19.My mother lived to make life better not only for her family.but for everyone she knew. particularly those less fortunate than she.She took care of many homeless children in a motherly manner. 原译:我母亲不仅改善自己家庭的生活状况,还帮助她所认识的每一个人。她以 个母亲的方式照顾许多无家可归的孩子。 20.She picked up the receiver and,without so much as asking the caller to hold on,went off totell Jack that he was wanted on the phone. 原译:她拿起听筒,没有说声别挂,就离开说有人找杰克。 21.The demonstrators barricaded the streets with burning tyres and threw stones at the police who were trying to scatter them with water cannon 原译:游行者用燃烧的轮胎在街上设置路障,并向用高压水枪驱散他们的警察投掷 石块。 Questions for discussion 1.What are the key points made by School of Science and by School of Art on translation? 2.What are the characteristics of translation? 3.Why should there be criteria of translation? 4.What requisites a translator should at least possess? Exercise 1 Correct the Versions given below according to your understanding of the original: 1.New Delhi,built by the British early last century,calls up memories of a different era with its wide avenues,beautiful gardens and grand buildings. 原译:上个世纪由英国人建造的新德里城总是让人回忆起那个时代的宽阔的林荫道 美丽的花园和宏伟的大楼。 2.The shock of an accidentor a physical injury may sometimes cause immediate inability to think clearly-even when the injury is not to the head. 原译:事故的影响或者是身体受伤有时可能造成当时不能仔细思考,即使有时伤口 不在头部。 3.To relax himself for a litte while,he rose from a computer desk,walked across the room 4 19. My mother lived to make life better not only for her family, but for everyone she knew, particularly those less fortunate than she. She took care of many homeless children in a motherly manner. 原译:我母亲不仅改善自己家庭的生活状况,还帮助她所认识的每一个人。她以一 个母亲的方式照顾许多无家可归的孩子。 20. She picked up the receiver and, without so much as asking the caller to hold on, went off to tell Jack that he was wanted on the phone. 原译:她拿起听筒,没有说声别挂,就离开说有人找杰克。 21. The demonstrators barricaded the streets with burning tyres and threw stones at the police who were trying to scatter them with water cannon. 原译:游行者用燃烧的轮胎在街上设置路障,并向用高压水枪驱散他们的警察投掷 石块。 Questions for discussion: 1. What are the key points made by School of Science and by School of Art on translation? 2. What are the characteristics of translation? 3. Why should there be criteria of translation? 4. What requisites a translator should at least possess? Exercise 1 Correct the Versions given below according to your understanding of the original: 1. New Delhi, built by the British early last century, calls up memories of a different era with its wide avenues, beautiful gardens and grand buildings. 原译:上个世纪由英国人建造的新德里城总是让人回忆起那个时代的宽阔的林荫道、 美丽的花园和宏伟的大楼。 2. The shock of an accident or a physical injury may sometimes cause immediate inability to think clearly — even when the injury is not to the head. 原译:事故的影响或者是身体受伤有时可能造成当时不能仔细思考,即使有时伤口 不在头部。 3. To relax himself for a little while, he rose from a computer desk, walked across the room
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