能否认他说得公正。 16.It was reported that food supplies would soon run out and most of the victims of the earthquake would starve to death.At huge risk,a group of volunteers from the Red Cross took on the mission to transport food clothes and medicine to the most seriously hit areas. 原译:报道称食物储备将要耗尽,大多数地震的受害者会饿死。一组来自红十字会 的自愿者骨者极大的危险承担将食物、衣物和医药运送到隐藏最深地区的任务。 17.The rich and the powerful separated themselves from the of industria growth by moving away the factory areas to the more tranquil and less polluted countryside. 原译:有权有钱的人为避开工业发展的影响,从工业区搬到安静又污染较少的郊区 居住。 18.The controversy surrounding the effects of modern farming methods on the rural landscape has created bitter conflict between farming and environmental interests in recent years. 原译:最近几年来,围绕着农村中现代农业影响的争论引起了农业和环境之间的矛 盾。3 11. He has enough money to burn. 12. We all missed him, but we wish him a long and happy retirement. 13. Instead of saying thanks, it is their custom to return every favor with a favor of their own, and every kindness with an equal or superior kindness. They do their thanks. 原译:他们并非不懂得致谢。投之以桃,报之以李,滴水之恩当涌泉相报。他们用 自己的方式回报他们所受到的恩惠,他们的习俗就是十倍,甚至百倍地回报他们所 得到的一切。 14. But there in front of him was Marley's face, white and ghostly, with terrible staring eyes. 原译:但呈现在他面前的是马利的脸,惨白似鬼一般,还有一双怒目圆睁的恐怖的 眼睛。 15. Then when Elizabeth looked again at Darcy's comments on her family's behavior, her sense of shame was very great, and she could not deny the justice of his words. 原译:(伊丽莎白在读达西的信)接着伊丽莎白再看达西对自己家人行为的评述,更 加羞辱不堪。她不能否认他说得公正。 16. It was reported that food supplies would soon run out and most of the victims of the earthquake would starve to death. At huge risk, a group of volunteers from the Red Cross took on the mission to transport food, clothes and medicine to the most seriously hit areas. 原译:报道称食物储备将要耗尽,大多数地震的受害者会饿死。一组来自红十字会 的自愿者冒着极大的危险承担将食物、衣物和医药运送到隐藏最深地区的任务。 17. The rich and the powerful separated themselves from the consequences of industrial growth by moving away the factory areas to the more tranquil and less polluted countryside. 原译:有权有钱的人为避开工业发展的影响,从工业区搬到安静又污染较少的郊区 居住。 18. The controversy surrounding the effects of modern farming methods on the rural landscape has created bitter conflict between farming and environmental interests in recent years. 原译:最近几年来,围绕着农村中现代农业影响的争论引起了农业和环境之间的矛 盾
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