1.How much information do you know about 9/11? 2.How doyou the cre ord-wide anti-terrorismcampaign? 3.What do you thin is the root cause of the present rampant terrorist attack? 4.How do you feel after reading the article?What,do you think,is the right approach toward Sept. 112 IV.Division of the Text Part One:paras 1-This section gives a general description of the change in the US after Sep.11 Part Two:paras.7-11 The author goes a step further into analyzing the cause of the change-the shattering of the invulnerability and the emergence of national paranoia Part Three:paras 12-15 The result of national paranoia is the hardening of outlook.In the US Part Four:Paras 16-19 The writer criticies the Bush Administration and big business for advocating economic patriotism Part Five:Paras 20-23 Sept.11 is both unique and not unique.The attack is unique but the suffering is not unique. Part Six:Paras.24-28 The ending of his statement. V.Detailed Study of the Tex Part I(paras.1-6) This section gives a general description of the change in the United States after September 11. the events of September 11 divided our wouldinto two radically different eras Para.1 6.The writer begins the essay with the description of the tragic scene at ground zero smokes coming out of the ruins of World Trade Towers and ashes of the thousands of the dead stirred by breeze.And it is against such tragic background that a new age of anxiety vas born 7.Why does the writer call it"a new age of anxiety"? That is bec use the Sep.11 attacks were not considered as single,individual actions but part of a well-coordinated,well-organized plan of a terrorist group with global reach. Anxiety:astate of feeling uneasy,apprehensive or worried about what may happen, concern about a possible future event. To smolder to bu and smoke without flame 8. 1. If someone fell asleep before Sep.11.like the hero in the story Tip van Winklw by Washington Irving,and then woke up after Sep.11,he would find that great changes had taken place in the U.S. an expanse of natural scenery seen by the eye inone view. Para.2 9.Guardsmen.at our airports. After Sep.11.,in order to strengthen airport security,national guardsmen were dispatched to the airports throughout the U.S.to help tighten security toavoid similar attacks1.How much information do you know about 9/11? 2. How do you think about the current world-wide anti-terrorism campaign? 3.What do you think, is the root cause of the present rampant terrorist attack? 4.How do you feel after reading the article? What, do you think, is the right approach toward Sept. 11? IV. Division of the Text Part One: paras 1-6 This section gives a general description of the change in the US after Sep.11. Part Two: paras. 7-11 The author goes a step further into analyzing the cause of the change-the shattering of the invulnerability and the emergence of national paranoia. Part Three: paras 12-15 The result of national paranoia is the hardening of outlook. In the US today, it is called war on terrorism. Part Four: Paras 16-19 The writer criticizes the Bush Administration and big business for advocating economic patriotism. Part Five: Paras 20-23 Sept. 11 is both unique and not unique. The attack is unique but the suffering is not unique. Part Six: Paras. 24-28 The ending of his statement. V.Detailed Study of the Text Part I (paras. 1-6) This section gives a general description of the change in the United States after September 11. “the events of September 11 divided our would into two radically different eras. Para. 1 6. The writer begins the essay with the description of the tragic scene at ground zero: smokes coming out of the ruins of World Trade Towers and ashes of the thousands of the dead stirred by breeze. And it is against such tragic background that a new age of anxiety was born. 7. Why does the writer call it “a new age of anxiety”? That is because the Sep. 11 attacks were not considered as single, individual actions but part of a well-coordinated, well-organized plan of a terrorist group with global reach. Anxiety: a state of feeling uneasy, apprehensive or worried about what may happen; concern about a possible future event. To smolder: to burn and smoke without flame 8. If someone.an astonishing new landscape. i. If someone fell asleep before Sep. 11, like the hero in the story Tip van Winklw by Washington Irving, and then woke up after Sep. 11, he would find that great changes had taken place in the U. S. ii. Landscape: an expanse of natural scenery seen by the eye in one view. Para. 2 9. Guardsmen.at our airports. After Sep. 11., in order to strengthen airport security, national guardsmen were dispatched to the airports throughout the U.S. to help tighten security to avoid similar attacks
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